Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Terri Brisbin Author signing this Sunday at 10am-1pm at Booktrader of Hamilton in New Jersey

Scottish historical and paranormal fantasy author will be appearing at Booktrader of Hamilton this Sunday, April 3rd at 10am-1 pm signing books, chatting and taking selfies with book fans! There will also be free refreshments. This is a free event, so please join us if in the New Jersey or tri-state area for a fun morning and early afternoon this Sunday.

Booktrader of Hamilton
2421 Nottingham Way 
Hamilton, New Jersey
Bookstore owner - Joan Silvestro

If taking public transportations bus stops right in from store and train station is less then two miles away with taxi service available,

Under and hour from Philadelphia and ninety minutes from New York Ciry of express train is available you can get here in an hour or else it is ninety minutes with the stops.

Close by interstate highways is routes 295 and Route 1. 

Reminder this is a fun free event sure hope some of you can join us !

Highland Hellion by B.J. Scott 5 kilts Just released today!

Highland Hellion is  by B.J. Scott latest release in a brand new series and the first book in the  Blades of Honor. Series.  For fans of the Fraser brother trilogy you will be happy that all the brother Connor, Alastair and Bryce and their families will also have a big part in this book. It is always fun to hear from old friends..

Scottish Highlands, 1316

Allegiance's  change after Battle of Bannockburn Robert the Bruce claims the throne and made the Scot's who did not support him and tearing and a civil war occurred  worse then with England. As Brother fought against brother, cousin against cousin  as Scot's were fighting Scots's. Also it was horrible time for those who didn't support the winning King in this case Robert the Bruce. As many were cast out of their homes and castles and lands forcing the Scot's to living in the hills on barren lands where nothing  would survive or grow. On top of that these people were not allowed to hunt. Scot's living in these horrid conditions did what they had to survive and that was to raid as what choice did they really have as you have to eat to survive. As this was the case with the heroine of the story Ayra MacEachan and for a woman to be caught stealing  the punishment was a serve lashing and death by drowning without even a trial as Lords of this castles were the law on itself. As these were difficult frightening  times for both the men and women of Scotland.

Ayra MacEachan is the heroine who father taught her manly pursuits like hunting , weaponry and to straddle,a horse. Which many may think unusual she being a lass. At a sad turn of event her father is  struck down in battle as it is a difficult time in Scotland . After The Bruce's victory in her clan is cast out of their castle and land and forced to live in the barren hill. Then the hero of this story Garrett MacDougall the leader of his displayed is tricked by a traitor to steal from the new Lord of Agryll, who is actually living in  Ayra's families former Castle and land. Ayra is worried about her dying mother and but is very a strong willed woman who  dresses like a man or take no for an answer from men and can wield a sword and throw a dagger better then many men.

Garret who is the hero of this book very much in love and wants to be with her forever if only she would accept him.  As he adores this headstrong independent lass plus he made a promise to Ayra's mother that he wouldn't bring her on anymore raids. Of course without much convincing and a few threats from Arya he brings her along but things go bad as they were tricked by a traitor and  many of his men are killed and Arya is set to be flogged and executed by drowning without a trial by this new Lord of Agryll!

Then lifelong secret is revealed from Arya's mother  and Garrett is force to received a plan to hopefully rescue the woman he loves from their worse enemy the Fraser brothers which is very difficult to accept.

Will they be able to rescuers Arya in time ? What is this secret that Arya's mother has been holding? Will Garrett's dream to marry Arya ever come true and will ever ever accept him being so strong willed? You will have to read this marvelous book to find out.

I really enjoy Highland Hellion and recommend it as it was another face paced adventure that you really feel for this  exiled clan who are living under such horrid conditions during such turbulent times

The Fraser Brothers trilogy

Highland Legacy
Highland Quest
Highland Homecoming

Her Highlander's Promise
Bedded by Her Highland Enemy

A Little Highland Romance For The Holidays Box Set by Tanya Anne Crosby, Laurin Wittig, Margaret Mallory, Glynnis Campbell and Julianne Maclean. 5 Kilts Fabulous cast of brilliant authors!

Highland Song (The Highland Brides)First I want to personally thank Tanya for the dedication which was to us her readers which I thought was very sweet. For those of you familiar with this wonderful series Highland Brides this is Gavin Mac Brodie's story the youngest brother of Meeghan of Lyon's Gift the second book in this delightful series. The Highland Brides series is one of the best Scottish romance reads in my opinion for those of you addicted to Scottish medieval romance as I am. Each book is wonderful, beautiful, funny, magical and enchanting and I highly recommend this entire series 1.The Mackinnon's Bride 2. Lyon's Gift 3. On Bended Knee 4. Lion Heart and 5. Highland Song. Also  the magnificent series Guardians of the Stone: Highland Fire, Highland Steel  and soon to released Highland Storm on March 31st, 2016. My early reviews are out celticbarb.blogspot.com if you want to check it out. Next will be Highland Fury set in 2017.

As in this novella Highland Song you get to visit all the main characters from previous books kind of like a wonderful family reunion which I loved. I don't want to give away too much but the books main couple is Gavin and Catriona which her friends call Cat. Gavin is very much brooding and pretty much miserable in the beginning as he is surrounded by all these happy couples very much in love so he decides to move out and get a place of his own and all I will tell you is the first time he see's Cat she is stark naked! I really also really enjoyed Catrionas (Cat) character as she was described as a beautiful, strong and independent type of women, not afraid of men's work etc. of course when they find love....it is sizzling right off the pages!

