Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Highland Sword by May McGoldrick.Last book in Royal

Book: Highland Sword
by May McGoldrick

Series: (Royal Highlander, Book #3)

Release Date: March 31st 2020

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook of
Tartan Book Reviews
Celtic World of Historical Book Reviews, Purple Tulip Book  Reviews
Celtic Barb's Tartan Book Review Blog

Heat Rating: Heartwarming

Overall Rating:  5/5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Warning: Spoilers from “Highland Crown” and “Highland  Jewel”. Thought the connections and character backgrounds might help readers who were reading “Highland Sword” first.

Dalmigavie Castle, the Highlands
September 1820

The heroine of this story is Morrigan Drummond. A woman whose father is murdered several years earlier, because of that corrupt unscrupulous, English Spymaster, Sir Rupert Burney! She definitely wants vengeance against this treacherous black guard! Morrigan felt so helpless on the day her father was murdered. Now with the help of her step-mother’s new husband and his men, they teach her how to be a proficient fighter and how to protect and defend herself. She trains with the Macintosh men everyday in the lists, some might call her a warrior, some might call her a trained assassin, and some might possibly call her an overachiever and perfectionist!

Slight spoilers from Highland Crown and Highland Jewel:
Morrigan’s physician-step-mother, Isabella
Murray Drummond has a new husband. His name is Cinaed Macintosh. A man with royal bloodlines and is called {The Son of Scotland} on the broadsheets. Her step-mother’s younger sister is Maisie Murray, whose best friend is Fiona Campbell, a widow with two of the bonniest, sweet, young, daughters. Fiona was captured by that knave Rupert Burne, due to their strong beliefs and allegiance to the women’s suffrage and reform movement. This is how Maisie meets and falls in love with Fiona’s retired war/hero brother, Niall Campbell. He is now her husband and they do finally get Fiona out of prison eventually.

The hero of this story is Barrister, Aidan Grant. He is surprised that Burne informer and spy Robert Sparrow, enters his office. He looks at his brother Sebastian shaking his head, knowing  what his brother is thinking, “do not trust this crooked and despicable liar! Aidan just needs him to be alive through the trial. So he must know the reason why he chose him and Sparrow replies, simply wanting the best lawyer in Scotland! Aidan realized he can’t work anymore due to his illness. Now he wants to retire and end his filthy dishonorable career. This double agent finds out many want him dead, as he has too much information about these corrupt officials and government. He promises Aidan he will give him names, places, dates, times. Sparrow just wants a peaceful death. Can Aidan even trust this traitor and will his word even mean anything in court. As he knows the home office will paint Sparrow as a dishonorable employee possibly another trait

Morrigan is shocked to see the cause  and reason of the worse turmoil of her past life, besides her father’s murder.  She can share her grief with others about her father’s death, but her father was the only person that knew about her past secret trauma. This would never ever go away and let her move on. She could never be a normal person with a bright future, as long as this corrupt man was alive because of this. With his death will her scars disappear? He is the reason for her invisible scars that  are She feels the only way to possibly have a normal future is to remove this monster from the earth and let him burn in hell for eternity! She honestly feels the only way to end her agony is to end his miserable life! This was a spontaneous move as good samaritan who looked at her as if she was absolutely insane. Of course Sebastian was loving this that a lass was kickinh my Aidan’s arse plus she got away. 

 Aiden’s brother Sebastian, does not trust Sparrow for good reason and worries he is going to betray them. So they follow him to through the alley and spots this beauty ready to do Sparrow some serious harm. and follow him down an alley in Inverness. Lawyer Aiden, notices a woman is following Sparrow and then watches her taking sgian dubh out of her boot. He sends Sebastian ahead to follow and keep a tail on Sparrow and then steps in to stop her assault and was not ready for her full attack on him! He was shocked he was physically fighting with a beautiful woman who fought like a man. Plus she gave him such a thrashing and got away from him! Aiden was the fellow who didn’t even get scratch from Waterloo yet this young woman (Morrigan Drummond) unknown to him gave him so many injuries! Of course his brother Sebastian who lost an arm in the war thought this was hilarious looking at Aidan’s swollen face! Done in by a bloody woman yet he did feel guilty for hitting her as he did not believe in raising a hand to the fairer sex.

A few days later, it turns out the Grant brothers ironically brought Sparrow so Dr. Isabella Macintosh could care for their ill informant. Plus both Morrigan and Adrian both had swollen faces, she realized how this brilliant lawyer might even get a spot on Parliament according to Isabella . The worst of it is the man she does not care he is dying and hopes he suffers for it  and in lots of pain! This made her want to vomit as she is furious, shaken and tormented that this poor excuse of a human being is even here!

