Monday, August 29, 2016
Karen Hawkin's new release Mad for the Plaid Book #3 in her fabulous The Oxburg Princes's Series 5 Kilts. Another Winner!
Book:Mad for the Plaid by Karen Hawkins
Reviewed by: Celtic Barb
Heat Rating: Mild
Overall Rating: five stars
Scotland, 1824
In this story Prince Nikolai Romanovin, of Oxenburg finds London society life - dull tedious and boring. He is uninterested in politics and the social structures expected from him.These are forced upon him due to his royal title unfortunately for him! Of course his guise worked and got plenty of useful information from people thinking he was a useless empty headed flop who only care about seducing women and carousing. It was amazing how many people would talk and reveal useful imperative information when they thought he wasn't listening. Yet he was so tired and felt ill and thought he would go insane if he has to take and dance with one more empty headed Virgin he will go mad! He needs some excitement in his life.
Careful for what you wish for! As he discovers his Grandmother, the Grand Duchess, Natasha Nikolaevna may be in danger! He then takes off and heads straight to Castle Cromartie, where she had been visiting. Nikolai goes in the disguise as a groom, a member of the his honor guard on the Scottish estate where his Grandmother was visiting her friend Countess Cromartie. Though with some eavesdropping and his actions there is one Scottish lass he does not fool with this disguise.
Lady Ailsa Mackenzie, Laird Mackenzie's youngest unmarried daughter, is the heroine in this story. She is left in charge with all the duties and responsibilities of the estate in her father's absence. As her father is gone most of the time. She has not been impressed with her previous correspondence with Prince Nicolai, plus the rumors and reputation of his character does not impress her in the least. Due to her previous dealings with him, was not surprised he was missing, when members of his honor guard arrived on her family's estate. She figured he couldn't tear himself always from carousing or his latest conquest of the week. Then she notices his new grooms bold behavior and then see how his superiors treat him as if he were above their station. Then to be sure she puts him to a wee test which is rather hilarious! Ailsa corners him - there is no use lying, so he comes clean and admits his little ruse.
Nik is nothing at all like what she has heard about him. As being a handsome, spoiled, shameless, womanizing profligate who cares about nothing, but his own selfish pursuits - which is pretty common among the nobility. Yet he didn't seem to have any of these traits besides being verra verra bonny indeed! He obviously loved his grandmother very much or he wouldn't of traveled to personally help in the aid and rescue of her. Though each of them have have very different ideas of how to do this and each one is stubborn thinking their way is the correct way!
Obviously the gossipers and newspapers got it his behavior very wrong indeed. Though Ailsa could see how this his behavior can drop in a moments notice depending on the situation he is put in.This only proved his keen insight, calculation and intelligence to get the upper hand. Yet Lady Ailsa was also very intelligent and no fool and knew when he was playing her! Plus very soon he would realize she was like no other woman Prince Nicolai Romanovin has ever met!
As they begin this journey they find out they are both stubborn and they bump heads. Ailsa agrees to keep his true identity secret. except for a couple close to her for his safety. In the beginning Nik finds Ailsa just bothersome and irritating and not his type at all. As they travel to rescue together as each felt they other would just be in the others way and argue in the way the rescue attempt should be done. Nik soon finds out Ailsa is also not what he expected this brave, passionate, independent, and stubborn that all her people seem to love and respect. A bit ironic, being a woman, yet very true indeed, Nik soon realizes this special Scotswoman is exactly his type! They soon learn to respect and care for each both on the physical and mental planes. Its is totally exhilarating to read, how their opinions of each other changes and love blossoms!
Yet this story is not without it's ups and downs, conflicts, mayhem and danger . As Ailsa believes there is one who would like nothing more but to start clan war with Ailsa’s family to get a hold of the MacKenzie lands. Then you realize it could be enemies of Prince Nikolai as he is negotiations with the wicked Tsar. Plus there are several attempts on his life by unknown assassins or is just some random brigands scheme? So is this abduction just random or planned? Do they want to murder Nik, Ailsa or possibly both? Who is the true target of this devious plan?
Nik loves his Grandmother, as Prince is hoping to retrieve his Grandmother quickly and quietly. This is done to avoid an international incident. Is that even possible? As there seems to be danger joined with mayhem at every turn and corner! Will they even survive? Readers will have to read this delightful tale to find out.
Another Karen Hawkins winner I absolutely loved! This is the third book in the fabulous Oxenburg Prince's series. I think is my favorite of the series. It has all the elements readers of historical romance look for with splendid settings, breathtaking dialogues and plotting that makes your heart race! Another captivating fast paced-page turner, a total win in my opinion!
All the characters in this story definitely comes to life! As even the honorable secondary characters are so endearing. Nicolai’s Grandmother is a definite scene stealer! She who loves to complain, nag and insult whenever the needs arrives. Plus her ill smelling healing potions is absolutely hilarious! Though the Grand Duchess’s heart is always in the right place - when it comes to her Grandson and those she loves. This riveting novel is filled with non-stop action, moments of humor, suspense, mystery, drama, intrigue, treachery betrayal, emotional heartbreak and love. It touches all the emotions to us faint of heart and believe in love! In addition. a hot swoon worthy handsome Prince! Yet this Prince is not always “charming” in the decisions he has to make.. A definite heartstring puller. with a surprise ending that readers won't be able to tear away from!
