Monday, November 30, 2015
This is "How To Seduce A Scot" book one in Christy English's new "Broadswords and Ballrooms" brand new series where each book is centered on the Waters siblings. At least that is how I see it so far. In this book it is centered on Alex Waters story. The next book following is scheduled to be released on February 2, 2016 titled "How to Wed a Warrior"will focus on Alex's older brother Robert ( Robbie) will be the second one in the series.
London, 1820
This is the story of the beautiful English woman Catherine Middlebrook. Catherine whose father died five years ago and due to her mother's frequent and extravagant spending, Catherine does what she has to for her family, before they are ruined and loose everything! As they are are living on their last 500 pounds, so she does what any dutiful, caring daughter what do in this situation, that it find a respectable and wealthy English husband! Best place to seek one is at the famous Almack's in London.
This is where she meets her new friend, Scottish Mary Elizabeth Waters, the sister of hero of the story. Where Catherine is quiet and reserved the typical English rose - Mary Elizabeth is outspoken and untamed. The trouble is she keep focusing on her brother, the Scottish barbarian, Alex who is totally unsuitable for her. Yet she can't help but keep staring at this handsome Scot! They are two wallflowers no one has yet asked to dance until Alex asks her to dance, a man that never ask anyone to dance! Well They ignore Catherine due to her financial status and Mary Eizabeth being Scottish . That is until one handsome Scot asks her to dance the only woman he chose and that starts an interest on the fickle young English lords and suddenly both Catherine and Mary Elizabeth seen to be the belles of the ball! Alex is attracted to Catherine immediately as soon as he first spots her across an English ballroom dance floor at Almacks. He and his sister are snubbed due to their being filthy Scots as some cruel English would call them. Also due to the fact he is in trade which Alex is very proud of his families accomplishment and success. The English dandies feel he should be ashamed by his families financial success.
Alex longs to get back to the sea, but must find his wild sister a husband if only she stopped talking about what some would he manly pursuits like fishing, archery, swords. He just needs to find Mary Elizabeth a husband and get back to the sea the only place on earth he'd rather be. Yet when he looks at his angel Catherine it is like a gift from heaven as he has never seen such an angelic vision in his life!
The attraction is immediate and even though they fight it with some obstacles thrown in to keep things interesting, yet some things are just simply meant to be. Fate as some would also call it! Alex was no dummy he sees what Catherine's goal is and why. Both show a lot of stubbornness so it was fascinating to watch the couple both relent, change their original reasons and listen to theirs and open their hearts. Of course Alex was everything of a sexy honorable Scotsman as well. I found Alex's sister amusing as well so some laughter too which is always great as well ! I had a lot of empathy for Catherine and was thrilled she has some backbone as well! Yet will Catherine be able to really consider an in appropriate Scottish barbarian for a marriage prospect? Not to mention a man who has no interest in marriage and longs for the sea. Will Alex be able to change his beliefs and watch his angel marry another? You will have to read this wonderful book to find the challenges they both overcome and the answers in How To Seduce A Scot!
Exceptional and captivating read full of surprises, although it reads more like a wonderful regency historical romance then a Scottish historical romance in my opinion which is fine too. Just want readers to be aware: that if you are looking for factual Scottish history mixed with fictional romance this won't have it. Of course if you want a delightful delicious regency with an attractive steamy, hot Highlander then this is definitely it! All in all - it was an excellent regency historical with a great flow that I had a wonderful fun time reading and plan on reading the next one in the series and any others that follow. I became quickly absorbed and found it a delightful tale! I recommend you read "How to Seduce a Scot" by Christy English as I am sure you will enjoy, I know I did!
***I received this ARC copy from the publisher in an exchange for an honest review through netgalley. This does not enhance my opinion in any way, as always my honest opinion and always a pleasure to review.***
Please look at all my reviews and author interviews at Celtic Barb's Blog at celticbarb.blogspot,com and my book group on facebook "Tartan Book Reviews" which gives you updates on all new historical released in Regency, medeval, time-travel, fantasy and paranormal historical romances. Happy Reading!
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