Sunday, March 27, 2016
A Little Highland Romance For The Holidays Box Set by Tanya Anne Crosby, Laurin Wittig, Margaret Mallory, Glynnis Campbell and Julianne Maclean. 5 Kilts Fabulous cast of brilliant authors!
Highland Song (The Highland Brides)First I want to personally thank Tanya for the dedication which was to us her readers which I thought was very sweet. For those of you familiar with this wonderful series Highland Brides this is Gavin Mac Brodie's story the youngest brother of Meeghan of Lyon's Gift the second book in this delightful series. The Highland Brides series is one of the best Scottish romance reads in my opinion for those of you addicted to Scottish medieval romance as I am. Each book is wonderful, beautiful, funny, magical and enchanting and I highly recommend this entire series 1.The Mackinnon's Bride 2. Lyon's Gift 3. On Bended Knee 4. Lion Heart and 5. Highland Song. Also the magnificent series Guardians of the Stone: Highland Fire, Highland Steel and soon to released Highland Storm on March 31st, 2016. My early reviews are out if you want to check it out. Next will be Highland Fury set in 2017.
As in this novella Highland Song you get to visit all the main characters from previous books kind of like a wonderful family reunion which I loved. I don't want to give away too much but the books main couple is Gavin and Catriona which her friends call Cat. Gavin is very much brooding and pretty much miserable in the beginning as he is surrounded by all these happy couples very much in love so he decides to move out and get a place of his own and all I will tell you is the first time he see's Cat she is stark naked! I really also really enjoyed Catrionas (Cat) character as she was described as a beautiful, strong and independent type of women, not afraid of men's work etc. of course when they find is sizzling right off the pages!
This couple was really so adorable! I really didn't want this book to end, as this is my problem with all of Ms. Crosby's books, as I find myself very addicted indeed and want them to go on forever. I truly hope Catriona's handsome brother Aidan will be the next book in this series! Just a quick note you can read this book with the other books in the series or alone. Ms. Crosby is truly gifted in her talents as a brilliant storyteller/author extroidinaire! I promise you the reader won't be disappointed as HIGHLAND SONG has all the elements you would want or desire in a Scottish historical romance
MacAllisters Hope by Laurin Wittig
his is enchanting novella which is called "MacAllister's Hope" by Laurin Wittig was absolutely wonderful and for those of you like me who have read Laurin's book The Devil of Kilmartin this is a must read! As this is the story of orphan wee Fia who The Devil and Elena took under the wing and made the daughter of their hears. Fia is all grown up and is brought to The MacAlister Clan to help heal the chief but she doesn't realize the boy that she helped all those years ago Kieron is one of the lead warriors of this clan. This is their story without giving anything much away but it was so sweet and tender of course with some mischief thrown in. It's also about a lass wih doesn't have all faith and abilities in herself and how this man helps her find her confidence and self esteem as she had helped him with as a boy many years before and changed his destiny as well as The Winter Stone. I loved this story it was absolutely beautiful and wonderful
The Shipwreck (The Warrior Maids of Rivenloch Novella) By Glynnis Campbell
I have been reading books from this author for many years and have enjoyed every single book she has written whether it was under one of her pen names Sarah McKerrigan, Kira Morgan or her real name Glynnis Campbell. I have read every single book she has put out and to my utmost pleasure this lovely novella " The Shipwreck" was no different as it had me captivated from the very first sentence of the book to the very last word in the book.
The story is prequel from Ms. Campbell's previous series The Warrior Maid's of Rivenloch as originally the print books were under her pen name of Sarah McKerrigan which name are under her given name Glynnis Campbell which are available in digital ebook:
Book 1. Lady Danger
Book 2. Captive Heart
Book 3! Knights Prize
I definitely recommend you to read this series after you finish The Shipwreck as each book is truly beautifully written but you can read them alone as well. I personally think it is more fun to read them in the book order, but of course the choice is yours.
This amazing book is about Avril a pict warrior maid of Rivenloch, but her evil brothers send her into exile due to jealousy her being the rightful heir of her ancestral home and fear they will kill her infant daughter and other reasons I won't disclose not wanting to spoil this beautiful story for any of the readers. Avril has gone through many hardships since the death of her father as she was also raped by a viking berserker five years ago where she is raising her half Viking daughter Kimberly who she adores and are living in a small cottage on the seacoast by meager means but she is a survivor. Yet as unlikely that is to to happen Avril dreams of getting a husband and storming Rivenloch and retrieving her birth-rite back and exiling or killing her evil brothers.
The hero in this story is Brandr a Viking marauder on his final voyage as he had lost his wife and children and village to illness. Brandr and his men looking to settle on new land, but he and his men get caught in a terrible storm and Brandr is swept up on Avril"s beach. Due to Avril's past hurts,fear and hatred she knocks him out chains Brandr up in her cottage and makes him a prisoner. Although she treats all his wounds and feeds him as well. I must say her daughter Kimmy is a definite scene stealer in this book! Kimmy seems to read that Brandr is no threat and had decided to make him her Da and adopt him in a way. I laughed so much, the little girl is such a little precocious rascal I really adored her character in this story. The way she stretches the truth and as much as Avril insists he is not her Da she still calls him her Da although sometimes just a whisper if her Ma is getting too annoyed. Well after all they both have the same coloring oh I really adored so many of Kimmys lines in this book I found so humorous! Of course after Avril opens her heart and puts her prejudice aside and sees Brandr's true character and that not all vikings are alike and just maybe one Viking might make all her dreams come true.
