Monday, November 30, 2015


This is  "How To Seduce A Scot" book one in Christy English's  new "Broadswords and Ballrooms" brand new series where each book is centered on the Waters siblings. At least that is how I see it so far. In  this book it is centered  on Alex Waters story. The next book following is scheduled to be released on February 2, 2016 titled "How to Wed a Warrior"will focus on Alex's older brother Robert ( Robbie) will be the second one in the series.

London, 1820

This is the story of the beautiful English woman Catherine Middlebrook. Catherine whose father died five years ago and due to her mother's frequent and extravagant spending, Catherine does what she has to for her family, before they are ruined and loose everything! As they are are living on their last 500 pounds, so she does what any dutiful, caring daughter what do in this situation,  that it find a  respectable and wealthy English husband! Best place to seek one is at the famous Almack's in London.

This is where she meets her new friend, Scottish Mary Elizabeth Waters, the sister of hero of the story. Where Catherine is quiet and reserved the typical English rose - Mary Elizabeth is outspoken and untamed.  The trouble is she keep focusing on her brother,  the Scottish barbarian,  Alex who is totally unsuitable for her. Yet she can't help but keep staring at this handsome Scot! They are two wallflowers no one has yet asked to dance until Alex asks her to dance, a man that never ask anyone to dance! Well They ignore Catherine due to her financial status and Mary Eizabeth being Scottish . That is until one handsome Scot asks her to dance the only woman he chose and that starts an interest on the fickle young English lords and suddenly both Catherine and Mary Elizabeth seen to be the belles of the ball! Alex is attracted to Catherine immediately as soon as he first spots her across an English ballroom dance floor at Almacks. He and his sister are snubbed due to their being filthy Scots as some cruel English would call them. Also due to the fact he is in trade which Alex is very proud of his families accomplishment and success. The English dandies feel he should be ashamed by his families financial success.

 Alex longs to get back to the sea, but must find his wild sister a husband if only she stopped talking about what some would he manly pursuits like fishing, archery, swords. He just needs to find Mary Elizabeth a husband and get back to the sea the only place on earth he'd rather be. Yet when he looks at his angel Catherine it is like a gift from heaven as he has never seen such an angelic vision in his life!

The attraction is immediate and even though they fight it with some obstacles thrown in to keep things interesting, yet  some things are just simply meant to be. Fate as some would also call it! Alex was no dummy he sees what Catherine's goal is  and why. Both show a lot of stubbornness so  it was fascinating to watch the couple both relent, change their original reasons and listen to theirs and open their hearts. Of course Alex was everything of a sexy honorable Scotsman as well. I found Alex's sister amusing as well so some laughter too which is always great as well !  I had a lot of empathy for Catherine and was thrilled she has some backbone as well! Yet will Catherine be able to really consider an in appropriate Scottish barbarian for a marriage prospect? Not to mention a man who has no interest in marriage and longs for the sea. Will Alex be able to change his beliefs and watch his angel marry another? You will have to read this wonderful  book to find the challenges they both overcome and the answers in How To Seduce A Scot!

 Exceptional and captivating read full of surprises,  although it reads more like a wonderful regency historical romance then a Scottish historical romance in my opinion which is fine too. Just want readers to be aware: that if you are looking for factual Scottish history mixed with fictional romance this won't have it. Of course if you want a delightful  delicious regency with an attractive steamy, hot Highlander then this is definitely it!  All in all - it was an excellent regency historical with a great flow that I had a wonderful fun time reading and plan on reading the next one in the series and any others that follow. I became quickly absorbed and found it a delightful tale! I recommend you read "How to Seduce a Scot" by Christy English as I am sure you will enjoy, I know I did!

***I received this ARC copy from the publisher in an exchange for an honest review through netgalley. This does not enhance my opinion in any way, as always my honest opinion and always a pleasure to review.***

Please look at all my reviews  and author interviews at Celtic Barb's Blog at celticbarb.blogspot,com and my book group on facebook "Tartan Book Reviews" which gives you updates on all new historical released in Regency, medeval, time-travel, fantasy and paranormal historical romances. Happy Reading!

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Welcome best selling author Joanna Bourne who lucky me got to meet in October and chat with at the Washington Romance Writers of America luncheon for bloggers, readers  and authors.  Yes a total fan girl moment  for me and I was gushing and in awe  a definite thrill me!

So I was so honored when multiple RITA winner and best selling author Joanna Bourne agreed to honor me with an interview as she is what I call one of my Queens of historical romance which is the only genre I read who is stopping by today at Celtic Barb's Blog to chat.