This couple was really so adorable! I really didn't want this book to end, as this is my problem with all of Ms. Crosby's books, as I find myself very addicted indeed and want them to go on forever. I truly hope Catriona's handsome brother Aidan will be the next book in this series! Just a quick note you can read this book with the other books in the series or alone. Ms. Crosby is truly gifted in her talents as a brilliant storyteller/author extroidinaire! I promise you the reader won't be disappointed as HIGHLAND SONG has all the elements you would want or desire in a Scottish historical romance

MacAllisters Hope by Laurin Wittig

his is enchanting novella which is called "MacAllister's Hope"  by Laurin Wittig was absolutely wonderful and for those of you like me who have read Laurin's book The Devil of Kilmartin this is a must read! As this is the story of orphan wee Fia who The Devil and Elena took under the wing and made the daughter of their hears. Fia is all grown up and is brought to The MacAlister Clan to help heal the chief but she doesn't realize the boy that she helped all those years ago Kieron is one of the lead warriors of this clan. This is their story without giving anything much away but it was so sweet and tender of course with some mischief thrown in. It's also about a lass wih doesn't have all faith and abilities in herself and how this man helps her find her confidence and self esteem as she had helped him with as a boy many years before and changed his destiny as well as The Winter Stone. I loved this story it was absolutely beautiful and wonderful

The Shipwreck (The Warrior Maids of Rivenloch Novella) By Glynnis Campbell

I have been reading books from this author for many years and have enjoyed every single book she has written whether it was under one of her pen names Sarah McKerrigan, Kira Morgan or her real name Glynnis Campbell. I have read every single book she has put out and to my utmost pleasure this lovely novella " The Shipwreck" was no different as it had me captivated from the very first sentence of the book to the very last word in the book.

The story is prequel from Ms. Campbell's previous series The Warrior Maid's of Rivenloch as originally the print books were under her pen name of Sarah McKerrigan which name are under her given name Glynnis Campbell which are available in digital ebook:
Book 1. Lady Danger
Book 2. Captive Heart
Book 3! Knights Prize
I definitely recommend you to read this series after you finish The Shipwreck as each book is truly beautifully written but you can read them alone as well. I personally think it is more fun to read them in the book order, but of course the choice is yours.

This amazing book is about Avril a pict warrior maid of Rivenloch, but her evil brothers send her into exile due to jealousy her being the rightful heir of her ancestral home and fear they will kill her infant daughter and other reasons I won't disclose not wanting to spoil this beautiful story for any of the readers. Avril has gone through many hardships since the death of her father as she was also raped by a viking berserker five years ago where she is raising her half Viking daughter Kimberly who she adores and are living in a small cottage on the seacoast by meager means but she is a survivor. Yet as unlikely that is to to happen Avril dreams of getting a husband and storming Rivenloch and retrieving her birth-rite back and exiling or killing her evil brothers.

The hero in this story is Brandr a Viking marauder on his final voyage as he had lost his wife and children and village to illness. Brandr and his men looking to settle on new land, but he and his men get caught in a terrible storm and Brandr is swept up on Avril"s beach. Due to Avril's past hurts,fear and hatred she knocks him out chains Brandr up in her cottage and makes him a prisoner. Although she treats all his wounds and feeds him as well. I must say her daughter Kimmy is a definite scene stealer in this book! Kimmy seems to read that Brandr is no threat and had decided to make him her Da and adopt him in a way. I laughed so much, the little girl is such a little precocious rascal I really adored her character in this story. The way she stretches the truth and as much as Avril insists he is not her Da she still calls him her Da although sometimes just a whisper if her Ma is getting too annoyed. Well after all they both have the same coloring oh I really adored so many of Kimmys lines in this book I found so humorous! Of course after Avril opens her heart and puts her prejudice aside and sees Brandr's true character and that not all vikings are alike and just maybe one Viking might make all her dreams come true.

I really loved this beautiful story and as a fan of the Rivenloch Warrior Maiden series I found it so interesting of how the legend of the Warrior Maids of Rivenloch began. I recommend this book to all as "The Shipwreck" totally rocked. I totally loved it!!!

The Gift by Margaret Mallory

Margaret Mallory is one of my most favorite authors in Scottish historical romance which is my favorite genre to read and if you follow my reviews or blog celticbarb,blogspot.com its no secret. This is actually my second time reading this phenomenal book  as I have been read Ms. Mallory's books since Knight of Desire her debut book I believe in 2009. The Gift is a novella but reads more like a full book as its a little less then 120 pages long and it absolutely a magnificent read! It is no wonder this superb book won "National Readers Choice Award" and "National Excellence in Romance Award" as it is beautifully written and is both breathtaking, and heartwarming. I love how Miss Mallory always well researches the timeline  and weaves true factual history and historical figures in her historical fiction romance tales. In this book I especially loved how it characters connects to previous books. It is sort of like Prequel to the series"The Return tof The Highlanders" readers might remember the old seer Tearlag, who has not even been born yet as this book starts is 67 years prior. Old Tearlag has a special connections to a few of her relatives in this story including her great grandmother whom she was named after. Lily, the heroine in "The Gift" this book was a child character in "Knight of Passion" book 3 in the finale of "All the Kings Men" trilogy. I absolutely love connecting the dots with character from previous books, though this is a stand alone book it is not part of any series. If you haven't read any of these books that fine too, but for readers who have it just makes that much more extra special and fun to read.

London and Scotland 1441

Witch fever had entered London like a frenzy and London was burning innocent women who were just healers and most know better than to attempt dark magic or black arts even merchants who sold any merchandise for healing mo matter how small were getting executed. This all because the Duchess of Gloucester has tried to commit murder with black magic so her husband could be King!  So healer Lily knew time was of the essence and she had to get out of dodge and escape before a mob came to her door to claim her life! She steals some lads clothes from a local baker and s stowaway on a ship but is caught and dropped of in the wilds of Scotland and she is o freezing and starving when she meets Roderick MacDonald.

Roderick MaxDonald hates the English more then anything else and he also swear he will never marry again when after his first wife abandons him. His aging grandmother who has raised him is the aging seer of Clan MacDonald of Skye is on special mission by his Cheiftain, the Lord of the Isles to deliver a special message to the Douglas Chieftain but was worse his aging grandmother had advised to chieftain to send her warrior grandson Roderick. Roderick is shocked by this but it has more to do wit having the site. She want a powerful seer to join the clan for she knows she can't live forever and wants Roderick. In a peculiar way she gives him the impression he will meet this lass on the journey. He does meet a lass though one of boys clothes Roderick had been hurt before and Lily had had a tragic upbringing so they both have trust issues ore so Lilly as she has had a terrorizing experience with a man and even her own family treated her brutally why her little shop in London  and is dertermine to return to her little shop on London after the Christmas season anhad been her safe heaven jwcing been living in isolation she is starting to realize things she missed out on at age twenty two.

