Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Princess Wore Plaid by Karen Hawkins Novella TBR 3/21/2016 4 Kilts

This book is about a spoiled coddled Princess Tatiana Romanovin who get thrown from her carriage on her way to her cousin's wedding in Scotland, as they are held up by bandits. Princess Tatiana's frightened entourage and servants are so terrorized they all runaway, when they do look for her she is no where to be found. As the Princess is lost in the woods for two days and does not know who she is or where she is but she ends up at The Red Lion Inn just as her memory returns. When she tells The Drummond's,  the kind owners of The Red Lion Inn she is a Princess they think she lost her mind and just hit her head really hard and is confused, especially with no papers or coin as to offer any proof! So the kindly Inn owners offer her a job for room, board and meals as a maid, especially since they short staffed as one of their maids just broke her arm. The thing is The Princess has never lifted a finger in her entire life,  so she gets her share of blisters and calluses as she enter this new life in service, of working for a living. It's heartening when she appreciates her staff and servants so much more, in a new light and feels guilty never really fully appreciating or realizing how hard are their jobs and what they entail. So as she waits to hear from her cousin, Prince Nikolao of Oxenburg, that she trusts her letters are being dispatched as she feels so isolated and alone in this foreign country. That is until she meets the grumpy Lord Buchnan and lets just say things get really interesting and not to mention heated up!

Lord Buchan, the hero of this story is grumpy indeed but for good reason as he is crippled from an injured leg from a gruesome  battle with The French Navy that has left him injured and handicapped. With it came some personal and devastating hardships as well a faithless fiancé that left him, friend deserted him,  all because of his injury!  A leg that is twisted and gives him excruciating pain so he become a reclusive and hides away in his manor house in the Scottish country. He only leaves his home every Friday evening at the Red Lion Inn due to the delicious food as his cook is not the best and travel is most difficult for his leg. Yet his world totally changes when he meets the most beautiful woman, the new outspoken scullery maid,  Princess Tatiana who won't even tell him her name. He was not used to a servant treating him a peer like this ever, but it made him curious and amused him as well, to find out more about this mysterious women with a foreign accent. As time goes he gives Tatiana friendship and more as he is the only one that seems to believe her story. He sees how she carries herself, being outspoken, are not the actions of a servant even her education for a woman. He is the first person who might possibly believes her which gives Tatiana hope  and for the first time since his injury his cold heart starts to thaw. That is  until he realizes this Princess will eventually leave his life as quickly as she appeared in it!

As for Tatiana who only wanted to go home realizes she is falling in love with this man and the last thing she want to do is leave him. What can a Princess do?  She has more dull, boring, meaningless balls and soiree's in her former empty Royal life that she is expected to return to! Will Buchan return to his meaningless recluse life again? Are they destined to have their hearts broken and go their separate ways?  You will have to read this wonderful novella to find out!

This is Karen Hawkin's latest release and new novella from The Oxenburg Prince's series and I recommend it for a fun, quick paced  beautiful, captivating  and heartwarming story. I always love Karen Hawkin's books as I have been reading her for years. I really enjoyed "The Princess Wore Plaid" from start to finish and look forward to reading the next book in the series. You can read this as a stand alone book too. Bravo!

This book will be released 3/21/2016

I was given this ARC from the publisher for an honest review through

1 comment:

  1. Premier Princess Parties
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