I highly recommend the spectacular novel “Mad for the Plaid” by Karen Hawkins ( The Oxenburg Prince's series #3). A New York Times and USA Today bestselling who is an extremely gifted storyteller. Believe me this is one tale readers don't want to miss!
*I was given this book from Gallery Threshold Pocket Books. A division of Simon and Schuster publishers through netgalley for an honest review.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
The Hiring Fair Book Release Tour and Giveaway
By Laura Strickland
Release Tour: Aug. 17-24
Part of The Wild Rose Press
“Help Wanted Series”
By Laura Strickland
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Historical Romance
Brutally dispossessed during the Highland Clearances, Tam Sutherland comes to the hiring fair at Oban, Scotland hoping to find a job for the season. But his maimed right hand, inflicted by the same cruel factor responsible for his parents’ deaths, means he’s one of few men available when the beautiful woman makes her surprising announcement: she’s looking not for a hand but a husband, not just for the season but forever.
Annie MacCallum is under threat from a brutal factor also, back at her home farm—one who preys on unmarried women. If she’s to protect all those who rely on her, including her beloved animals, she must have a husband, if only in name. Secretly glad when the attractive Tam takes up her proposition, she doesn’t realize she’s dragging him into a situation that will trigger old demons. Nor does she expect to give him her heart.
Annie MacCallum is under threat from a brutal factor also, back at her home farm—one who preys on unmarried women. If she’s to protect all those who rely on her, including her beloved animals, she must have a husband, if only in name. Secretly glad when the attractive Tam takes up her proposition, she doesn’t realize she’s dragging him into a situation that will trigger old demons. Nor does she expect to give him her heart.
In a low tone he asked, “This marriage you ha’ in mind, will it be legal wi’ no banns being read?”
“Father Alban is an old friend of my uncle, and I ha’ spoken to him of this. He will accommodate me.”
“Aye, and what will your uncle think o’ this scheme of yours?”
“Very little, I imagine. He is dead.”
Sutherland contemplated that without comment.
St. Lyon’s church loomed ahead, appearing all at once out of the swirling snow. Annie turned to Jockie.
“You lead Old Rake round back and join us inside where you can get warm, eh?”
Jockie nodded and clattered off.
Annie turned to Sutherland and looked into his face, only to be struck again by how handsome he looked. But that had naught to do with anything, and she could not let it sway her good sense, not when she’d come so far.
“Before we go inside, I want to be sure I ha’ your understanding. This is no’ an ordinary marriage but something more in the manner of a hiring, which is why I came to the fair in the first place.”
He inclined his shaggy head toward her slightly. “A hiring wi’out wages. That is against the law, you do ken.”
She swept him with her gaze. “And are you a man to adhere to arbitrary laws? I confess, I did no’ get that impression.”
“And,” he returned, “are you a woman who needs to hire a husband?” He echoed her. “I confess, I did no’ get that impression.” He returned her stare, slow and attentive. “You are certainly bonnie enough to snare a husband the usual way.”
To her surprise, Annie felt a wave of heat course through her. “I do no’ want a usual kind o’ husband. I want one who will tak’ my orders and stay clear o’ my bed. Be sure you are that man before we go inside and speak these vows.”
One of Sutherland’s eyebrows quirked up. “I was right at the outset; you are mad.”
“So we ha’ already determined,” Annie agreed, beginning to grow edgy again. What if he refused at this late moment? Where would she find a substitute, with the market now deserted and the snow falling? Besides, she discovered she did not want a substitute; for reasons she did not quite understand, she wanted this man and no other.
“There is a story behind this,” he said mildly. “I confess, I would like to hear it.”
“Perhaps you shall, but not now—there is no time.” Annie drew a breath and sought to deny the fear rising inside her, the fear that he might walk away from her after all.
But that curious smile crossed his lips again.
“Are you coming wi’ me?” she pressed.
“It seems a damned clever way to secure the services of a farm worker whilst paying no wages,” he said. “But aye, for all that, I will come along wi’ you.”
“Father Alban is an old friend of my uncle, and I ha’ spoken to him of this. He will accommodate me.”
“Aye, and what will your uncle think o’ this scheme of yours?”
“Very little, I imagine. He is dead.”
Sutherland contemplated that without comment.
St. Lyon’s church loomed ahead, appearing all at once out of the swirling snow. Annie turned to Jockie.
“You lead Old Rake round back and join us inside where you can get warm, eh?”
Jockie nodded and clattered off.
Annie turned to Sutherland and looked into his face, only to be struck again by how handsome he looked. But that had naught to do with anything, and she could not let it sway her good sense, not when she’d come so far.
“Before we go inside, I want to be sure I ha’ your understanding. This is no’ an ordinary marriage but something more in the manner of a hiring, which is why I came to the fair in the first place.”
He inclined his shaggy head toward her slightly. “A hiring wi’out wages. That is against the law, you do ken.”
She swept him with her gaze. “And are you a man to adhere to arbitrary laws? I confess, I did no’ get that impression.”
“And,” he returned, “are you a woman who needs to hire a husband?” He echoed her. “I confess, I did no’ get that impression.” He returned her stare, slow and attentive. “You are certainly bonnie enough to snare a husband the usual way.”