The attraction in instant and and the passion is steamy with these two who are dead set against marriage and entanglements but after neither is forthcoming open and honest about their past nor the present which causes a major rift and separation and his Chieftain command a life changing choice of both of them. Tow people who never wanted a commitment due to both having bruised hearts! Roderick has already had his heart broken once will he be have it be broken? Lily who mistrusts the world and when she finally opens her heart she finds out Roderick has been been a master at manipulating her as she sees it. Lily feels he has been using and deceiving  her just to satisfy his Chieftain and his grandmother and to honor their requests.  Lily now wants to return to London as soon as possible feeling this large bite of betrayal and heartbreak from the one person she had trusted in many years, Will people ever stop disappointing her and will Roderick be abandoned once again by a woman he loves? Is this couple doomed to go their separate ways?

 Talk about miscommunication this couple has it by  leaps and bounds! How will it ever be resolved? You must read this page turner to find out how this fascinating story u guarantee you won't be able to put it down, this is my second time reading it with I only do with book that are golden!  I can't praise this two time award winning riveting book The Gift by the major talented Margaret Mallory! Highly recommend as it is a story you don't want to miss with all the elements readers of Scottish historical fiction love: riveting adventure, lovable characters that glide of the pages and into your heart, fabulous dialogue, gorgeous descriptive Scottish setting, factual history weaved in a unique and extraordinary fictional story, quick paced plots with so many twists and turns that will make you both breathless and gasping for air!

In case you could not tell I absolutely and I unequivocally loved The Gift by Margaret Mallory and can't wait for her next book release which I alway love from start to finish!

Other Books by Margaret Mallory

All the Kings Men Trilogy

1. Knight of Desire
2. Knight of Pleasure
3. Knight of Passion* Lily as a child in this book

The Return of the Highlanders Series

1. The Guardian
2. The Sinner
3.The Warrior
4. The Chieftain
4.5 The Gift

The Douglas Legacy

1. Claimed By A Laird
2. Claimed By The Highland - TBA

Taken by the Highlander by Julianne Maclean

Another magnificent story with feuding clans, star crossed lovers, lush Highland descriptive settings and drop dead gorgeous braw handsome kilted highlanders  all strong willed, independent and honor bound will win your admiration and heart! Now what's not to love! This is more of a full book then a novella . As always this OS a satisfying read from start to so finish. Will be adding a more detailed review shortly Julianne MacLean always writes such heartfelt emotional stories that her characters just glide off the pages and right into the readers heart! Highly recommend this captivating  charming magnificent read that I know anyone who loves Scottish historical romance won't be able to put this book down! Loved it!

The Gift by Magaret Mallory 5 Kilts (Novella)

Margaret Mallory is one of my most favorite authors in Scottish historical romance which is my favorite genre to read and if you follow my reviews or blog celticbarb,blogspot.com its no secret. This is actually my second time reading this phenomenal book  as I have been read Ms. Mallory's books since Knight of Desire her debut book I believe in 2009. The Gift is a novella but reads more like a full book as its a little less then 120 pages long and it absolutely a magnificent read! It is no wonder this superb book won "National Readers Choice Award" and "National Excellence in Romance Award" as it is beautifully written and is both breathtaking, and heartwarming. I love how Miss Mallory always well researches the timeline  and weaves true factual history and historical figures in her historical fiction romance tales. In this book I especially loved how it characters connects to previous books. It is sort of like Prequel to the series"The Return tof The Highlanders" readers might remember the old seer Tearlag, who has not even been born yet as this book starts is 67 years prior. Old Tearlag has a special connections to a few of her relatives in this story including her great grandmother whom she was named after. Lily, the heroine in "The Gift" this book was a child character in "Knight of Passion" book 3 in the finale of "All the Kings Men" trilogy. I absolutely love connecting the dots with character from previous books, though this is a stand alone book it is not part of any series. If you haven't read any of these books that fine too, but for readers who have it just makes that much more extra special and fun to read.

London and Scotland 1441

Witch fever had entered London like a frenzy and London was burning innocent women who were just healers and most know better than to attempt dark magic or black arts even merchants who sold any merchandise for healing mo matter how small were getting executed. This all because the Duchess of Gloucester has tried to commit murder with black magic so her husband could be King!  So healer Lily knew time was of the essence and she had to get out of dodge and escape before a mob came to her door to claim her life! She steals some lads clothes from a local baker and s stowaway on a ship but is caught and dropped of in the wilds of Scotland and she is o freezing and starving when she meets Roderick MacDonald.

Roderick MaxDonald hates the English more then anything else and he also swear he will never marry again when after his first wife abandons him. His aging grandmother who has raised him is the aging seer of Clan MacDonald of Skye is on special mission by his Cheiftain, the Lord of the Isles to deliver a special message to the Douglas Chieftain but was worse his aging grandmother had advised to chieftain to send her warrior grandson Roderick. Roderick is shocked by this but it has more to do wit having the site. She want a powerful seer to join the clan for she knows she can't live forever and wants Roderick. In a peculiar way she gives him the impression he will meet this lass on the journey. He does meet a lass though one of boys clothes Roderick had been hurt before and Lily had had a tragic upbringing so they both have trust issues ore so Lilly as she has had a terrorizing experience with a man and even her own family treated her brutally why her little shop in London  and is dertermine to return to her little shop on London after the Christmas season anhad been her safe heaven jwcing been living in isolation she is starting to realize things she missed out on at age twenty two.

The attraction in instant and and the passion is steamy with these two who are dead set against marriage and entanglements but after neither is forthcoming open and honest about their past nor the present which causes a major rift and separation and his Chieftain command a life changing choice of both of them. Tow people who never wanted a commitment due to both having bruised hearts! Roderick has already had his heart broken once will he be have it be broken? Lily who mistrusts the world and when she finally opens her heart she finds out Roderick has been been a master at manipulating her as she sees it. Lily feels he has been using and deceiving  her just to satisfy his Chieftain and his grandmother and to honor their requests.  Lily now wants to return to London as soon as possible feeling this large bite of betrayal and heartbreak from the one person she had trusted in many years, Will people ever stop disappointing her and will Roderick be abandoned once again by a woman he loves again?

