Monday, February 29, 2016
The Midwife, The Pocket Watch Chronicles series, Book 2
By Ceci Giltenan
Reviewed by Celtic Barb ( Beta Read)
5 Kilts
Release date...March 1st, 2016
Carraigile Western Highlands, Scotland, 1279
JFK International Airport, NYC, 2016
Ceci Giltenan rocks my world again and takes me on another delicious roller coast rides ride that I simply wanted to stay on forever! The Midwife is simply another masterpiece which I simply could not put down! This book is another extraordinary mind-blowing riveting memorable adventure you won't soon forget! Filled with breathtaking interwoven plot twists, intricate scenes, dazzling dialogue, with star crossed lovers, and lined with mystery, suspense, emotion, retribution, conflict, betrayal, duplicity, subterfuge, heartbreak and love that left me spellbound and gave me chills that curled my toes! Brilliant settings, magnificent plots and dialogue with likeable characters that leap off the pages and right into your heart! The Midwife is absolutely magnificent and the second book in Ceci's Giltenan's exceptional and unforgettable The Pocket Watch Chronicles, time travel series that can be read as a stand alone or in book order. I alway recommend book order just because I think it is more fun, but not necessary.
In this book again our favorite magical elder, Gertrude, has to convince another cynical non-believer to take the magic pocket watch and believe if only believe just a wee bit bit and go on a journey of a lifetime! Those who read The Pocket Watch will remember Gertrude as Maggie Mitchell also had believed that Gertrude was eccentric or touched in the head with senility. Maggie also had not believed her , but just went along with the persistent sweet old lady.
Also how Gertrude explains, how the pocket watch works and how two souls can switch places hundreds of years apart. Although one is destined for death no matter if there is a soul switch or not. This way Gertrude's chosen - won't feel it is another "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" film comes to life, or any dark black magic with possible foul deeds are at play. Some things are just your destiny no matter what,
After all who wouldn't want to take a glance at the past, the part you only read about in history books! How can Gertrude possibly convince this cynical women that her life is about to change for how long or indefinitely was totally up-to her. In this case totally upto Dr. Elizabeth Quinn if she wanted to to take a chance on hope and faith and follow her heart. It might possibly change the course of her life as it was headed toward a downward spiral, but elder Gertrude already know she was going to be one hard nut to crack!
Our heroine Dr. Elizabeth Quinn is not enjoying life as she should one who has always succeeded at everything and at only twenty eight years of age she is a very successful OBGYN. Yet Elizabeth is extremely brilliant and intelligent beyond her years yet disillusioned to the core at her career path and life in general. Elizabeth can't even remember one of her patients or the newborn babes she had helped deliver into the world! It's just a cluster of patients, one case after another, but nothing to make her feel passionate and proud anymore.
As Gertrude points out and Elizabeth can't help but agree - she wishes she did have some type of human connection with her patients and their families. To have some type of friendship, rejoice in the new birth, mourn in a loss of a life, a comradery with her patients like they did in the past where it was more personal. Not how it is now this sterile, robotic and cold environment where everyone has to be careful or worry about malpractice suits in this sue happy society.
As for her personal relationships always ended on the same pathetic note, but mostly her fault being a workaholic and go getter always feeling the need to get ahead and succeed in every aspect of her career. Yet Elizabeth was miserable with her life and this is how Gertrude persuades her in her way of thinking after all what did she have to lose?
As Gertrude explained she would switch souls with another body.... Those who read The Pocket Watch will remember Gertrude the sweet old lady that her last victim Maggie also finds her a bit senile or eccentric as she is the one who passes on the enchanted pocket watch who can have two souls switch bodies and also hundreds of years In time. Of course Dr. Elizabeth Quinn does not believe Gertrude and just like Maggie Mitchell had .