To her surprise, Annie felt a wave of heat course through her. “I do no’ want a usual kind o’ husband. I want one who will tak’ my orders and stay clear o’ my bed. Be sure you are that man before we go inside and speak these vows.”
One of Sutherland’s eyebrows quirked up. “I was right at the outset; you are mad.”
“So we ha’ already determined,” Annie agreed, beginning to grow edgy again. What if he refused at this late moment? Where would she find a substitute, with the market now deserted and the snow falling? Besides, she discovered she did not want a substitute; for reasons she did not quite understand, she wanted this man and no other.
“There is a story behind this,” he said mildly. “I confess, I would like to hear it.”
“Perhaps you shall, but not now—there is no time.” Annie drew a breath and sought to deny the fear rising inside her, the fear that he might walk away from her after all.
But that curious smile crossed his lips again.
“Are you coming wi’ me?” she pressed.
“It seems a damned clever way to secure the services of a farm worker whilst paying no wages,” he said. “But aye, for all that, I will come along wi’ you.”
Born in Buffalo and raised on the Niagara Frontier, Laura Strickland has been an avid reader and writer since childhood. To her the spunky, tenacious, undefeatable ethnic mix that is Buffalo spells the perfect setting for a little Steampunk, so she created her own Victorian world there. She knows the people of Buffalo are stronger, tougher and smarter than those who haven’t survived the muggy summers and blizzard blasts found on the shores of the mighty Niagara. Tough enough to survive a squad of automatons? Well, just maybe.
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Book Review: The Hiring Fair by Laura Strickland (Help Wanted Series) Magnificent Read!!! 5 Kilts!
True short historical background by Celtic Barb ( Reviewer)
It was a difficult time for Scotland so much was taken away from them including their land and homes. In the early 1800’s it was a forced eviction called The Clearances. It resulted a change from farming to sheep raising, an agriculture revolution. This was carried out mainly by aristocratic landowners and would be practiced until the early 1900’s. Many had Factors like a foreman or manager to carry the landowners order and clearing the land. Some of these Factor were nothing more then terrorizing bullies. So when one of the largest the Rising Fair came every March many of these starving and homeless evicted Scots came hoping to find some work even if it was onky for a season. Will to do anything for roof over their heads, and coin in their pockets.
Book: The Hiring Fair by Laura Strickland (Help Wanted Series)
Reviewed By: Barb Massabrook
Heat Rating: Mild
Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars
Oban, Western Scotland
March, 1810
In this story: Tam Sutherland, is one of those bitter evicted former farmer and landowner and has come to “The Rising Fair” looking for work. He is starving, clothes are filthy and torn, wearing soleless shoes and has been sleeping in a ditch! His heart is as torn as is clothing, guilt ridden over deaths of people he loved and failed to protect! Plus he walked the entire long way, but he wouldn't be surprised if no one would offer him any work he only had one working hand! He was desperate and broke,hoping against hope, he would get offered some work.
Afterall Tam was damaged as his hand and fingers were crushed! A painful reminder of what happened when trying to protect his family - from their vicious heartless factor! They had been evicted them into the cold snow with only the clothes on their backs! The Factor and his men burned their home right in front of them to the ground!
Even the neighbors were fearful to offer aid fearing they would be next, the harsh weather elements and illness killed his family. So this poor man was desperate, hungry and alone, resolved never to care for another living soul again! After all he was useless with one working hand and felt responsible family's deaths not being able to protect or save them.
Healer and landowner, Annie MacCallum was desperate and afraid! After her sole protector, her Uncle died, now threats from her cruel brutal factor Ned Randleigh had increased tenfold. Randleigh is obsessed with her, and and wants her for a wife which turns her stomach! Annie knows she's running out of time feels she must find a protestor immediately. If she doesn't agree with Randleigh terms, he will clear her and home, farm and land! In addition harm those she loves and cares for, as he's a cruel, sadistic, monster in the worse possible way!
Annie knew his threats would become a reality if she didn't get protection immediately! Problem is she had no coin as offer for payment plus she needs it to for a permanent position. As Randleigh, the heartless brute has been taking advantage of his authority while their Laird has been convalescing away in Edinburgh. The rumors was he had taken ill, but most of the the people just feel their Laird has abandoned and forgotten them. As the Factor, he has totally taken advantage of the situation, Lording it over everyone, by lying and using the Lairds name, to get his wicked way! Example: like raising rents when they can't even pay the exorbitant rents he charges now! This is just to line his own dirty corrupt pockets!
Ned Ranleigh is beyond evil taking advantage of all the young women in the worst possible way! If they reveal his dirty secrets, he threatens with violence and clearing their homes and lands. If they don't do as he commands he gives them a thrashings! As he will beat and makes things difficult with anyone in getting in his way of what he wants! What he wants is Annie MacCallum and anyone who is the obstacle in his way of will suffer! Plus everyone fears him, because if the people try to fight him their loved ones with suffer. Many have no protection only bairns and the elderly to protect, so they feel they have no choice but to agree to all his disgusting desires. Feeling t it would only cause severe beatings and possibly death of the victim and their families. Randleigh is sly as a fox using his own corrupt officials magistrate, Priests and crooked dishonest officials lining their pockets most likely with their rent increases!