I really loved this beautiful story and as a fan of the Rivenloch Warrior Maiden series I found it so interesting of how the legend of the Warrior Maids of Rivenloch began. I recommend this book to all as "The Shipwreck" totally rocked. I totally loved it!!!
The Gift by Margaret Mallory
Margaret Mallory is one of my most favorite authors in Scottish historical romance which is my favorite genre to read and if you follow my reviews or blog celticbarb, its no secret. This is actually my second time reading this phenomenal book as I have been read Ms. Mallory's books since Knight of Desire her debut book I believe in 2009. The Gift is a novella but reads more like a full book as its a little less then 120 pages long and it absolutely a magnificent read! It is no wonder this superb book won "National Readers Choice Award" and "National Excellence in Romance Award" as it is beautifully written and is both breathtaking, and heartwarming. I love how Miss Mallory always well researches the timeline and weaves true factual history and historical figures in her historical fiction romance tales. In this book I especially loved how it characters connects to previous books. It is sort of like Prequel to the series"The Return tof The Highlanders" readers might remember the old seer Tearlag, who has not even been born yet as this book starts is 67 years prior. Old Tearlag has a special connections to a few of her relatives in this story including her great grandmother whom she was named after. Lily, the heroine in "The Gift" this book was a child character in "Knight of Passion" book 3 in the finale of "All the Kings Men" trilogy. I absolutely love connecting the dots with character from previous books, though this is a stand alone book it is not part of any series. If you haven't read any of these books that fine too, but for readers who have it just makes that much more extra special and fun to read.
London and Scotland 1441
Witch fever had entered London like a frenzy and London was burning innocent women who were just healers and most know better than to attempt dark magic or black arts even merchants who sold any merchandise for healing mo matter how small were getting executed. This all because the Duchess of Gloucester has tried to commit murder with black magic so her husband could be King! So healer Lily knew time was of the essence and she had to get out of dodge and escape before a mob came to her door to claim her life! She steals some lads clothes from a local baker and s stowaway on a ship but is caught and dropped of in the wilds of Scotland and she is o freezing and starving when she meets Roderick MacDonald.
Roderick MaxDonald hates the English more then anything else and he also swear he will never marry again when after his first wife abandons him. His aging grandmother who has raised him is the aging seer of Clan MacDonald of Skye is on special mission by his Cheiftain, the Lord of the Isles to deliver a special message to the Douglas Chieftain but was worse his aging grandmother had advised to chieftain to send her warrior grandson Roderick. Roderick is shocked by this but it has more to do wit having the site. She want a powerful seer to join the clan for she knows she can't live forever and wants Roderick. In a peculiar way she gives him the impression he will meet this lass on the journey. He does meet a lass though one of boys clothes Roderick had been hurt before and Lily had had a tragic upbringing so they both have trust issues ore so Lilly as she has had a terrorizing experience with a man and even her own family treated her brutally why her little shop in London and is dertermine to return to her little shop on London after the Christmas season anhad been her safe heaven jwcing been living in isolation she is starting to realize things she missed out on at age twenty two.
The attraction in instant and and the passion is steamy with these two who are dead set against marriage and entanglements but after neither is forthcoming open and honest about their past nor the present which causes a major rift and separation and his Chieftain command a life changing choice of both of them. Tow people who never wanted a commitment due to both having bruised hearts! Roderick has already had his heart broken once will he be have it be broken? Lily who mistrusts the world and when she finally opens her heart she finds out Roderick has been been a master at manipulating her as she sees it. Lily feels he has been using and deceiving her just to satisfy his Chieftain and his grandmother and to honor their requests. Lily now wants to return to London as soon as possible feeling this large bite of betrayal and heartbreak from the one person she had trusted in many years, Will people ever stop disappointing her and will Roderick be abandoned once again by a woman he loves? Is this couple doomed to go their separate ways?
Talk about miscommunication this couple has it by leaps and bounds! How will it ever be resolved? You must read this page turner to find out how this fascinating story u guarantee you won't be able to put it down, this is my second time reading it with I only do with book that are golden! I can't praise this two time award winning riveting book The Gift by the major talented Margaret Mallory! Highly recommend as it is a story you don't want to miss with all the elements readers of Scottish historical fiction love: riveting adventure, lovable characters that glide of the pages and into your heart, fabulous dialogue, gorgeous descriptive Scottish setting, factual history weaved in a unique and extraordinary fictional story, quick paced plots with so many twists and turns that will make you both breathless and gasping for air!
In case you could not tell I absolutely and I unequivocally loved The Gift by Margaret Mallory and can't wait for her next book release which I alway love from start to finish!
Other Books by Margaret Mallory
All the Kings Men Trilogy
1. Knight of Desire
2. Knight of Pleasure
3. Knight of Passion* Lily as a child in this book
The Return of the Highlanders Series
1. The Guardian
2. The Sinner
3.The Warrior
4. The Chieftain
4.5 The Gift
The Douglas Legacy
1. Claimed By A Laird
2. Claimed By The Highland - TBA
Taken by the Highlander by Julianne Maclean
Another magnificent story with feuding clans, star crossed lovers, lush Highland descriptive settings and drop dead gorgeous braw handsome kilted highlanders all strong willed, independent and honor bound will win your admiration and heart! Now what's not to love! This is more of a full book then a novella . As always this OS a satisfying read from start to so finish. Will be adding a more detailed review shortly Julianne MacLean always writes such heartfelt emotional stories that her characters just glide off the pages and right into the readers heart! Highly recommend this captivating charming magnificent read that I know anyone who loves Scottish historical romance won't be able to put this book down! Loved it!
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