Again the one she is to switch places is to die and in this case in a brutal way,m but she would die no matter what as it is her time. In this case it is Elsie Macrae who is to scheduled to die and who Is to switch places with Elizabeth. Yet some things go off kilter and there is an accident that causes memory loss with Elizabeth as if she can't remember the last word she spoke in the 21st which was her ruby red slippers in a sense as it was her only ticket home from r else she would be stuck in the 13th century forever!
The hero of the story Cade whose father Laird Angus MacKenzie whose wife Wynda has had several severe and tragic pregnancies that's ended in the babes not surviving. The Laird knows his wife won't be able to bear another loss as he loves Cade's Step-mother more then life. He hears The Macrae midwife is the best, but this scheming miscreant, Laird Macrae, who wants an alliance with the MacKenzie's and tries to take advantage of the MacKenzie's tragic circumstances.
Laird Macrae, knows Lady Mackenzie, has lost several babes and wanting an alliance with the Mackenzie's feeling so confident not worried that his ruse if found out it could start a Clan Civil war! The lying Macrae does not want to let go of his talented midwife in case she is needed here, but wants an alliance with the powerful MacKenzies so thinks he can have his cake and eat it too!
Macrae, decides to send an imposter instead and force her to tell lies who is actually a 21st century Dcotor! He tells her she must go along with the plan or will beat her to death! Not a great way to say be welcomed to the 13th century! Also he does not realize that every question she will be asked will actually be the truth. Laird MacKenzies son is the one who is to bring her back to their castle to attend his step- mother of course due to Elsie's 21 years of age. Cade and his men feel this is a big ruse bit Elizabeth chooses her words very wisely and answers them all honestly in a round about way. Yet she is is odd to them being so outspoken for one of her lower class and being p a female too.
As they pursue the long journey and the lass with her bold tongue intrigues Cade like none before plus she has proved in their travel she does have a bit of knowledge in the healing arts as well, Cade continues his flirtations and realise's she is the first lass ever to resist his chams which at first was more of challenge then a conquest , but it soon become something more-for the first time in his life he truly hates the rules and restrictions of the nobility. He wants a woman he can never have!
Of course the MacKenzie's are suspicious due to Elsie only being a lass of only 21 years but after she proves herself with knowledge even the greatest healers did not know and she is accepted. Plus for the first time Elizabeth is starting to fall in love with everything in is century including the Laird's son , who she can never marry due to their different classes. Cade is of nobility and Elizabeth just a midwife but she will be no man's mistress!
Many things have not gone as planned back in the 21st century and the Pocket Watch is missing! Someone from Elsie's past recognises her who is passing through at the Mackenzie holding who knows she is not a skilled healer she claimed to be!
Will it be time to pay the piper no matter how innocent Elizabeth is?
Will anyone believe her?
As her life might possible be forfeit if the truth comes out by either clan!
If she tells the truth will she be accused of using evil sorcery, dark magic or witchcraft and have her burned at the stake?
For a clan alliance or to avoid a clan war will she be forced to marry another?
One who was not Cade which would just force her to live another sterile miserable loveless and sterile existence?
What about Cade will he be ever trust Elizabeth again?
Will Cade close his heart off forever?
Will Laird MacKenzie force Cade into a political marriage? An alliance to strengthen the clan and a wife of his fathers choosing for his son and heir?
What about Lady MacKenzie's unborn child will it survive without Elizabeth's guidance and assistance or another tragic loss for The Mackenzie Clan?
So many unanswered questions and more in this remarkable and extremely enjoyable read that readers will just fall in love with ....I know I did!
Another captivating ,well researched fast paced page turner reader's won't be able to resist! Come's out 3/1/2016.
1. The Pocket Watch
2. The Midwife
Other books by Ceci Giltenan
Highland Solution (Duncurra)
Highland Courage (Duncurra)
Highland Intrigue (Duncurra)
Guardians of the Cridhe Volume 1
Guardians of the Cridhe Volume 2
Highland Revenge (Fated Hearts)
Highland Echoes (Fated Hearts)
Highland Angels (Fated Hearts)
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