Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Sexy Scot by Cecelia Mecca and Julie Johnstone
A modern man, a medieval woman. Fate brought them together, but will history tear them apart?

When his older brother disappears before his eyes, Greyson McCaim is determined to find him—even if he has to travel back in time. Because it turns out their “crazy” father was right: their mother didn’t leave them willingly. She’s a time traveler, and someone pulled her back to her original home in medieval Scotland. Now Rhys is there too while the other McCaim brothers are stuck in modern-day New Orleans. They keep reciting the chant that sent Rhys back, and it finally works—but only for Greyson. Miserably unprepared for medieval life, he is saved by fate’s choice to dump him at the feet of the uncle he never knew he had. The two set off to learn what happened to Greyson’s mother and brother, but their mission is derailed when they encounter an earl’s daughter in need of help.

Marian is sent from the only home she’s ever known to marry a stranger—a Scottish noble with a poor reputation. But her fear of the unknown is soon replaced by a completely different terror when her traveling party is viciously attacked by reivers. The Scot who saves her is unlike anyone she’s ever met—his accent is strange, his words stranger, and he’s completely oblivious to etiquette. And yet this man awakens something in her, as does her newfound freedom from her father. 

Greyson’s secret opens a whole new world for Marian, and her love makes him a stronger man. But Greyson’s family is at the center of a conspiracy that promises to change Scotland forever, and from the perspective of history, he knows it doesn’t turn out well. Can Greyson and Marian possibly find a happy ending?

If you love sexy bad boy heroes with hearts of gold, heroines with the courage to fight for what they want, and love stories across time, then you’ll love this sweeping romance series.

Goodreads - http://bit.ly/2xs3jul

Friday, March 27, 2020



by Cecelia Mecca and Julie Johnstone 

Series: The Highlander’s Through Time, #2

Released On: March 31, 2020

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook of
1. Tartan Book Reviews
2. Purple Tulip Book Reviews
3. Celtic World of Historical Book Reviews
4.Celtic Barb’s Tartan Book Review Blog 

Heat Rating: Smoking Hot!🔥🔥🔥

Overall Rating: 5 Stars and 5 Kilts

1286 Fifeshire, Scotland
2020 New Orleans, Louisiana 

Previously this story began: In the 13th century in Fifeshire, Scotland. Shona MacKinnish is one of the Queens ladies in waiting, now she  is running for her life! As she discovers King Alexander’s murder plot was set up by Deirdre Irvine, another lady in waiting, and her murderous brother, Yearger. As they set up,  and betrayed to murder the King! They actually betrayed her, as Deirdre gave Shon the note to deliver to the King. The King read the letter out loud, since he adored his Queen and it read, she wanted a amorous tryst with him. It was all a lie so he could be murdered! The only person Shona trusted was her sister, the healer. Her sister Grace had contact with the Fae and gave her a spell that was supposed to send Shona to their home in their time. Something went wrong as she was sent to New Orleans, Louisiana in 2020-the unknown future!

Shona fell in love with Colin McCaim had four sons, all are billionaires of a successful shipping company.  They should be living the best life, except the fact that their mother disappeared 5 years ago. Their father has been in denial, since her disappearance which made him deranged and delusional. They had to over take the billionaire company away from him. Especially when he spoke of their mother being a time traveler from the 13th century. Her sister having strong magic, a seer that sent her away-to save her life.

Except now the brothers found a magic room in their house that they had never been allowed to enter. They discover it is filled with antique items, old books with spells and items from the past. Worst was the eldest brother Rhys who knew, the Gaelic language, found a spell book. They all all recited the spells but Rhys said it differently. He was the only brother that knew Scottish Gaelic and then disappeared in front of them! They still were in denial, not believing what they just saw, including the stories their Dad told them could be true! They still  they searched every room in the house for their brother Rhys with no success. 

Now they were reciting the spell again saying it in a different way. At first nothing happens and now brother Greyson disappeared. He wakes up in  Scotland in the year 1286! He is filled with shock and remorse realizing his father’s stories were all true! Feeling horrible they never believed him and now he lays in a coma and only needs his wife! So Greyson is determined to find and locate his mother and brother. Except on his way he finds his Uncle, who is ironically close to his age. It made sense since his mother was only twenty one when she met his father. Greyson also meets and saves the life of the most beautiful, English woman, Lady Marion of Fenwall, daughter of  the Earl of Fenwall of the Border. Now Greyson McCaim’s adventure begins…..” 