 Talk about miscommunication this couple has it by  leaps and bounds! How will it ever be resolved? You must read this page turner to find out how this fascinating story u guarantee you won't be able to put it down, this is my second time reading it with I only do with book that are golden!  I can't praise this two time award winning riveting book The Gift by the major talented Margaret Mallory! Highly recommend as it is a story you don't want to miss with all the elements readers of Scottish historical fiction love: riveting adventure, lovable characters that glide of the pages and into your heart, fabulous dialogue, gorgeous descriptive Scottish setting, factual history weaved in a unique and extraordinary fictional story, quick paced plots with so many twists and turns that will make you both breathless and gasping for air!

In case you could tell o absolutely and I unequivocally loved The Gift by Margaret Mallory and can't wait for her next book release which I alway love from start to finish!

Other Books by Margaret Mallory

All the Kings Men Trilogy

1. Knight of Desire
2. Knight of Pleasure
3. Knight of Passion* Lily as a child in this book

The Return of the Highlanders Series

1. The Guardian
2. The Sinner
3.The Warrior
4. The Chieftain
4.5 The Gift

The Douglas Legacy

1. Claimed By A Laird
2. Claimed By The Highland - TBA


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Blazing Fire By Terri Brisbin, The Stone Circles Series, Book Three, TBR 4/5/2016 - 5 KILTS

Swept me off my feet and delighted again as award winning best selling author Terri Brisbin totally had me hooked and mesmerized  from start to finish in this unique, enthralling ,romantic,  paranormal fantasy that I lost  one night of sleep reading this enchanting book.  Another astonishing, surprising , emotional and and captivating read in Terri Brisbin's third installment of her spectacular  The Stone Circles series a historical paranormal fantasy with Greek mythology with a twist that is absolutely brilliant.  So many twists and turns your head will spin but in a marvellous way, as readers won't be able to put this fast paced exhilarating  book down!  Readers of Rising Fire and Raging Sea, books one and two, of The Stone Circles series will be thrilled to be reunited with Will, Brienne, Soren and Ran plus all Priests and Priestess and seer Aislinn. I am not stranger to Miss Brisbin's novel's and writing , but I must  say this might be her best one yet! I have been reading her books for close to two decades as her talent just seems to grow and pour off the pages,  with a story and characters that really come life that I really felt emotionally invested reading Blazing Earth,  as I think anyone will. Definitely one of my favorite reads for 2016 and one readers don't want to miss!

Brienne of Rising Fire,  Book one,  father the evil Hugh DeGifford is back searching for the two gateways with a vegenance after two failed attempts in which he was punished for his failures by Chaela. Again Goddess Chaela is up-to to her evil ways and having her evil minion Hugh de Gifford do her dirty work for her, again as he hopes to be rewarded as her human consort believing she will rule the earth  once she is freed and destroyed all her enemies including his blood daughter Brienne!  Hugh not aware she really wants to destroy the earth and all of mankind!

As the legend begans....when long long ago her fellow Gods had to weave a powerful spell and combine forces to imprison this  evil Goddess, Chaela before she overtook and destroyed the Earth and mankind! They also knew she had to be in a seal proof prison forever as she cannot be truly destroyed  being a Goddess, so they decided to instill their powers in their human bloodlines, so someone could keep watch forever knowing the humans were now safe and the Gods could leave this world. These watchers per says were called Warriors of Destiny, a race of human men and women who could keep the evil away and the gods we're confident they would never need to do more then watch and never ever need rise against evil....or so they thought?

The Lands of Lord Geoffrey
of Amesbury Plain of
Sarum, Southwest, England

This is the story of Earthblood and Sunblood...

 Tolan is farmer and widow  whose family have been overseer for centuries and have tended the Lord Geoffrey's lands since the Geoffreys were rewarded the lands for their loyalty and continued service to their King. Many many generations ago, Tolan's father , grandfather and all those before then had farmed for this family as well. He  has many plans for the future for his son Kirwyyn and future sons . In love with the heroine of this story Elethea ( Thea) who is the village healer and can only give physical,and mental love, but cannot continue his line of offspring though Tolan is not aware that Thea can not to to conceive due to her deceased husband's physical abuse.  All Tolan knows is he wants this woman forever as he feels their connection like non before and will not take no for an answer, Tolan is an Earthblood and knows some of his powers but does not realize his capacity of his power or what he is capable of besides able to make barren lands fertile again.

Thea is the village healers and always feels more at peace when soaking in the Sun as she is Unaware she is a Sunblood, but doesn't realize as she has no background or family history of this power and never has been told. It isn't until her power recently changes as she who has always healed with herbs as was taught to her by her mother before her. Now she can suddenly heal with her hands which is totally new and scares her as it is dangerous times for healers when someone might accuse her of sorcery or witchcraft if things don't go right.  Thea had a horrible past arranged marriage that was physically and mentally abusive that she stayed in the shadow and not trusting the simplest touch, but Tolan changes all that and more  and shows her not all men raise hands to women and can be gentle and loving. Thea still feels not whole not being able to bare children due to her deceased husbands damage and knows that Tolan wants sire more sons and will have to eventually leave her and move on with a fertile woman to eventually marry that will break Thea's heart!

The Warriors of Destiny Will and Brienne, Soren and Ran, the Priest's and Priestess Aislinn are in a race to find these new Warriors as they also can feel the evil Hugh and know that another gateway needs to be sealed and knows that these two just coming into their powers too. The results could be catastrophic if swayed by Hugh as it is a battle of good versus evil but what will the earthblood and sunblood choose? Will Hugh sway them on the side of evil or will they join forces with the other warriors of destiny to seal the other gateway as they know there are two more gateways that Chaela can escape from. Will she finally get her desire and be freed to destroy all of mankind  and will Hugh get his wish to be her human consort at her side for his loyalty and service to his goddess! Will  Hugh finally get his just desserts as he truly deserves and shall Goddess Chaela  be sealed In her prison forever as the Gods desired and planned from so long ago? You will have to read this powerful, heart wrenching remarkable story to find out that an more.