Annie believes if she had a husband that would be her answer to her problems. So when she goes up to the Rising Fair platform proposing for her hand in marriage, but no coin but a roof over their head ans food in their bellies. She know many were suffering from both. Tam who had noticed he beauty right from the beginning but now thinks she's mad! Though after being rejected and the The Rising Fair had emptied he reluctantly accepted her offer which she made clear was in name only. As she knew the paying offers would declined him as soon as they saw his damaged hand. A hand that throbs with pain everyday. Annie was blunt and told him no other offers would come his way, of course he knew deep inside she was the answer to his prayers. Being able to sleep with a roof over his head and food in his belly was a miracle indeed. Deep inside Annie was relieved this handsome but filthy man was her answer. No matter much how this couple denied it you could feel the sparks and connections at first glance. So off to the Priest they went even if Tam did feel Annie was a wee bit insane.
Was she a madwoman of an angel of mercy? As she was a land owner of a small farm. Once she revealed her story he knew the threat Randleigh and she feared for others more then herself. Tam felt this was his redemption having experience with cruel Factors if he could only help and protect this good woman. This was when Tam starts feeling things he didn't want to feel and the gates of his cold heart start to open. Feeling he got the better deal in this bargain. It was all for others her people and animals who live under her roof. Some might call them misfits or broken. It was a place these souls could feel cared for , safe and loved. Well it had been before that unfortunate miscreant Factor showed upon their land! Annie, as her mother before her, also let them live under her roof to care and protect them. Annie like her mother before her were healers and all the people on her village came to her for potions, cure or her healing touch. It was when she touched his broken hand and fingers that really surprised him!
He doesn't see himself the way Annie does as a protective braw honorable handsome man. Wondering if her affection is only fleeting, like her feelings toward him is another damaged one she can care for? Annie has many insecurities, she too has self esteem issues and feels guilty she has dumped Tam into her mess, living with so much guilt. Perhaps the safest and nicest thing she can do is to let him go? Plus the Factor does not react the way she hopes when he hears of her sudden marriage and people. Randleigh mocks Tam for his mangled hand and his obsession for Annie only deepens, as his threats and actions start become deadly. This couple has no choice but to make the ultimate sacrifice! What that will be you will have to read this exquisite story to find out!
Will this star crossed couple have a chance or will they go their separate ways? Both love and carry lots of guilt, as optimistic Annie starts to loose her way and wonder if she should chose a darker path. Can Tam lead her on the right path or shall he join her in the darkness? Both hold so much guilt, not being able to reveal their true feelings out of fear and now it might be too late for either of them.
The secondary characters brought so much depth and meaning into this story as well. Some parts so emotional for me, that tears were running down my cheeks, for the humans as well as the animals. Being a dog advocate this affected me deeply as the entire captivating story deeply touched my heart .
As Laura Strickland does it again with a riveting well researched, depth with emotion, appealing characters that you just can't help but love! Another roller coaster ride, full of twists and turns not knowing what might ensue next! An absolute intriguing and enthralling story that had me totally captivated from start to finish! Of course she weaves my favorite combination - lining true history with a beautiful fictional Scottish romance that come to life!
Superbly written, perfect setting, magnificent dialogues, fast paced flow and mesmerizing plots. Plus appealing characters that glide off pages aimed straight into the reader's heart!
Friday, August 19, 2016
Book: “A Highlander's Christmas Kiss” , by Paula Quinn (The MacGregor’s: Highland Heirs series, #5)
TBR: 9/27/2016
Reviewed By: Barb M.
Heat Rating: Hot
Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars
What is better than reading a Scottish highlander Christmas romance, by the extraordinary talent of bestselling author Paula Quinn! Definitely will get you in the holiday spirit!
I have been reading Ms. Quinn's exquisite stories since her debut. Believe me you can't help but get swept away in her riveting adventures, passionate romances whose characters take a chance on love and bask in the afterglow!
In this book and if you are following her wonderful The MacGregor’s: Highland Heirs series, this is book #5. It is centered on “The Taming of Malcolm Grant” book #4 brother Cailean. You can read as stand alone or in book order. I prefer book order as I love connecting the dots to the MacGregor/Grant family members!
Cailean Grant has a couple soul wrenching deaths that tears his heart out! He no longer wants to feel all this pain and grief or even care anymore! He can't take it if another person he loves dies! So he leaves his loving family at Camlochlin, and becomes one of Lord Edward Murdoch’s of Glen Lyon, Black Riders. A mercenary group that covers their faces with scarves so they won't be recognized. Black Riders are killers for hire basically, mercenaries that terrorize, kidnap, intimidate and assassinate for Lord Murdoch to keep the people fearful and in line and will accommodate his will. As Cailean no longer wants to feel, so he joins this group of ruthless killers for hire. His cousin Patrick MacGregor, follows him trying to convince him to return home to Camlochlin. To his family and friends that love him and to leave this empty dishonorable life!
Then someone attacks his cousin thinking he is a Black Rider and Patrick is near death. All Caelin see’s is revenge! A man is killed, because evil Duncan Murdoch told him the people of a tiny hamlet, called Linavar, hate the Black Riders!
Then Cailean feels the guilt, pain and suffering he brought to others. He finally realized this is not the life for him, but is he too late? He goes back to apologize and confess his part in their leaders murder. Not that he believes the will forgive him but something he feels he must do. Someone stabs him in the back and leaves him for dead in a cabbage patch. Cailean is found by the daughter, Temperance Menzie of the deceased leader. As he is not recognized without the attire and scarf covering of a Black Rider, as he only looks like a kilted highlander stranger . Temperance brings him back to the house to nurse him to health. Not realizing she has the enemy in her bed!