Lady Marion of Fenwall, has lived in seclusion her entire life, the only mother she has ever known is her elder ladies maid. As her mother died in childbirth. Now she is being forced to marry a man with a despicable 
reputation, as does his father, the Earl of Fife, and one of the newly appointed Guardians of Scotland. Yes, he and his son are powerful and rich, but are known to have cruel and brutal tempers. Marian has never met him, but is being forced to marry. 

Yet on her way her guards and drivers are attacked by Border raiders known as Reivers . Yet this unique Scottish man with an unusual accent saves her life! This savior, also treats her like a family member, calling her by her first name. Yet this man also shows her a life of independence, freedom and choices she had never known. Soon feelings develop, but not without a cost. Will Greyson lose his medieval beauty just because of his mothers family clan and political connections? This is the first time he has ever put a woman before himself, but is it too little/too late?

Will Lady Marion trust her heart or obey her father’s command? She knows the man she is commanded to marry is known for his violent and ruthless reputation . Yet will she marry this Scottish nobile and be her family’s sacrificial lamb? She knows her heart is broken, but has been trained her entire life about duty and privilege and how her family and their political needs come first. Does she even have a choice? The fantasy of the future sounds like the perfect Utopia. Read and find out if two lovers born from entirely different times can have the same common interests, needs and want the same things in life. Definitely a book readers don’t want to miss.

Again the Mecca/ Johnstone team pen another wonderful time travel book-centered around four Scottish brothers from Louisiana. Another riveting action-packed, awe-inspiring, fast-paced, pager-turning, romantic adventure. It is filled with mystery, suspense, espionage, treachery, murder, arranged marriage, no choices for women, swoon worthy hero, love and loyalty for family, soul mates from different times, and so much more. A book romance readers will absolutely love!

I highly recommend this book as I absolutely loved this delightful tale and can’t wait for the next McCaim brothers book!

Disclaimer: I received a gift copy from the author for a fair and honest review. I voluntarily agreed to read, review and blog All words, ideas and thoughts are my own.

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Monday, March 23, 2020




Book: The Highland Rogue
by Amy Jarecki

Series: Lords of the Highlands, Book #7

Release Date: March 24, 2020

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook (of)
1)Tartan Book Reviews 
2)Purple Tulip Book Reviews
3)Celtic World of Historical Book Reviews
4)Celtic Barb’s Tartan Book Review Blog 

Heat Rating: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Book Rating: 5/5 Stars/Kilts

The Highland Rogue by Amy Jarecki 

The Scottish Highlands

Captain/Sir Kennan Cameron is nearly home in Scotland after his long sea voyage, but is brutally attacked and nearly killed by notorious pirate, Jackson Vane and his motley crew. They take his ship, his spoils and murder many of his men. Possibly all of his men as far as Kennan knows, as Kennan falls into the deep shark infested sea with serious wounds from the pirate attack. As if that isn’t enough he is surrounded by sharks as one attempts to eat him alive! Luckily he kills the offensive foul fish, and the other sharks disappear after he fatally kills one of them. He is swept onto a deserted island where he meets the only soul living on this isolated island. Unfortunately it’s a beautiful barefooted lass named Diviana Campbell who happens to be his clan’s enemy! Yet this lass also saves his life healing his wounds as any healer would. Of course as time passes they get to know each other, hearts open and feelings start happening in the beatings of both of their hearts.

Two years ago Divana Campbell’s clan betrayed them in the most inhuman and horrific way! Exiling her family to die on this isolated, inhuman, island, when they were all so deathly ill.  All because Divana, her parents and wee young brother all had the smallpox. This was a cold, windy, unbearable inhuman isolated island called Hyskeir. A place the sun never shines where nothing can grow. It was a windy, cold,  dark and miserable place, that was not made for human survival. Her family all died from the smallpox except Divana and she had been living alone for the past two years. It was as a place ships never docked to rescue her. Even the place she called home was no more than a weak tent. She lives off clams and the occasional ducks, she kills with her expert swing with a  slingshot.

