Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Blazing Fire By Terri Brisbin, The Stone Circles Series, Book Three, TBR 4/5/2016 - 5 KILTS
Swept me off my feet and delighted again as award winning best selling author Terri Brisbin totally had me hooked and mesmerized from start to finish in this unique, enthralling ,romantic, paranormal fantasy that I lost one night of sleep reading this enchanting book. Another astonishing, surprising , emotional and and captivating read in Terri Brisbin's third installment of her spectacular The Stone Circles series a historical paranormal fantasy with Greek mythology with a twist that is absolutely brilliant. So many twists and turns your head will spin but in a marvellous way, as readers won't be able to put this fast paced exhilarating book down! Readers of Rising Fire and Raging Sea, books one and two, of The Stone Circles series will be thrilled to be reunited with Will, Brienne, Soren and Ran plus all Priests and Priestess and seer Aislinn. I am not stranger to Miss Brisbin's novel's and writing , but I must say this might be her best one yet! I have been reading her books for close to two decades as her talent just seems to grow and pour off the pages, with a story and characters that really come life that I really felt emotionally invested reading Blazing Earth, as I think anyone will. Definitely one of my favorite reads for 2016 and one readers don't want to miss!
Brienne of Rising Fire, Book one, father the evil Hugh DeGifford is back searching for the two gateways with a vegenance after two failed attempts in which he was punished for his failures by Chaela. Again Goddess Chaela is up-to to her evil ways and having her evil minion Hugh de Gifford do her dirty work for her, again as he hopes to be rewarded as her human consort believing she will rule the earth once she is freed and destroyed all her enemies including his blood daughter Brienne! Hugh not aware she really wants to destroy the earth and all of mankind!
As the legend begans....when long long ago her fellow Gods had to weave a powerful spell and combine forces to imprison this evil Goddess, Chaela before she overtook and destroyed the Earth and mankind! They also knew she had to be in a seal proof prison forever as she cannot be truly destroyed being a Goddess, so they decided to instill their powers in their human bloodlines, so someone could keep watch forever knowing the humans were now safe and the Gods could leave this world. These watchers per says were called Warriors of Destiny, a race of human men and women who could keep the evil away and the gods we're confident they would never need to do more then watch and never ever need rise against evil....or so they thought?
The Lands of Lord Geoffrey
of Amesbury Plain of
Sarum, Southwest, England
This is the story of Earthblood and Sunblood...
Tolan is farmer and widow whose family have been overseer for centuries and have tended the Lord Geoffrey's lands since the Geoffreys were rewarded the lands for their loyalty and continued service to their King. Many many generations ago, Tolan's father , grandfather and all those before then had farmed for this family as well. He has many plans for the future for his son Kirwyyn and future sons . In love with the heroine of this story Elethea ( Thea) who is the village healer and can only give physical,and mental love, but cannot continue his line of offspring though Tolan is not aware that Thea can not to to conceive due to her deceased husband's physical abuse. All Tolan knows is he wants this woman forever as he feels their connection like non before and will not take no for an answer, Tolan is an Earthblood and knows some of his powers but does not realize his capacity of his power or what he is capable of besides able to make barren lands fertile again.
Thea is the village healers and always feels more at peace when soaking in the Sun as she is Unaware she is a Sunblood, but doesn't realize as she has no background or family history of this power and never has been told. It isn't until her power recently changes as she who has always healed with herbs as was taught to her by her mother before her. Now she can suddenly heal with her hands which is totally new and scares her as it is dangerous times for healers when someone might accuse her of sorcery or witchcraft if things don't go right. Thea had a horrible past arranged marriage that was physically and mentally abusive that she stayed in the shadow and not trusting the simplest touch, but Tolan changes all that and more and shows her not all men raise hands to women and can be gentle and loving. Thea still feels not whole not being able to bare children due to her deceased husbands damage and knows that Tolan wants sire more sons and will have to eventually leave her and move on with a fertile woman to eventually marry that will break Thea's heart!
The Warriors of Destiny Will and Brienne, Soren and Ran, the Priest's and Priestess Aislinn are in a race to find these new Warriors as they also can feel the evil Hugh and know that another gateway needs to be sealed and knows that these two just coming into their powers too. The results could be catastrophic if swayed by Hugh as it is a battle of good versus evil but what will the earthblood and sunblood choose? Will Hugh sway them on the side of evil or will they join forces with the other warriors of destiny to seal the other gateway as they know there are two more gateways that Chaela can escape from. Will she finally get her desire and be freed to destroy all of mankind and will Hugh get his wish to be her human consort at her side for his loyalty and service to his goddess! Will Hugh finally get his just desserts as he truly deserves and shall Goddess Chaela be sealed In her prison forever as the Gods desired and planned from so long ago? You will have to read this powerful, heart wrenching remarkable story to find out that an more.
What a book! A total masterpiece as I have absolutely and unequivocally loved all three books in the series, but I think think this is best one yet! Has all the elements readers of historical paranormal fantasy romance are looking for in this powerful riveting magical adventure weaved with drama, terror, mystery suspense, mythology heartbreak, loss, magic with passion that sizzle off the pages and of course love. It has amazing dialogue and phenomenal plots that left me breathless gasping for air, I was totally enchanted and spellbound! Loved it and I cannot recommend it enough one you do not want to miss as I can't wait for book four in "The Stone Circles" series!
~~~ I received this wonderful book from the publishers in exchange for an honest review through
The Stone Circles series by Terri Brisbin
Rising Fire - William and Brienne
Raging Sea - Soren and Ran
Blazing Earth - Tolan and Thea TBR 4/5
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