Temperance Mensie is destroyed when her father, Seth is murdered by the Black Riders. She swears she will kill all involved even if she dies in the process. She now has to marry her best friend William Defoe her childhood friend, but a man she doesn't love. William will be the new leader and she now needs protection! She wants passion and loves William as a brother, yet her father arranged this for her protection. As William will be the leader now. As the evil and brutal Duncan Murdoch is obsessed with Temperance, has been turned down for her hand many times.and she needs to be protected. He will do anything to possess her, a man she despises. She vows to kill all the men involved in murdering her father as she wants revenge!
She knows she is falling in love Cailean Grant, as she chips away at his frozen heart and gives him back his life. He knows he should tell her the truth that he's the reason her father is dead. Yet she seems to have a power over him to chase all his demons away! As he knows he is falling in love with her too! He knows he should tell her the truth, but he also know’s she will despise and hate him. It's not even just her, it is all the people of the Hamlet. From her Gram and her cat Tamlin have warmed their way into his frozen cold heart. Yet he lives with the guilt each day knowing what he had set in motion!
Yet the truth has a way of showing up and what will this poor girl do. A lass who lost a mother at birth, father killed murdered because of the order, by the man she loves. Will she forget and forgive? Or have her revenge and kill all the ones responsible for her father's death? Does Cailean have a chance at love or will his heart be shattered, with Temperance’s hatred and revenge! Will love heal the human heart or is it a lifetime of bitterness, revenge and heartache?
Yet it's Christmas and perhaps a time for miracles? A time for forgiveness, new beginnings, faith, joy and love? You will have read and find out if love really does heal all wounds.
“A Highlander’s Christmas Kiss” by Paula Quinn-had me devouring each page with breathtaking anticipation! A twisting and turning maze of non-stop-action, adventure, drama, emotion, romance and love!
It is a beautiful Christmas story that will definitely melt your heart! Filled with fast paced plots, gorgeous settings, magnificent dialogue and furbabies you will adore!
Another beautifully written story from start to finish, and definitely an emotional heartstring puller! I was tearing up so much that I simply could not put it down! I absolutely and unequivocally loved “A Highlander's Christmas Kiss” by the multi talented Paula Quinn. One of my top favorite authors on the planet!
Problem is after I read a Paula Quinn book I always want more!
I was given this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review through netgalley
Friday, August 12, 2016
Book: Highland Deception by Lori Ann Bailey
Reviewed: by Barb Massabrook
Heat Rating: Smokin Hot
Overall Rating 5/5 star
Background with historical detail:
Setting in 1642 Scotland was on the cusp of Another religious civil war or a third Bishops wars, as it was called. As the Covenanters who were committing atrocious crimes against innocent Catholics as they feel everyone should be worshipping the Protestant faith! Conal Erskine, Maggie Murray's betrothed was one of those people. He was murdering innocents for no reason but they were devoted Catholics a different faith! He truly was a sado masochist who enjoyed others pain and suffering-promising his bride to be that was her future! He was a brutal demon indeed!
Scotland, 1642
Maggie swears she will never fall in love! Especially not like her deceased mother did! After all men only wanted one thing from women and then you are set aside! Don't they?
Lowlander, Margaret Murray is on the run after being betrothed to an abusive evil brute! She has stalled for over a year, but her time has run out! No matter how much she pleads her case-of how awful her betrothed is! It's a political match, as her father is the Duke of Kirk is forcing her to marry Conall Erskine! He will not listen nor will her as her betrothed and his family have a lot of political power and influence. Even Maggie's brothers won't defend her go against their father's wishes. Telling her she just must get used to his rough ways and love will come later! Like hell it will! Especially not after the he terrorized and used brute force against her best friend! Yet no one was aware of this due to fatal threats he made against her friend. He is so horrid and evil she doesn't dare doubt the threats he makes!
So after that she closes herself off from people fearing he would hurt someone else she cares for. This basically forces her to become a loners in seclusion. Yet deep inside wishes for family and friends that love and care for her. Even her dreams of children will never come to be. Better safe then sorry for herself and others connected to her. Her own mother ignored her why she basically ran wild and did as she pleased! Plus with an absent father never around who was unfaithful with many lovers. It is no wonder Maggie has no taste for men and wants to be a Bride of Christ! Yet what she wants most is freedom and for someone to love her,
It a frustrating no win situation for Maggie. So she decides she has no choice, but become a Bride of Christ and hide behind the walls of the convent. Well it's better then being beaten to submission! Alhough it saddens her too, as Maggie secretly dreamed of marrying for love and having a family. Now it wasn't even a possibility! So she steals a horse in boys clothes with her healing supplies as she is also a healer. As many of the women in her family before her were healers as well. Maggie takes off and this is when she starts her journey for the nunnery, heading north. Though she wants to taste true freedom and a bit of fun first!
Lachlan swears he will never marry again after his former betrothed plots against him and his clan in the worst possible way! He no longer trusts women thinks they are all liars and deceivers, but does still want them in his bed! Yet only in a physical way once his needs are met to be set aside.
