Thursday, March 3, 2016
Highland Awakening by Jennifer Haymore TBR 3/29/2016 5 Kilts
Jennifer Haymore does it again with another quick paced page turner in Highland Awakening with likeable character, murder, mystery adventure, suspense, conflict, passion and at long last love of course. All the element historical romance fan want in the stories they want to read about and more. Another swoon worthy books that caused me to loose some hours of sleep but definitely worth the loss of shut eye!
This hero of the story the handsome strong braw highlander Camden McLeod , a member of the secret Scottish mercenary elite group The Highland Knights. Camden known as Cam is a man who likes and is used to have thing his way! The heroine is Lady Esme Hawkins, the introverted shy sister spinster of the Duke of Trent , who is one of the most important men in all of England! Another interesting layer to this story is Esme has a secret past that caused a scandal and nearly ruined her and the Trent name. Esme wants to make this up for past mistakes to her brother of such a high status and wants him to trust and believe in her again.
Cam amd Esme meet where she is in disguise doing research at the most unlikely place a brothel and he on assignment for a Viscount at a classy expensive first class brothel where. They both share a very passionate kiss and embrace as they have instant chemistry and attraction with a dash of lust. This is the last place you expect to meet an introverted spinster and sister of a Duke. Cam is curious about this woman, when questioned about her notebook Esme fears the worse! She feels if he caught just a glimpse of her writing it could cause her ruin and scandal which forces her to bolt and take off.
Cam and Esme meet again at a party her brother is throwing and this is where he finds out she is betrothed to Henry which doesn't stop Cam in his pursuit of Esme. He is determined to have her and makes it very direct by his feelings and actions. What makes matters worse is her betrothed Henry is a former school mate of Cam's from Elton. On top of this there is murder in the mix as one of the Highland Knights has been murdered and the entire group is targeted for murder as well. Will there be more death among the Highland Knights? Could it be Cam? Will they ever find who is doing the killing and why? Who will Esme choose Henry or Cam? Someone heart is possibly going to break? Will Esme get ruined and reputation destroyed if any of her writing is ever made public and will it ruin her brothers successful political career ? To have these questions answered and more you must read this mesmerizing book to find out!
This book is action packed and full of twists and turns, a heart warming riveting adventure from start to finish! Jennifer Haymore is an exquisite master storyteller in my opinion Highland Awakening will leave readers totally delighted! I highly recommend if you want to fall in love read Highland Awakening comes out on March 29, 2016 believe me you don't want to miss this exceptional read!
*** I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review through***
Highland Knights Series Books
0.5 A Highlander's Heart
1. Highland Heat
2.Highland Awakening
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