If they ever get rescued, Kennan promises her a position especially since he is a Knight and the heir to the Laird. The reason why he has never been in a rush to marry just for political reasons to help and enrich his clan. He promises to get her a position, clothing, food and as many blankets she desires. They finally do get rescued and that is where their social differences immediately show. As Divana is cleaning out ash a low servants  job and he is the son of the clan chief. Plus he is obsessed with getting vengeance against that onion headed varlot - Jackson Vane, and his band of pirates! It is for the theft of his ship and treasure , but mostly for the murder of his honest hard working sailors. Kennan decides to leave Divana and locate Vane, even after she offers her servant services, yet decides she can’t live without him and stowaways on his ship. When she is discovered Kennan realizes how much he misses Divana and has been dreaming of her every night! Yet knowing how randy men might feel about a lady being aboard the ship he chops her hair off and disguises her as a cabin boy.

 Now the adventure begins ….Kennan claims he is making sure he is protecting and guarding her virtue and safety from the other men. Except she has to share his sleeping quarters with him. He is finding out that he is the one who is a randy goat and it was killing him!. Except not everyone sees her as a lad, one blackguard even threatens and blackmails Divana from Kennan’s own group of hired sailors which she hasn’t shared this information with Kennan yet. Plus if Vane ever finds out about  her life will definitely be in jeopardy and possibly forfeit too.

Will Divana ever accept their differences in social standing and accept Keenan will marry someone of the Gentry? Will Keenan accept a political marriage over love? Something he had always been aware of and promised as he never expected his heart to beat for another. Will His enemies learn of his feelings toward Divana that might cause both of them lethal danger? 

As for Keenan Cameron, a man who was both a Sea Captain and a Knight. Taught since boyhood that his clan and people came before everything and any personal desires. Yet he learns sometimes changes can be a worthy challenge. Even though to think with your heart might be the correct way to claim what you desire the most in this life with satisfaction .  

As Keenan definitely met his match with his Island lass who swings a mean slingshot with perfection. Yet he knew if she married a crofter he would be heart sick and devastated for the rest of his life. 

Divana feels similar knowing he is way above her station in life, as he is the master and she the servant. Sometimes wishing they were never rescued always feeling equal on the isolated island. Divana knows she must move on eventually, as she would never be able to watch another be his Countess and the mother of his future children. It would shatter her heart into a million broken pieces!

Read about an independent lass Divana Campbell who can survive and take care of herself  no matter what the odds are! Yet when she loved she loved fiercely with her entire heart. 

Kennan Cameron which had been a bad boy and supporting character in the (Lords of  the Highlands series) In previous books The Highland Chieftain, The Highland Renegade and The Highland Earl. You can read in series order but can read this as a stand alone book too. I have absolutely loved this entire series and each book a wee bit more. This is the seventh book of the series.

This is a phenomenal book readers definitely don’t want to miss. A book for the keeper shelf and put in your read again line. It is filled with mystery, murder, treachery, betrayal, fear, healing, joy, trust, innocents and love. Another with breathtaking settings, multi dimensional characters, brilliant dialogue and the plotting was absolutely sensational! Every time you think one issue is resolved another plot was stirring!  This made me hold my breath with anticipation-wondering what could possibly happen next? A definite fun and exhilarating read from start to finish that I can’t recommend enough!

Lords of the Highlands series by Amy Jarecki 

1)The Highland Duke 
2)The Highland Commander
3)The Highland Guardian
4)The Highland Chieftain 
5)The Highland Renegade 
6)The Highland Earl 
7)The Highland Rogue 

Disclaimer: I received this book From Grand Central Forever publishers for a fair and honest review. I voluntarily agreed to read, review, blog and promote through netgalley. All words, ideas and thoughts are my own.

Buy Links:

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Highland Sword by May McGoldrick.Last book in Royal

Book: Highland Sword
by May McGoldrick

Series: (Royal Highlander, Book #3)

Release Date: March 31st 2020

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook of
Tartan Book Reviews
Celtic World of Historical Book Reviews, Purple Tulip Book  Reviews
Celtic Barb's Tartan Book Review Blog

Heat Rating: Heartwarming

Overall Rating:  5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Warning: Spoilers from “Highland Crown” and “Highland  Jewel”. Thought the connections and character backgrounds might help readers who were reading “Highland Sword” first.