Highlander, Royalist, Laird Lachlan Cameron, holds proof against the murderer, Conal Erskine! Whom is an Argyll and Covenanters supporter and Lachlan has proof of an asasination plot, plus he is protecting a young witness who saw him murder a Catholic priest. While in a skirmish with Conal's men, Lachlan mistakenly assumes Maggie was a plad. He nearly kills her as he thought shewas attempting to murder his brother, Malcolm. While in fact she had just stitched up a severe wound, probably just saved his brothers life! When honorable Lachlan realizes his mistake finding her a lass, he feels guilty as he would never raise a hand to a lass. He then brings the broken woman with him home to the highlands.
After Lachlan is able to question her he immediately mistrusts her knowing she lies, thinking she another faithless woman and having secrets. He suspects she as a spy when she wont answer his questions wont reveal who she is. Maggie knows if he knew whe a Dukes daughter he would just return her to her family. Then she would be forced to marry that monster who she fears will eventually kill her.
Maggie had never seen such a beautiful man in her life! This golden haired man with a warrior's body and protective heart, Of course Lachlan has secrets of his own. Lachlan fears she may be a spy and a threat, but once she's cleaned up is the most beautiful woman in Scotland! He puts his clan and family before anything! He will never let another woman into his heart nor put him or his people in danger ever again!
On their journey to his home to the Highlands, the attraction only grows stronger. Once he has her at his castle he sees her intelligence, caring for others realizing he wants her but still won't touch her until he knows who she is. He feels stirring of jealousy from the heady looks she gets from other men in his clan The attraction only grows stronger but both have so much mistrust in others and feel they sting of betrayal when bitter misunderstandings seem to surround them.
Maggie determined to feel true freedom to have a little fun before entering the convent but it gets harder and harder to leave as his clan gives her the family and friendship she has always yearned. Plus for the first time she feels safe and secure. She knows the braw man will have his fun and eventually set her aside. As that is the way of these deceitful men but as she he. Plus Maggie knows he needs a political match and believes he thinks her a commoner.Then she starts wondering why not have a first and last fling-before she enters the convent. Well as long as her heart is not involved. Yet she soon starts to learns more about this good, kind, untrusting, handsome golden haired Laird with a body of a God. Maggie then realizes her heart is in jeopardy!
Not realizing that she might be putting his clan in the midst of a civil war and betraying the man she has begun to care for in the worst way. Will the final result be the worst form of betrayal? Or will these two mistrusting souls finally open their hearts and begin to trust again? Will Lachlan set Maggie aside if he ever gets her in his bed? Will free spirit Maggie become a bride of Christ and live a dull restricted life behind the high walls of a nunnery for the rest of her life? Has Maggie, cost his clan a civil war not revealing her secrets and who she really is ? Will Lachlan fall to pieces if another woman betrays him? Will these two truly ever open their hearts and let the love in? You will have to read and find out the answers from this magnificent book!
Must read this heart string puller with characters that glide off the pages right into the reader's heart. Even the secondary characters are extraordinary. Hope there is future books fo shy Fergus, Lachlan's brother Malcolm, the handsome flirtatious cousin Brodie or the best friend Alan who is direct, open and honest.
Wow! Wow! Wow this is new talented author “Lori Ann Bailey” debut book, “Highland
Deception”book one in her new (Highland Pride Series). I was totally delighted by this exceptional book and totally swept away! Having all the elements historical romance readers are looking for. It has a potent mixture of true factual Scottish history with an exhilarating fictional Scottish romance! As its is set on the aftermath of the first and second Bishops wars 1639-1640 and on the cusp of the third! As it was a horrid time of deadly treacherous political and religious plots, schemes, murder, assassination attempts, and more. Plus her fictional story is beautifully and superbly written, as she writes like a pro she has been writing novels for years!
Beautiful Scottish setting, amazing dialogue, powerful plots within plots! There is so many weaving twists and turns that the reader heads will spin, when you think you know everything and boom another surprise!
Bravo Ms. Bailey is it is obvious you picked a craft you were born to do! So thrilled you decided to go on this marvelous journey as a writer and picking my favorite genre Scottish historical romance! I can't wait to read the next book in your a Highland Pride series. Definitely readers this is a new author you don't want to miss! I highly recommend Highland Deception by Lori Ann Bailey!
**I received this arc from the publisher in an exchange for an honest review through**
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Highland Temptation by Jennifer Haymore (The Highland Knights, Book 3) Comes out 8/23/2016. 5/5 Kilts
Book: Highland Temptation by Jennifer Haymore
Reviewed by: Barb Massabook
Release Date: August 23rd
Rating: 5/5 stars
Heat Rating: Smokin Hot
Another fabulous Highland Knight book in Jennifer Haymore’s latest release coming out August 23rd and it is another wonderful read with another sexy kilted highland Knight. As each of the Highland Knights are are war heroes and going through some form of PTSD with many scars some are physical and some are mental, but nothing that a good woman can't help them heal and deal with. This is the third book in this wonderful Highland Knights series.