Joanna has written a wonderful selection of books we all love set during the Napoleonic wars such as The Forbidden Rose, The Spymaster's Lady, The Rogue Spy, My Lord and Spymaster, The Black Hawk and also  Her Ladyship's Companion which was her debut in 1983. I don't think a lot of people who discovered during her first Spymasters series realize as I myself thought it was new release until I did a little research.

I am also giving away a free book giveaway mass paperback copy of Black Hawk  as I know this a busy holiday weekend so I will give you all a week to comment and winner will be picked randomly all you have to do is say hello to Joanna in the comment section of this interview.

Joanna lives in the foothills of the Blue Ridge with her family, a medium-sized mutt and a faux Himalayan cat.

She writes Historical Romances set in England and France during the Napoleonic Wars. She's fascinated by that time and place -  Joanna says such passionate conviction and burning idealism ... and really sexy clothes.

Joanna's website -

Joanna's Blog -

Joanna Facebook -  Joanna Bourne

Joanna Twitter - @jobourne

Welcome Joanna Bourne and thank you so much for stopping today at Celtic Barb's Blog for an interview I can't thank you enough. This is totally a fan girl moment for me as I have been a fan for close to twenty five years!

CB: What is your favorite novel you have written and why is this novel so near and dear to you?

JB: Blast. I have to make the same answer Iā€™ve seen other authors make. My favorite story (and the one that most frustrates me and drives me nuts and delights me) is the one Iā€™m working on.

JB: The thing is, I donā€™t look back. Once a story is told I move ahead to the next one. I never read the old books again. I donā€™t think about them unless I need to backreference in the new story.

JB: My favorite hero is Doyle. My trickster. My strong, stoical one. My wise man.
JB:My most difficult character to write was probably Lazarus. Hard to make a villain charismatic and dangerous, ruthless and yet appealing.
JB:My favorite heroine is Justine, who has the longest journey and the longest wait for her Happily Ever After.
The character Iā€™d most like to jump in bed with is Hawker. Because . . . well . . . Hawker.

CB: What characteristics do you look for in your male heroes and female heroines?

JB: All my heroic characters have strong principles. They believe in something or someone. They care passionately. They have the bravery and strength of will to do whatā€™s right.

CB: The first romance novel you ever read and loved and put on your keeper shelf?

Joanna: I was in my teens before I started reading Romance. Probably my first Romance keeper was Shanna. Not my first keeper book, by any means. But my first keeper in genre Romance.

CB: How much time do you spend in your "writing cave" per week?

Joanna: Ooohhh. Thatā€™s a hard one. I can write for about six hours in a good day and then my mind dries up. I have to stop. I manage to write most days. If I called my job a 40-hour week, I wouldnā€™t be far off.

CB: How long does it typically take to write and finish a novel before sending off to proof readers, editors etc.?

JB: A year. That is, a year going downhill with the wind behind me, God willing, and the crick donā€™t rise.

CB: Last novel you read and loved and your favorite place to read?

JB: The most recent book I really enjoyed was Tony Hillermanā€™s Coyote Waits.

JB: As to where I like to read
Do I get to say ... Paris

JB: More seriously, I do love to curl up in a big comfy chair in front of the woodstove. Snow on the ground outside. The wind howling at the window. A shawl wrapped around me to keep out the drafts. A hot cup of coffee at my hand. My dog snoring at my feet.

CB:With so many books going in the route of Hollywood these days would you like any of your books to become a motion picture, cable television series, or mini television series or even a Broadway play?

JB:Letā€™s make it Spymasterā€™s Lady. That one has lots of good dialog. I think the action would work out well in a movie.

CB:What made you choose your profession to become an author and why did you choose this genre with so many other genres in romance?

JB: I love Romance. I love history. Historical Romance makes a nice match with my interests, doesnā€™t it?

JB:'I always wanted to be a writer. I rather expected Iā€™d be writing Science Fiction though. Thatā€™s what I mostly read growing up.

CB: Do you have a mentor or another author friend that gave you advice when you decided to become a writer and write your first novel?

JB:Not really. My mentors were the books. Thatā€™s where I learned the love of writing and sorta unconsciously picked up the techniques.

CB: What advice would you give to aspiring writers today?