What a book! A total masterpiece as I have absolutely and unequivocally loved all three books in the series,  but I think think this is best one yet! Has all the elements readers of historical paranormal fantasy romance  are looking for in this powerful riveting magical adventure weaved with drama, terror, mystery suspense, mythology  heartbreak, loss, magic with passion that sizzle off the pages and of course love. It has amazing dialogue and phenomenal plots that left me  breathless gasping for air, I was totally enchanted and spellbound!  Loved it and I cannot recommend it enough one you do not want to miss as I  can't wait for book four in "The Stone Circles" series!

~~~ I received this wonderful book from the publishers in exchange for an honest review through netgalley.com~~~

 The Stone Circles series by Terri Brisbin

Rising Fire -  William and Brienne
Raging Sea - Soren and Ran
Blazing Earth -  Tolan and Thea TBR 4/5

Monday, March 21, 2016

Highland Hellion by BJ Scott release date is 3/30/2016 5 Kilts

Highland Hellion is  by B.J. Scott latest release in a brand new series and the first book in the  Blades of Honor. Series.  For fans of the Fraser brother trilogy you will be happy that all the brother Connor, Alastair and Bryce and their families will also have a big part in this book. It is always fun to hear from old friends..

Scottish Highlands, 1316

Allegiance's  change after Battle of Bannockburn Robert the Bruce claims the throne and made the Scot's who did not support him and tearing and a civil war occurred  worse then with England. As Brother fought against brother, cousin against cousin  as Scot's were fighting Scots's. Also it was horrible time for those who didn't support the winning King in this case Robert the Bruce. As many were cast out of their homes and castles and lands forcing the Scot's to living in the hills on barren lands where nothing  would survive or grow. On top of that these people were not allowed to hunt. Scot's living in these horrid conditions did what they had to survive and that was to raid as what choice did they really have as you have to eat to survive. As this was the case with the heroine of the story Ayra MacEachan and for a woman to be caught stealing  the punishment was a serve lashing and death by drowning without even a trial as Lords of this castles were the law on itself. As these were difficult frightening  times for both the men and women of Scotland.

Ayra MacEachan is the heroine who father taught her manly pursuits like hunting , weaponry and to straddle,a horse. Which many may think unusual she being a lass. At a sad turn of event her father is  struck down in battle as it is a difficult time in Scotland . After The Bruce's victory in her clan is cast out of their castle and land and forced to live in the barren hill. Then the hero of this story Garrett MacDougall the leader of his displayed is tricked by a traitor to steal from the new Lord of Agryll, who is actually living in  Ayra's families former Castle and land. Ayra is worried about her dying mother and but is very a strong willed woman who  dresses like a man or take no for an answer from men and can wield a sword and throw a dagger better then many men.

Garret who is the hero of this book very much in love and wants to be with her forever if only she would accept him.  As he adores this headstrong independent lass plus he made a promise to Ayra's mother that he wouldn't bring her on anymore raids. Of course without much convincing and a few threats from Arya he brings her along but things go bad as they were tricked by a traitor and  many of his men are killed and Arya is set to be flogged and executed by drowning without a trial by this new Lord of Agryll!

Then lifelong secret is revealed from Arya's mother  and Garrett is force to received a plan to hopefully rescue the woman he loves from their worse enemy the Fraser brothers which is very difficult to accept.

Will they be able to rescuers Arya in time ? What is this secret that Arya's mother has been holding? Will Garrett's dream to marry Arya ever come true and will ever ever accept him being so strong willed? You will have to read this marvelous book to find out.

I really enjoy Highland Hellion and recommend it as it was another face paced adventure that you really feel for this  exiled clan who are living under such horrid conditions during such turbulent times

The Fraser Brothers trilogy

Highland Legacy
Highland Quest
Highland Homecoming

Her Highlander's Promise
Bedded by Her Highland Enemy

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"When A Laird Loves A Lady" by Julie Johnstone 5 Kilts TBR 3/22/2016

Fascinating heartwarming and emotional story that I simply could not put this book down! This was a first novel I ever read by the talented Julie Johnstone, but it certainly won't be the last as I whole heartedly absolutely loved this book! The author did such impressive and remarkable research on the Clan MacLeod history and as they did reside at Dunvegan Castle which is on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Now if ever visiting Scotland, they do offer tours to visit this beautiful castle surrounded by water! I just love when authors weave true factual history and an exceptional fictional historical tale. Beautifully done!

England and Scotland 1357

Marion de Lacy, who was born of an English titled father, Baron de Lacy  and her Scottish mother who died when she was just a child. It was an arranged marriage which is not unusual for titled royals or for this time period. Her father is as evil power hungry, brutal, abusive,tormenter, and dictator whom has never given Marion any praise, encouragement, love or attention! Well the right kind of attentions anyhow  and no love at all, being ignored most of the time in her lonely existence of except by his severe punishments and personal humiliations! He has been both mentally and physically abusive to her and anyone else whoever questions his authority, in his way or he just plain feels like it for no given reason! Beside the beatings, his other specialty is humilation, he is an extremely evil man! He just see's her as a means to use her for his personal greed advantage in status and now has an insane, deceitful and unscrupulous plot to overthrow and take over the English Crown!

All Marion's wants is acceptance, respect, love and a sense of belonging, she feels that will only happen through a love match! The only one who person to ever has treated her like a true daughter is the beloved servant. The elder, Scottish stable-master Angus, who came over with her mother from Scotland when she married and then stayed on to protect Marion. He is the only real father she has ever known and sole person to give her praise has taught her many skills her father would not allow in protecting herself with daggers throwing, horseback and archery. Probably the only reason she turned out to be a good hearted sensitive and caring lass like her Mother had been.Marion has never had any friends her own age living in isolation as everyone is so fearful of her cruel wicked father nor we he allow her any bit of happiness in her twenty years of life.