Sir Colin Stirling one of the war hero warriors of The Highland Knight believe he is going mad and is being chase by the demons of souls he has killed in battle. He believes he can talk to the dead and that one day they will kill him. Of course back in this time there wasn't a word PTSD and no therapists to help. Well not without being committed to an insane asylum like Bedlam. So in other words there was no one to truly heal him or medication to take as there is in the 21st century now. Luckily he had the support and love of his family as they called themselves The Highland Knight whi were there to help and protect those in need and the Crown. It made him feel less then a man for his fellow Knight to help chase his demon and nightmares away. He truly felt he would never have a woman to share his life because of the danger he possessed with these demons always chasing him.
English Lady Emilia Featherstone appeared at the Knights door for protection after having being beaten near to death by her own father, the Viscount, Lord Pinfield after snooping through his papers and finding him a traitor to the Crown. She has been whipped badly and went to only man she trusted Sir Colin Stirling a man who once guarded her vicious father. When he sees the condition she is and how a father who was a Viscount and a Noble he wanted to kill him Plus it obvious he had been beating his daughter secretly for years keeping her in isolation and away from society, . Not that he ever liked Pinfield as he could see the type of man he was, but to beat his own daughter with a whip was just !reprehensible! To harm any female made him sick but his own daughter! Colin was furious and filled with rage!
The daughter was sweet intelligent and good besides being beautiful, the exact opposite of her father. The Highland Knights knew they had to get Lady Emilia and away from London immediately and Colin volunteered and begged it to be him as it was obvious he was the only man she trusted, They decided Scotland would be the logical and safest choice and had to do it fast so some of the Knights could investigate and get the goods on the Viscount while Colin whisks her away to safely to Scotland. Yet this trip is anything but smooth sailing as they go on the pretense as husband and wife without a chaperone.
Emilia is running for her life and Colin running from his demons! What they discover is a thing called love while he protects her life and she protects his soul. It is really beautiful how they open their hearts and are so protective and fierce of one another, but as they are running out of time as her wicked father and his wicked henchmen are chasing after them too! Will Emilia finally confess all her father's sins to Colin? Something she hasn't done yet, feeling some loyalty to the man who sired her. She knows the informations she has will have him hanged as a traitor of the crown. Will her father catch up and make his threat come true and murder her and possibly kill Colin too? You will have to read this exceptional story and find out.
This heart pulling, action packed, fast paced, riveting, romantic adventure is filled with intrigue, murder, mayhem, suspense, abduction and more! So many twists and turns, ups and downs that had me at the edge of my seat wondering what could possibly happen next! Just loved this story, read in one sitting as I could not put it down! as I have this entire series! Jennifer Haymore is a magnificent writer and keeping the readers fascinated from start to finish. I highly recommend Highland Temptation by Jennifer Haymore and looking forward to her next one!
Was given this ARC from the publisher through netgalley for an honest review.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Book- “Forbidden Legacy” by Diana Cosby
(The Forbidden Series, Book 1)
Reviewed By - Barb Massabrook ( Tartan Book Reviews and Celtic Barb’s Kilted Tartan Book Review Blog)
Release date - August 16, 2016
Heat Rating - mild
Rating - 5/5 Stars
This the first book in Diana Cosby's sensational new (The Forbidden series) and will be released August 16th. This novel is about a marriage neither wants, a revenge both want for similar reasons, but with shocking results!
Scotland, September 1307
A Scottish Woman Lady Katherine Cailbraith is forced to watch her entire family being brutally murdered by the English. They try to force her hand which she refuses to marry the evil English Earl who forced her to watch as he murdered her family. Unknown to them there are many secret passageways in Avalon Castle the English overtook and Katherine's birthright and home. She was taken prisoner to the dungeon after refusing to marry the English murdering Earl! Unknown to the English, there is a secret passageway in the dungeon which aides Katherine's escape! She escapes to her Godfathers Home asking for help. Her Godfather just happens to be Scotland's King, Robert the Bruce. Just shocked as what his suggestion is!
At the same time the Templar Knight Sir Stephan MacQuistan also needs help after the forced disbanded Templar KnightS. The evil French King stirred lies and rumors charging the Knights with heresy and wanting their riches for his kingdom’s wealth and selfish needs. Who doesn't believe a royal King? So the few escaped with their lives and were advised to forget their previous vows and start a new life. Their first priority it to to safeguard and hide the Templars fortune, for this they needed help from an ally. The ally is King Robert, the Bruce of Scotland. Stephan is not happy with the suggestion to marry the daughter of the man who had slaughtered his family as a lad. Of course he loves the idea of possessing his family's home again. He wants revenge though he knows Katherine is blameless for her sires evil deeds. He would never harm or hurt the lass for her father's misdeeds as Stephan has been brought up by the Templars to be a fair, good and honest man.
Katherine had tragedy happen in her teenage years that has scarred her deeply and has no trust of men. She reveals this to no one - only the ones present at the time know of this misery. Stephan vowing celibacy as a Templar monk, has no intimate experience of women, but he isn't dead and is immediately attracted to Katherine's beauty, intelligence and kindness. He was shocked by King Robert’s demand of an immediate marriage and protection of his precious Goddaughter. Stephan agrees knowing he will now be training and on missions for the Bruce. Plus his revenge is sweet to be master of his murdered family's home, but he never plans on revealing the truth to his wife about her muderous father. Feeling it would cause Katherine more hurt and devastation, yet wouldn't abandonment? It makes one wonder about his complicated thought process.
