Saturday, October 21, 2017
Tangled in Time by Barbara Longley. The McCarthy Sister's, Book #1, Release Date October 24, 2017. Five Kilts. Celtic Barb found herself totally spellbound from start to finish!
Book: Tangled in Time
By Barbara Longley
Series: The McCarthy Sisters, Book One
Release Date: October 24, 2017
Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook (of)
Tartan Book Reviews
Purple Tulip Book Reviews
Celtic Barb’s Tartan Book Review Blog
Overall Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Present Day, County Meath, Ireland
This is the first book in the brand new McCarty Sisters series. Regan the eldest sister, can see and communicate with ghosts. Her job is to bring them to the light - as sometimes they are attached to objects or things. As they are so focused on these items are off the chosen path they are supposed to take. Regan puts them on the right path to heaven's gate. Regan’s twin younger sisters, Meredith and Grayce, have the power of premonition and precognition. They all have a trace of fae blood in them as well.
Regan McCarthy is the heroine of this story. Her ancestors have passed down the dreaded power of seeing ghosts. She received this unwanted gift from her Irish ancestry-so bam she an idea! To go back to Ireland: the source of the mystical newgrange monument in County Meath and return to sender!
Well she is hoping for some type of result or at least to get some kind of control over this power. As she did not want it! Felt it destroyed her life! All her boyfriends have left her thinking she's a freak and people in general think she's nuts! As people can’t see her ghosts. So as she converses with them
being a ghost whisperer per say, human’s see her talking to air! They think she's schizophrenic or just plain cra cra crazy! She just wants some normal in her life, a nice boyfriend, maybe even get married and have a family. If only someone could accept who she really was!
At the Newgrange monument everything goes kind of haywire and she ends up in front of this swoon worthy eighteen hundred old Celtic warrior Fáelán. She think’s it one of her ghosts. When Fáelán explains he's been cursed and she's his wee miracle, Regan doesn't believe him. No, she is convinced he's just attached to something and she needs to bring him to the light. The problem is she's never felt an attraction to any of her ghosts before! It definitely can't go anywhere but it confuses Regan. Plus he has strange abilities where he can do things her other ghosts can't. It all very consuming and frustrating to Regan who likes everything black and white per say.
Fáelán had been an elite warrior for Fionn MacCumhaill until he met with an unfortunate accident! He was cursed by a jealous, spiteful, fae princess, Morrigan. This fae princess had pretended to be a mortal in the 3rd century. She had her wicked ways, gave him a concoction to become immortal without his knowledge. Fáelán flat turned her down to be her consort forever. So this vengeful fae cursed him and put him in this solemn veil for all of eternity!
The only way to break the curse is to fall in love. The all consuming, I would die for you kind of love. The problem is he can't be seen by anyone, but kin and only has, 5 days at the rare equinox and solstice where the veils lifts, realms merge and dimensions collide. It is his only opportunity to court and fall in love. Plus to break this wicked curse, he has to fall so deeply in love where he would forsake everything, even die for the one he loves. Except when this opportunity presents itself, he realizes both he and the woman he had fallen for are in mortal danger!
Fáelán would rather spend his eternity being imprisoned, than have his beloved Regan in any type of danger! Will this fae princess ever let him go? Will she go into a jealous tirade when she learns he has fallen in love. Will she murder Regan, Fáelán or both? You must read this phenomenal book, as there is a lot of shocking surprises in this spectacular novel!
Another beautiful story by Barbara Longley. She has the power of catching readers in her magic web and never letting go. This story I found really fascinating and a lover of everything Celtic I really loved Fáelán. He was charming, enchanting, honest, smart, honorable and drool worthy!
For those intrigued by science, there are many theories weaved into this story as well. So if you are a fan of either Albert Einstein or Harry Potter - it's a novel you definitely don't want to miss!
Another novel with breathtaking characters that are brought to life. The Irish settings in the present and past and fae Summerland are absolutely picturesque. I could see the brilliant colors of the sky and landscape so clearly in my mind. The plotting in this novel was absolutely mind blowing too. Some of this novel is hilarious where I loved the humor, but some heartbreaking scenes as well. So have the tissues on hand, you will need them. I also loved how the book explained the workings of time - in the past, present and future, plus how work and bind together. Absolutely captivating!
A spellbinding enchanting delightful novel that blew me away! I highly recommend this brilliant read that will stay with you long after you've read it. I know I couldn't put it down! I highly recommend as I absolutely loved “Tangled in Time” by Barbara Longley.
Disclaimer:I received this book from the publisher for a fair and honest review. I voluntarily agreed to read, review, blog and promote through netgalley. All words, ideas and thoughts are my own.
Amazon Buy Link: Tangled in Time (The McCarthy Sisters) eBook: Barbara ...
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