As time goes on Aidan sees how beautiful, intelligent and brave Morrigan Drummond is. He also discovers another secret Sparrow is holding. He sees Morrigan is from and understands Sparrows bad character this man’s bad character and the harm he caused other people. He doesn’t know the reason for Morrigan wanting to kill Sparrow , but understands he probably deserved it! 

Now Aiden sees how perfect Morrigan is, plus he is very aware what a piece of rubbish that Wemys is! As feelings develop very quickly between these two, could it be love? The first man to open Morrigans heart and is seeing what a brave, smart, kind hearted, man Aidan is! She also believes she’s not good enough for him, if he ever found out her secret it would destroy his promising future and career. Although Aidan will not take no for an answer and continues to woe Morrigan and put everything aside for the woman he loves. Another dangerous enemy has incriminating information on Morrigan plus he despises Aiden Grant who has made a fool of him more than once. Desperate times take desperate measures. Will this enemy destroy this star crossed couple forever? Will Aiden take his seat at Parliament and forget all about Morrigan? Could Aidan’s career survive a scandal? Is Morrigan safe from government manipulation and harm? Will the corrupt home office incarcerate Morrigan? Will Isabella and Cinaed also be caught and incarcerated? Will Isabella deliver a baby in prison?  Is Queen Caroline’s life in danger? Will Cinaed be the next King in Scotland? Is Morrigan and Aidan free from harm or possible destruction? Does Aidan have a chance to win Morrigan over, or is it too little-too late? So many unanswered questions and a definite must read! A book readers definitely don’t want to miss!

This is sadly the last book in the Royal Highland trilogy. I loved all the characters from all three books and even a cameo from May McGoldrick’s classic Pennington series which was a lovely surprise. I did give a quick description of each book in this review. I would recommend you read each book in this series, as it is like connecting the dots. I personally think readers will understand the connections to Isabella, Maisie, and Morrigan. Each book centers around these three powerful women and the men that capture their hearts. They will understand what issues they are passionate about with each relationship to each other. Although Isabella is Morrigan’s step-mum they are more like sisters-
 as Isabella was quite a bit younger than her first husband, Morrigan’s father. I found all of these relationships fascinating! 

This book has my favorite ingredients for reading books. I love when true history is weaved with a fictional story - that was an absolutely masterpiece! Also I love some cameo from true historic figures in history too! I loved the pairing of Morrigan and Aidan. Plus a mini reunion as all the main characters from this series was in this book. To me these are some of the reasons it was super fun read! These two authors Nikoo and Jim McGoldrick are super multi-talented storytellers,  an absolute dynamic duo and I love every story they create! I have been reading them for nearly twenty-five years and am totally devoted! Love each and every book I have read by May McGoldrick! As each and every book is absolutely a riveting, historical, action-packed, romantic adventure that is awe-inspiring, fast-paced, page turner. This ‘book includes all the elements historical ‘romance readers love! The plotting was amazing, as it had so many twists and turns too which was absolutely exhilarating too! The setting was beautiful, with amazing dialogue. The multi dimensional characters both good and bad ones were magnificent, bonnie children and the games were absolutely enchanting too. I would love to see a future book for Aidan Grants war hero and armless brother Sebastian. He definitely deserves a happily ever after, a book for Fiona and John world be lovely too.

You can definitely read Highland Sword as a stand alone! I personally think you will get more out of it reading the entire series. I definitely recommend “Highland Sword” it is such a spectacular read from start to finish! 

Another McGoldrick Masterpiece! ❀❀❀

Royal Highlander Series by May McGoldrick
1)Highland Crown * Isabella and Cinaed
2)Highland Jewel  * Maisie and Niall
3)Highland Sword *Morrigan and Aidan

Personal Note: This is set during The Radical War of 1820, also known as the Scottish Insurrection of 1820, was a week of strikes and unrest in Scotland, a culmination of Radical demands for reform in the Great Britain and Ireland which had become prominent in the early years of the French Revolution, but had then been repressed during the long Napoleonic Wars. It was caused by high unemployment, unfair working conditions, expensive food price and unfair and unresponsive government. I love that these authors weave true history with a fabulous fictional romance.

Disclaimer: I received this book from St. Martin’s Paperback publishers for a fair and honest review. I voluntarily agreed to read, review, blog and promote through netgalley. All words, ideas and thoughts are my own.
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