Now due to for her fathers thirst for greed, power and control  he wants to marry her with this monster, the most shameless, wicked and cruelest Knight in England, William Froste! He is known for his severe cruel, violent and dishonorable behavior on the battlefield and enjoys to torture those weaker then himself and wants the title and the land and title he can get through thie match. Plus the fact Marion is extremely beautiful too. Of course this is as they continue with this devious evil plan to overthrow the English government! So desperate times call in for desperate measures!  Marion comes up with crazy idea and she decides to fake her own death and return her mother's homeland in Scotland! Angus helps her succeed in this plan until she is caught!

King Edward of England suspects duplicity from Baron de Lacy and Froste and suspects he might try to forge an aliiance with Froste and the last thing he wants is match with de Lacy's daughter . So he issues a summons to Chieftain and Laird Iain MacLeod to marry Marion,  a man still grieving his dead wife Catriona who died two years ago. Iain is still heartbroken and hasn't even looked at another women plus making a sacred promise he will never forget her his beloved wife. To say he isn't thrilled is an understatement, but he being the honorable warrior he honors this agreement. It is the only way King Edward will open talks to speak officially of releasing King David's from the English prison,  where he is being held.The catch is he must marry and and consummate the marriage before the talks will open.

So Iain had no MacLeod choice but to marry Marion de Lacy!  There is one wee problem, when he goes to fetch his bride her he finds out out he has another dead wife and he hasn't even married her yet! He suspects foul play and tracks her down. Iain will give his new wife everything protection, clothing, honor, everything but the thing she wants most love. So how will Marion be able to thaw this handsome Lairds cold heart?  Danger is at every corner as they are also being chased by Froste and His men as he want those lands and titles and even Iain and Marion's marriage does not stops Froste to go after this couple with a vegence!

Froste just needs to kill Iain and capture and marry Marion and then kill a King easy as that or is it? Will Marion have another twenty years of misery with a man in love with a ghost? Plus even at when they read Dunvegan Castle the MacLeod lands life if not easy for an Outlander and already some clan member are not happy with an Iain's choice of a Sassenach wife! Will Marion ever feel she belongs anywhere? Plus Iain still being in love with his deceased wife will he ever have room for Marion? Will she be able the thaw this Lairds cold heart? Will Froste catch up and murder Iain and make Marion a widow?  Will Iain use the Fannie Flag a third time and if so to save his clan or Marion? So many twists and turns in this action packed captivating highland tale ! You will have to read this riveting, emotional break neck speed adventure of these passionate two star crossed lovers whose characters seem so real you can't help but root for this couple and hope they get their happily every after!

The secondary characters in this book were also fascinating too and so much fun to read about that kept this book exciting with such a wonderful flow too! The beautiful neighboring clan, Laird MacLeans's younger sister - Bridgette, who ends up being a very close and protective friend to someone Iain cares about. Also both Iain's brothers Lachlan and Graham are in love with the same woman. I sure hope there is a future book for this trio as I am dying to see how it plays out! I loved old Angus of course and Iain's dearest friend Rory Mac was hilarious! Also my heart went out to earless Neal too, you will have to read to find out MU meaning. Iain has another brother Cameron too I hope to find more about in future books beside being interested in very fast boats. Of course this book has more then one villain in it too!  This does not necessarily mean they are all men either which made this novel so interesting and fascinating to read and keeps you on your toes guessing who the villain might be! What  will happen next making readers turn the pages that much faster! Lots of shocking surprised and oh no, he or she didn't! Which made "When a Laird Loves a Lady" by Julie Johnstone such an exhilarating read!  I can't recommend it enough! Bravo Ms. Johnstone this book had me totally melted my heart, left me breathless and wanting more! Spectacular!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Princess Wore Plaid by Karen Hawkins Novella TBR 3/21/2016 4 Kilts

This book is about a spoiled coddled Princess Tatiana Romanovin who get thrown from her carriage on her way to her cousin's wedding in Scotland, as they are held up by bandits. Princess Tatiana's frightened entourage and servants are so terrorized they all runaway, when they do look for her she is no where to be found. As the Princess is lost in the woods for two days and does not know who she is or where she is but she ends up at The Red Lion Inn just as her memory returns. When she tells The Drummond's,  the kind owners of The Red Lion Inn she is a Princess they think she lost her mind and just hit her head really hard and is confused, especially with no papers or coin as to offer any proof! So the kindly Inn owners offer her a job for room, board and meals as a maid, especially since they short staffed as one of their maids just broke her arm. The thing is The Princess has never lifted a finger in her entire life,  so she gets her share of blisters and calluses as she enter this new life in service, of working for a living. It's heartening when she appreciates her staff and servants so much more, in a new light and feels guilty never really fully appreciating or realizing how hard are their jobs and what they entail. So as she waits to hear from her cousin, Prince Nikolao of Oxenburg, that she trusts her letters are being dispatched as she feels so isolated and alone in this foreign country. That is until she meets the grumpy Lord Buchnan and lets just say things get really interesting and not to mention heated up!

Lord Buchan, the hero of this story is grumpy indeed but for good reason as he is crippled from an injured leg from a gruesome  battle with The French Navy that has left him injured and handicapped. With it came some personal and devastating hardships as well a faithless fiancé that left him, friend deserted him,  all because of his injury!  A leg that is twisted and gives him excruciating pain so he become a reclusive and hides away in his manor house in the Scottish country. He only leaves his home every Friday evening at the Red Lion Inn due to the delicious food as his cook is not the best and travel is most difficult for his leg. Yet his world totally changes when he meets the most beautiful woman, the new outspoken scullery maid,  Princess Tatiana who won't even tell him her name. He was not used to a servant treating him a peer like this ever, but it made him curious and amused him as well, to find out more about this mysterious women with a foreign accent. As time goes he gives Tatiana friendship and more as he is the only one that seems to believe her story. He sees how she carries herself, being outspoken, are not the actions of a servant even her education for a woman. He is the first person who might possibly believes her which gives Tatiana hope  and for the first time since his injury his cold heart starts to thaw. That is  until he realizes this Princess will eventually leave his life as quickly as she appeared in it!

