Monday, August 29, 2016
Karen Hawkin's new release Mad for the Plaid Book #3 in her fabulous The Oxburg Princes's Series 5 Kilts. Another Winner!
Book:Mad for the Plaid by Karen Hawkins
Reviewed by: Celtic Barb
Heat Rating: Mild
Overall Rating: five stars
Scotland, 1824
In this story Prince Nikolai Romanovin, of Oxenburg finds London society life - dull tedious and boring. He is uninterested in politics and the social structures expected from him.These are forced upon him due to his royal title unfortunately for him! Of course his guise worked and got plenty of useful information from people thinking he was a useless empty headed flop who only care about seducing women and carousing. It was amazing how many people would talk and reveal useful imperative information when they thought he wasn't listening. Yet he was so tired and felt ill and thought he would go insane if he has to take and dance with one more empty headed Virgin he will go mad! He needs some excitement in his life.
Careful for what you wish for! As he discovers his Grandmother, the Grand Duchess, Natasha Nikolaevna may be in danger! He then takes off and heads straight to Castle Cromartie, where she had been visiting. Nikolai goes in the disguise as a groom, a member of the his honor guard on the Scottish estate where his Grandmother was visiting her friend Countess Cromartie. Though with some eavesdropping and his actions there is one Scottish lass he does not fool with this disguise.
Lady Ailsa Mackenzie, Laird Mackenzie's youngest unmarried daughter, is the heroine in this story. She is left in charge with all the duties and responsibilities of the estate in her father's absence. As her father is gone most of the time. She has not been impressed with her previous correspondence with Prince Nicolai, plus the rumors and reputation of his character does not impress her in the least. Due to her previous dealings with him, was not surprised he was missing, when members of his honor guard arrived on her family's estate. She figured he couldn't tear himself always from carousing or his latest conquest of the week. Then she notices his new grooms bold behavior and then see how his superiors treat him as if he were above their station. Then to be sure she puts him to a wee test which is rather hilarious! Ailsa corners him - there is no use lying, so he comes clean and admits his little ruse.
Nik is nothing at all like what she has heard about him. As being a handsome, spoiled, shameless, womanizing profligate who cares about nothing, but his own selfish pursuits - which is pretty common among the nobility. Yet he didn't seem to have any of these traits besides being verra verra bonny indeed! He obviously loved his grandmother very much or he wouldn't of traveled to personally help in the aid and rescue of her. Though each of them have have very different ideas of how to do this and each one is stubborn thinking their way is the correct way!
Obviously the gossipers and newspapers got it his behavior very wrong indeed. Though Ailsa could see how this his behavior can drop in a moments notice depending on the situation he is put in.This only proved his keen insight, calculation and intelligence to get the upper hand. Yet Lady Ailsa was also very intelligent and no fool and knew when he was playing her! Plus very soon he would realize she was like no other woman Prince Nicolai Romanovin has ever met!
As they begin this journey they find out they are both stubborn and they bump heads. Ailsa agrees to keep his true identity secret. except for a couple close to her for his safety. In the beginning Nik finds Ailsa just bothersome and irritating and not his type at all. As they travel to rescue together as each felt they other would just be in the others way and argue in the way the rescue attempt should be done. Nik soon finds out Ailsa is also not what he expected this brave, passionate, independent, and stubborn that all her people seem to love and respect. A bit ironic, being a woman, yet very true indeed, Nik soon realizes this special Scotswoman is exactly his type! They soon learn to respect and care for each both on the physical and mental planes. Its is totally exhilarating to read, how their opinions of each other changes and love blossoms!
Yet this story is not without it's ups and downs, conflicts, mayhem and danger . As Ailsa believes there is one who would like nothing more but to start clan war with Ailsa’s family to get a hold of the MacKenzie lands. Then you realize it could be enemies of Prince Nikolai as he is negotiations with the wicked Tsar. Plus there are several attempts on his life by unknown assassins or is just some random brigands scheme? So is this abduction just random or planned? Do they want to murder Nik, Ailsa or possibly both? Who is the true target of this devious plan?
Nik loves his Grandmother, as Prince is hoping to retrieve his Grandmother quickly and quietly. This is done to avoid an international incident. Is that even possible? As there seems to be danger joined with mayhem at every turn and corner! Will they even survive? Readers will have to read this delightful tale to find out.
Another Karen Hawkins winner I absolutely loved! This is the third book in the fabulous Oxenburg Prince's series. I think is my favorite of the series. It has all the elements readers of historical romance look for with splendid settings, breathtaking dialogues and plotting that makes your heart race! Another captivating fast paced-page turner, a total win in my opinion!
All the characters in this story definitely comes to life! As even the honorable secondary characters are so endearing. Nicolai’s Grandmother is a definite scene stealer! She who loves to complain, nag and insult whenever the needs arrives. Plus her ill smelling healing potions is absolutely hilarious! Though the Grand Duchess’s heart is always in the right place - when it comes to her Grandson and those she loves. This riveting novel is filled with non-stop action, moments of humor, suspense, mystery, drama, intrigue, treachery betrayal, emotional heartbreak and love. It touches all the emotions to us faint of heart and believe in love! In addition. a hot swoon worthy handsome Prince! Yet this Prince is not always “charming” in the decisions he has to make.. A definite heartstring puller. with a surprise ending that readers won't be able to tear away from!
I highly recommend the spectacular novel “Mad for the Plaid” by Karen Hawkins ( The Oxenburg Prince's series #3). A New York Times and USA Today bestselling who is an extremely gifted storyteller. Believe me this is one tale readers don't want to miss!
*I was given this book from Gallery Threshold Pocket Books. A division of Simon and Schuster publishers through netgalley for an honest review.
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