Dalmigavie Castle, the Highlands
September 1820

The heroine of this story is Morrigan Drummond. A woman whose father is murdered several years earlier, because of that corrupt unscrupulous, English Spymaster, Sir Rupert Burney! She definitely wants vengeance against this treacherous black guard! Morrigan felt so helpless on the day her father was murdered. Now with the help of her step-mother’s new husband and his men, they teach her how to be a proficient fighter and how to protect and defend herself. She trains with the Macintosh men everyday in the lists, some might call her a warrior, some might call her a trained assassin, and some might possibly call her an overachiever and perfectionist!

Slight spoilers from Highland Crown and Highland Jewel:
Morrigan’s physician-step-mother, Isabella
Murray Drummond has a new husband. His name is Cinaed Macintosh. A man with royal bloodlines and is called {The Son of Scotland} on the broadsheets. Her step-mother’s younger sister is Maisie Murray, whose best friend is Fiona Campbell, a widow with two of the bonniest, sweet, young, daughters. Fiona was captured by that knave Rupert Burne, due to their strong beliefs and allegiance to the women’s suffrage and reform movement. This is how Maisie meets and falls in love with Fiona’s retired war/hero brother, Niall Campbell. He is now her husband and they do finally get Fiona out of prison eventually.

The hero of this story is Barrister, Aidan Grant. He is surprised that Burne informer and spy Robert Sparrow, enters his office. He looks at his brother Sebastian shaking his head, knowing  what his brother is thinking, “do not trust this crooked and despicable liar! Aidan just needs him to be alive through the trial. So he must know the reason why he chose him and Sparrow replies, simply wanting the best lawyer in Scotland! Aidan realized he can’t work anymore due to his illness. Now he wants to retire and end his filthy dishonorable career. This double agent finds out many want him dead, as he has too much information about these corrupt officials and government. He promises Aidan he will give him names, places, dates, times. Sparrow just wants a peaceful death. Can Aidan even trust this traitor and will his word even mean anything in court. As he knows the home office will paint Sparrow as a dishonorable employee possibly another trait

Morrigan is shocked to see the cause  and reason of the worse turmoil of her past life, besides her father’s murder.  She can share her grief with others about her father’s death, but her father was the only person that knew about her past secret trauma. This would never ever go away and let her move on. She could never be a normal person with a bright future, as long as this corrupt man was alive because of this. With his death will her scars disappear? He is the reason for her invisible scars that  are She feels the only way to possibly have a normal future is to remove this monster from the earth and let him burn in hell for eternity! She honestly feels the only way to end her agony is to end his miserable life! This was a spontaneous move as good samaritan who looked at her as if she was absolutely insane. Of course Sebastian was loving this that a lass was kickinh my Aidan’s arse plus she got away. 

 Aiden’s brother Sebastian, does not trust Sparrow for good reason and worries he is going to betray them. So they follow him to through the alley and spots this beauty ready to do Sparrow some serious harm. and follow him down an alley in Inverness. Lawyer Aiden, notices a woman is following Sparrow and then watches her taking sgian dubh out of her boot. He sends Sebastian ahead to follow and keep a tail on Sparrow and then steps in to stop her assault and was not ready for her full attack on him! He was shocked he was physically fighting with a beautiful woman who fought like a man. Plus she gave him such a thrashing and got away from him! Aiden was the fellow who didn’t even get scratch from Waterloo yet this young woman (Morrigan Drummond) unknown to him gave him so many injuries! Of course his brother Sebastian who lost an arm in the war thought this was hilarious looking at Aidan’s swollen face! Done in by a bloody woman yet he did feel guilty for hitting her as he did not believe in raising a hand to the fairer sex.

A few days later, it turns out the Grant brothers ironically brought Sparrow so Dr. Isabella Macintosh could care for their ill informant. Plus both Morrigan and Adrian both had swollen faces, she realized how this brilliant lawyer might even get a spot on Parliament according to Isabella . The worst of it is the man she does not care he is dying and hopes he suffers for it  and in lots of pain! This made her want to vomit as she is furious, shaken and tormented that this poor excuse of a human being is even here!