As for Tatiana who only wanted to go home realizes she is falling in love with this man and the last thing she want to do is leave him. What can a Princess do?  She has more dull, boring, meaningless balls and soiree's in her former empty Royal life that she is expected to return to! Will Buchan return to his meaningless recluse life again? Are they destined to have their hearts broken and go their separate ways?  You will have to read this wonderful novella to find out!

This is Karen Hawkin's latest release and new novella from The Oxenburg Prince's series and I recommend it for a fun, quick paced  beautiful, captivating  and heartwarming story. I always love Karen Hawkin's books as I have been reading her for years. I really enjoyed "The Princess Wore Plaid" from start to finish and look forward to reading the next book in the series. You can read this as a stand alone book too. Bravo!

This book will be released 3/21/2016

I was given this ARC from the publisher for an honest review through netgalley.com

Monday, March 7, 2016

Highland Storm by Tanya Anne Crosby Book 3 Guardians of the Stone TBR 3/31/2016 5 Kilts

New York Times and USA Today best selling Tanya Anne Crosby, this s book three and finale of the Guardians of the Stones trilogy. Feuding Kings, ancients secrets,Scottish folklore, and star crossed lovers you will root and see if they can accomplish a happily ever after. Highland Storm is this and more!

It is another mind blowing masterpiece in my opinion as I have been an enormous fan since 1992, so for 23 years I have been reading Ms. Cosby's book and loving each and every one! I am an avid reader, but I feel such a strong connection to Ms.Cosby's characters and plots like I am interconnected to the wonderful tales especially the Mackinnon's and dún Scoti clans!

Again,Tanya pens another spectacular story, weaving with that golden pen of her's, in her signature style of lush story telling and brilliant writing that will leave readers utterly satisfied yet breathless! One of 2016's best books of the year in my opinion. If you are like me interested in Scottish lore and factual Scottish history layered with an esqusite fictional tale,that will leave you spellbound enchanted and mesmerised then you do not want to miss Highland Storm!

Sadly this is the finale as I have enjoyed this series this immensely and hate to see it end. You can read these novels as a stand alone book too, but I recommend the entire trilogy definitely more fun that way!

Dubhtolargg 1135

In this book the hero is Keane Dún Scotti, younger brother of The Dún Scoti Chieftain, Aidan, (Highland Fire, book 1) decides to find his path and make his own destiny. He knows it won't be here, the place he grew up and the one of the last clans of the old ways that keeps to themselves and stay out of Scottish politics as some consider them pechts. Keane decides to leave the vale five years prior to make his own path in life. Of course Una always knows, the old magic women and eldest living guardian of the stone, who was mother, grandmother, healer, seer and elder to all of the dún Scoti clan. She knew he was meant for another destiny and he would never find it here in the vale, though Keane knew his brother Aidan, the Laird who never liked change would be furious especially since their sister Lael had recently done the same thing and knew Aiden would feel abandoned, but a mon has to make his own path. Plus his sister was about the spit out anther babe and thought he could be useful to her so another wolf of Pechtland leaves the vale to make his own destiny in life. As the future and following ones own path is wondrous thing though Keane didn't know it yet, a few surprises too and this is how he meets the heroine of this story Lianae the Maid, Princess of Moray, of another old and ancient clan.

Lianae  of Moray, princess of Moray,  also one of the last clans that follows the old ways. Now her sister Elspeth was just murdered by her new husband she wasnearly raped her by her sisters new husband and next to her sisters corpse!  Lianoe's  brother only talked the monster Earl out of raping her but was allowing the marriage for a political allowance and financial gain which made her sick! Well this Princess of Moray was not going to marry this evil monster no matter what his title and her own brother would not help her! So she does what any woman fearing for her life would do and makes a run for it! She is very clever in her escape and goes to a place men fear as many in Scotland still fear the supernatural, fairies and brownies and such so in her wedding gown or her dead sisters wedding gown she escapes! This is how she first meets a woad covered Keane dùn Scoti - though she meets his arrow first!

A lot miscommunication and not exactly honest and open, but it is fun to watch Keane and Lianae as you see how protective Keane is of her and how he has to make difficult choices. Linae just feeds him half truths about her true identity, but his ragtag group of men in King David's colors cause her not to trust. As she blames King David for so much of her heartache and misery just as she and Keane start to get close and open their hearts someone abducts her to returns her to King David who had ordered the marriage to her sisters murderer!  Lianae will do anything to protect herself and Keane will do anything to rescue her in the safety of is arms, but faces the worst type of shock and betrayal that could cost Keane his life!

Highland storm is another phenomenal, quick paced page turning, riveting adventure with likeable character's that pour off the pages and right into your heart! It is filled with mystery suspense, murder, death, betrayal, forced alliances, heartbreak, romance and of course love. Lots turbulence on this ride, with so many twists and turns with a dash of ups and down on this ride, that you better hold on tight! Plus, it is as if you are reading more then one story with delicious conflicts and action in the plots and the dialogue is absolute perfection! It is an extremely powerful as well as emotional read so get those tissues ready as you shall need them, but to me if I get that emotionally involved in a story I know it's a  exceptional and magnificent read!

As always another superbly written Tanya Anne Crosby novel that is always a delight to read! I can't recommend it enough! I absolutely loved this one!

Guardians of the Stone Series

1. Highland Fire - Aiden
2. Highland Steel - Lael
3. Highland Storm - Keene * TBR 3/31/2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Highland Awakening by Jennifer Haymore TBR 3/29/2016 5 Kilts

Jennifer Haymore does it again with another quick paced page turner in Highland Awakening with likeable character, murder, mystery adventure, suspense, conflict, passion and at long last love of course. All the element historical romance fan want in the stories they want to read about and more. Another swoon worthy books that caused me to loose some hours of sleep but definitely worth the loss of shut eye!