Stephan figures he can set her aside, be married in name only, as they plan to go to war and take Avalon Castle back. He is surprised that she is easily agreed to no intimacy for the wedding night and for the time being. He is shocked that this wisp of a girl basically blackmailed their King and has to accompany them and only then will she share the secrets and hidden passageways to Avalon Castle. Something Stephan is furious about!
His men earn Katherine's respect immediately and see’s this as a good match for their brother and leader. Then to find her an expert with a sword enhances her even more, each Knight willing to teach her more sword tactics in lessons. Stephan see's this as a hindrance, but sooner or later his eyes begin to open just as other problems pile up for this couple. Katherine see's Stephan as a handsome good man and worries he will turn to another when he finds out she can't be touched by another man ever! Stephan is not aware of her assault as a teenager. What future can these two possibly have? The attraction becomes apparent, but is that enough? Secrets always seem to reveal themselves in one way or another eventually. Shocking ending.
This book was absolutely riveting adventure filled with secrecy, mayhem, brutality, betrayal, trust, faith, hope and love. It has so many twists and turns and more than one shocking surprise. Superbly written, brilliant plotting, setting and dialogue! I can hardly wait for book #2 in this spectacular “The Forbidden Series!” Ms. Cosby definitely has the magic touch of drawing the reader in, keeping them fascinated with anticipation wondering what could possibly happen next!
I loved, loved, loved this novel and highly recommend it! It is one readers surely don't want to miss! A total masterpiece in my opinion.
**I was given this arc by the publisher for an honest review through**.
Book- “Forbidden Legacy” by Diana Cosby
(The Forbidden Series, Book 1)
Reviewed By - Barb Massabrook ( Tartan Book Reviews and Celtic Barb’s Kilted Tartan Book Review Blog)
Release date - August 16, 2016
Heat Rating - mild
Rating - 5/5 Stars
This the first book in Diana Cosby's sensational new (The Forbidden series) and will be released August 16th. This novel is about a marriage neither wants, a revenge both want for similar reasons, but with shocking results!
A Scottish Woman Lady Katherine Cailbraith is forced to watch her entire family being brutally murdered by the English. They try to force her hand which she refuses to marry the evil English Earl who forced her to watch as he murdered her family. Unknown to them there are many secret passageways in Avalon Castle the English overtook and Katherine's birthright and home. She was taken prisoner to the dungeon after refusing to marry the English murdering Earl! Unknown to the English, their is a secret passageway in the dungeon which aides Katherine's escape! She escapes to her Godfathers Home asking for help. Her Godfather just happens to be Scotland's King, Robert the Bruce. Just shocked as what his suggestion is!
At the same time the Templar Knight Steven MacQuistan also needs help after the forced disbanded Templar Knights . The evil French King stirred lies and rumors charging the Knights with heresy and wanting their riches for his kingdom’s wealth and selfish needs. Who doesn't believe a royal King? So the few escaped with their lives and were advised to forget their previous vows and start a new life. Their first priority it to to safeguard and hide the Templars fortune, for this they needed help from an ally. The ally is King Robert, the Bruce of Scotland. Steven is not happy with the suggestion to marry the daughter of the man who had slaughtered his family as a lad. Of course he loves the idea of possessing his family's again. He wants revenge though he knows Katherine is blameless for her sires evil deeds. He is would never harm or hurt the lass for her father's misdeeds as Steven has been brought up by the Templars to be a fair, good and honest man.
Katherine had tragedy happen in her teenage years that has scarred her deeply and has no trust of men. She reveals this to no one onky the ones present at the time know of this misery, Steven vowing celibacy as a Templar monk has no intimate experience of women but he isn't dead and is immediately attracted to Katherine's beauty, her intelligence and kindness. He was shocked by King Robert demands of marriage and protection of his Godfather, but agrees as now he will be training and on missions for the Bruce. Plus his revenge is sweet to be master of his murdered family's home, but he never plans on revealing the truth to his wife about her father.
Steven figures he can set her aside be married in name only as they plan to go to war and take Avalon castle back. He is surprised that she is easily agreed to no intimacy for the wedding night and for the time being. He is shocked that this wisp of a girl basically blackmailed their King and has to accompany them and only then will she share to secrets and hidden passageways to Avalon Castle. Something Steven is furious about!
His men earn Katherine's respect immediately and see this as a good match for their brother and leader. Then to find her an expert with a sword enhances her even more each willing to teach her more sword tactics in lessons. Steven see's this as hindrance but sooner or later his eyes begin to open just as other problem pile up for this couple. Katherine see's Steven as a handsome good man and worries he will turn to another when he finds out she can't be touched by another man ever! Steven is not aware of her assault as a teenager. What future can these two possibly have? The attraction becomes apparent, but is that enough? Secrets always seem to reveal themselves in one way or another eventually. Shocking ending.
This book was absolutely riveting adventure filled with secrecy, mayhem, brutality, betrayal, trust, faith, hope and love. It has so many twists and turns and more than one shocking surprise!Superbly written, brilliant plotting, setting and dialogue! I can hardly wait for book #2 in this spectacular The Forbidden series! Ms. Cosby definely has the magic touch of drawing the reader in and keep them fascinated with anticipation wondering what could possible happen next!
I loved, loved, loved this novel and highly recommend it! It is one readers surely don't want to miss! A total masterpiece in my opinion.
**I was given this arc by the publisher for an honest review through**.