As time goes on Aidan sees how beautiful, intelligent and brave Morrigan Drummond is. He also discovers another secret Sparrow is holding. He sees Morrigan is from and understands Sparrows bad character this man’s bad character and the harm he caused other people. He doesn’t know the reason for Morrigan wanting to kill Sparrow , but understands he probably deserved it! 

Now Aiden sees how perfect Morrigan is, plus he is very aware what a piece of rubbish that Wemys is! As feelings develop very quickly between these two, could it be love? The first man to open Morrigans heart and is seeing what a brave, smart, kind hearted, man Aidan is! She also believes she’s not good enough for him, if he ever found out her secret it would destroy his promising future and career. Although Aidan will not take no for an answer and continues to woe Morrigan and put everything aside for the woman he loves. Another dangerous enemy has incriminating information on Morrigan plus he despises Aiden Grant who has made a fool of him more than once. Desperate times take desperate measures. Will this enemy destroy this star crossed couple forever? Will Aiden take his seat at Parliament and forget all about Morrigan? Could Aidan’s career survive a scandal? Is Morrigan safe from government manipulation and harm? Will the corrupt home office incarcerate Morrigan? Will Isabella and Cinaed also be caught and incarcerated? Will Isabella deliver a baby in prison?  Is Queen Caroline’s life in danger? Will Cinaed be the next King in Scotland? Is Morrigan and Aidan free from harm or possible destruction? Does Aidan have a chance to win Morrigan over, or is it too little-too late? So many unanswered questions and a definite must read! A book readers definitely don’t want to miss!

This is sadly the last book in the Royal Highland trilogy. I loved all the characters from all three books and even a cameo from May McGoldrick’s classic Pennington series which was a lovely surprise. I did give a quick description of each book in this review. I would recommend you read each book in this series, as it is like connecting the dots. I personally think readers will understand the connections to Isabella, Maisie, and Morrigan. Each book centers around these three powerful women and the men that capture their hearts. They will understand what issues they are passionate about with each relationship to each other. Although Isabella is Morrigan’s step-mum they are more like sisters-
 as Isabella was quite a bit younger than her first husband, Morrigan’s father. I found all of these relationships fascinating! 

This book has my favorite ingredients for reading books. I love when true history is weaved with a fictional story - that was an absolutely masterpiece! Also I love some cameo from true historic figures in history too! I loved the pairing of Morrigan and Aidan. Plus a mini reunion as all the main characters from this series was in this book. To me these are some of the reasons it was super fun read! These two authors Nikoo and Jim McGoldrick are super multi-talented storytellers,  an absolute dynamic duo and I love every story they create! I have been reading them for nearly twenty-five years and am totally devoted! Love each and every book I have read by May McGoldrick! As each and every book is absolutely a riveting, historical, action-packed, romantic adventure that is awe-inspiring, fast-paced, page turner. This ‘book includes all the elements historical ‘romance readers love! The plotting was amazing, as it had so many twists and turns too which was absolutely exhilarating too! The setting was beautiful, with amazing dialogue. The multi dimensional characters both good and bad ones were magnificent, bonnie children and the games were absolutely enchanting too. I would love to see a future book for Aidan Grants war hero and armless brother Sebastian. He definitely deserves a happily ever after, a book for Fiona and John world be lovely too.

You can definitely read Highland Sword as a stand alone! I personally think you will get more out of it reading the entire series. I definitely recommend “Highland Sword” it is such a spectacular read from start to finish! 

Another McGoldrick Masterpiece! ❤️❤️❤️

Royal Highlander Series by May McGoldrick
1)Highland Crown * Isabella and Cinaed
2)Highland Jewel  * Maisie and Niall
3)Highland Sword *Morrigan and Aidan

Personal Note: This is set during The Radical War of 1820, also known as the Scottish Insurrection of 1820, was a week of strikes and unrest in Scotland, a culmination of Radical demands for reform in the Great Britain and Ireland which had become prominent in the early years of the French Revolution, but had then been repressed during the long Napoleonic Wars. It was caused by high unemployment, unfair working conditions, expensive food price and unfair and unresponsive government. I love that these authors weave true history with a fabulous fictional romance.

Disclaimer: I received this book from St. Martin’s Paperback publishers for a fair and honest review. I voluntarily agreed to read, review, blog and promote through netgalley. All words, ideas and thoughts are my own.
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