This hero of the story the handsome strong  braw highlander Camden McLeod ,  a member of the secret Scottish mercenary elite group The Highland Knights. Camden known as Cam is a man who likes and is used to have thing his way! The heroine is Lady Esme Hawkins, the introverted shy sister spinster of the Duke of Trent , who is one of the most important men in all of England! Another interesting layer to this story is Esme has a secret past that caused a scandal and nearly ruined her and the Trent name. Esme wants to make this up for past mistakes to her brother of such a high status and wants him to trust and believe in her again.

Cam amd Esme meet where she is in disguise doing research  at the most unlikely place a brothel  and he on assignment for a Viscount at a classy expensive first class brothel where. They both share a very passionate kiss and embrace as they have instant chemistry and attraction with a dash of lust. This is the last place you expect to meet an introverted spinster and sister of a Duke. Cam is curious about this woman, when questioned about her notebook Esme fears the worse! She feels if he caught just a glimpse of her writing  it could cause her ruin and scandal which forces her to bolt and take off.

Cam and Esme meet again at a party her brother is throwing and this is where he finds out she is betrothed to Henry which doesn't stop Cam in his pursuit of Esme. He is determined to have her and makes it very direct by his feelings and actions. What makes matters worse is her betrothed Henry is a former school mate of Cam's from Elton. On top of this there is murder in the mix as one of the Highland Knights has been murdered and the entire group is targeted for murder as well. Will there be more death among the Highland Knights? Could it be Cam?  Will they ever find who is doing the killing and why? Who will Esme choose Henry or Cam? Someone heart is possibly going to break? Will Esme get ruined and reputation destroyed if any of her writing is ever made public and will it ruin her brothers successful political career ? To have these questions answered and more you must read this mesmerizing book to find out!

This book is action packed and full of twists and turns, a heart warming riveting adventure from start to finish!  Jennifer Haymore is an exquisite master storyteller in my opinion Highland Awakening will leave readers totally delighted!  I  highly recommend if you want to fall in love read Highland Awakening comes out on March 29, 2016 believe me you don't want to miss this exceptional read!

*** I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review through netgalley.com***
Highland Knights Series Books

0.5 A Highlander's Heart
    1. Highland Heat
    2.Highland Awakening

The Cheftain's Rebel by Frances Housden, Book 6 TBR March 5, 2016

This is sadly the last book and in the Chieftain series by best selling and award winning author Scottish author Frances Housden, who resides in New Zealand. I have loved each and every book in this series. I am always sad when it's a last book  in a series that really touched my heart as this one did. I hope Frances continues writing Scottish historical romance, as you can really feel the love she has for her homeland and its history in her beautifully written words. Well everything comes full circle in this story  "The Chieftain's Rebel", it is the story about Rory,  son of  Gavyn Farquhar and Kathryn Comlyn of "Chieftain By Command " book 2, which ironically is one my favorite books in the series. It is also about Ainsel the heroine from the North who is in an abusive marriage where they both meet without being seen. Ms, Housden writes another winner and it  sure didn't disappoint. As The Chieftain Rebel again had me devouring each page with anticipation, pure brilliance! A magnificent finale for an exceptional series that I recommend readers to read all six, yet you can read as stand alone book too. 

Year of our Lord 1109

Rory Farquhar can not stop thinking and dreaming about one specific lass, a lass he does not know the name or face but her could tell by touch and feel. As he made passionate love to her at the gathering the evening before he left Caithness to go back to Dun Bhuird to take up  his duties as eldest son of Chieftain. After a year Rory's decision is made but not without a fight with his father Gavyn who is worried as he hears these lands will be at war with the Irish and Rory who is more then happy to lend his strong arm even is isn't  his fight. Yet Rory feel this was once his mother's lands and feels a sense of duty to do this.

The heroine in this exceptional read is Ainsel Olafsen, who will do anything to protect her infant son Axel, she was once an honored shield maiden and granddaughter of Jarl Olafsen. She married  two faced  man  that she once had so much hope and belief in that turned into a monster and  was abusive during her marriage with severe beatings and rapes. So when she saw him with another woman not even trying hide his infidelity she decided to do the same thing suddenly and out of spite night of the Gathering, but ended up being so much more even though she does not realize it at first. A place her husband had forbid to go to. Another reason why she felt so happy to hear of his death and thankful he didn't see the birth of his so . Ainsel only wishes she could of seen his body burn on the Ness. Yet this was a secret she had never shared with anyone and now she finally was free and only wants to protect her infant son. She also suspected her former husband to be a traitor supplying the Irish with information and turn weak Norseman once considered friends against her Grandfather! Ainsel  truly hates pretending to mourn  a man she truly hated. Now she could not forget about her wonderful night with Rory,  as her husband only knew only rape and violence in the bedroom, where Scottish Rory, a total stranger treated her like something precious. A man she just could not forget. She also finds out her cousin Gilda also pines away for a SCOT names Calder who happens to be Rory's good friend as well. It is pretty obvious from the beginning the true paternity of  Ainsel's infant son Axel, which she hides as she does not want him labeled as a bastard  and  wants her freedom and to live quietly with her son but Rory's return threatens all that exactly a year later if he ever discovers the truth.  Layered with secrets and surprise elements as some things are not what they seem,  you will to have read this magnificent and extraordinary book to find out.

This riveting action packed adventure is filled with murder, mayhem betrayal, brutality, emotion, humiliation,  suspense, mystery, honor, passion and of course love. So many  twists and turns that will keep the readers guessing and the pages turning that readers won't be able to put them  wonderful novel down. Also warning there some really heart tugging emotional scenes so superbly written so have the kleenex  ready which only tells me I am reading a very heartfelt and  extraordinary book.

Also fans of  "The Chieftain" series previous books will enjoy seeing many of our beloved characters in this book,  kind of like a family reunion. Thank you so much Frances Housden as I have absolutely  been dazzled by each and every exceptional book in this series and look forward to your future books. This entire series is on my keeper shelves which I have absolutely loved!

*** I was given this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review through  netgalley.com***


 1.The Chieftain
2.The Chieftain By Command
3.The Chieftain's Feud
4.The Chieftain in the Making
5.The Chieftain's Daughter
6.The Chieftain's Rebel - TBR March 5th 2016