JB: Just go ahead and do it. Trust yourself. Youā€™re storyteller, part of an ancient tradition. Donā€™t worry about technique or what will sell. Just tell Your story.ā€

CB: Thank you so much for stopping byCeltic Barb's Blog tonight Joanna and giving us some insight on how those multi talented creative juices flow! I was a total honored  as I have been a fan since Spymaster's Lady as I have found each and every book has a little of everything in them mystery, suspense, adventure, drama and love plus lots of twist and turns where your just never quite know what the result will be. I am looking forward to more of your books in the future as I know your readers as well. Keep writing those fascinating stories your readers like myself all love. Thanks again I really appreciate you taking the time.

Now for the giveaway all you have to in make a small comment in the comment box bellow and you will be automatically entered. The contest will be open through December 6th 12pm winner will be picked randomly on December 7th.

I will announce the winner here at also at my book group Tartan Book Reviews. A place I do a lot of promoting authors in historical romance genre too, talk history and all kinds of fun stuff. Also do Free giveaways there as well.  Thanks again this was so much fun and remember continue on the WRW BLOGHOP lots of bloggers will be interviewing more authors in every genre in romance after all everyone wants to fall in love! šŸ˜€ā¤ļø

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

HIghland Heat ( Highland Knights) by Jennifer Haymore 5 kilts

I have always  enjoyed Jennifer Haymore regency books, I was super excited when I heard she was writing a new  Scottish historical series ( A Highland Knights) my favorite genre! You can read in series order or as a stand alone book. 

June 1815, The Waterloo Battlefield

The kind hearted Lady Grace Carrington is the heroine of the story and meets Army Sergeant, Duncan Mackenzie on the last day of the Napoleon war at Waterloo where Bonaparte is finally defeated but probably the bloodiest battle! As she decides to see if she can be aid in a field of corpse she trips over Duncan landing directly in his lap! Duncan the father of a sheep farmer in Scotland and Grace the daughter of a wealthy English Earl. Even what priority demands she ignored and gave her given name and took Duncan under her care. As he had been hurt and unconscious thinking at first Grace was only a dream a dream he didn't want to wake up from! 

As the story goes in Duncan and Grace keep getting thrown in situation where they are together and alone. You see as the attraction grow and Grace who has accepted a lifetime of spinsterhood just wants to at least feel love once in her life thought she knows it will be short lived and has to be.a secrets due to her family and her own reputation. Not that she cares much about the ton but didn't want to hurt her family. So what shall she do stay a virgin forever or take caution to the wind and go for it. 

Optimist Duncan knows he has nothing to offer Grace but can't seem to resist to her but he is an honorable man. He sees the class difference and knows they can't have a future as much as he wishes it were different. He has the attitude of live each day to the fullest and worry about tomorrow later well that is until his status has changed but still not good enough for an Earl daughter.He has no choice but to break her heart.

Also a side story of Graceā€™s sister Claire is estranged from her husband  who is having marital problems due a past tragedy. Her husband Robert is also Captain to Duncan and brother-in-law to Duncan. He is also the reason for Duncan eventual Status claim. 

This was fast paced about the problem and prejudices of class difference is still here today in my opinion. I am sure Prince William didn't have an easy time marrying Kate. Maybe not a ton issue today but you still have to fight paparazzi and other villains. Some other aristocrats  like Duke of Windsor, gave up his title for the woman he loved, as he did for the divorced Mrs. Simpson! Although the world finds this very romantic, that these romantic aristocratic men defied all in the name of love, as for the women I imagine this was not easy marrying men from such royalty status.

It also has a mini story of Graces sister Claire and her husband Rob who is also brother-in-law to Grace and also Duncanā€™s Captain in the Army. The couple have been estranged and due to a past tragedy, you will have read this wonderful book to find the details. Also fans of the series will remember them from book one (A Highland Knight Novel) series in Highlanders Heart.

I really enjoyed this book and look forward to more in the series though this is book two and my first in the series I plan on reading book one and keep following the series. In other words you can read in series order or as a stand alone book. Highly recommend it was a delightful read! 


(1) A HIGHLANDER'S HEART (Lady Claire and Major Campbell)
(2) HIGHLAND HEAT (Lady Grace and Mackenzie) TBR 4/24/2015
(3) HIGHLAND AWAKENING (Lady Esme and Macleod) TBR 3/29/2016
(3.5) HER WICKED HIGHLANDER (novella in Captured By A Celtic Warrior Collection (Aila and White) TBR
(4) HIGHLAND TEMPTATION (Lady Emilia and Stirling) 

Note....The characters from the Highland Knights appear multiple times throughout the books, but each book can be read as a stand-alone.

***The is an arc I got in exchange for honest review from***

Saturday, November 21, 2015



The Striker ( a Highland Guard Novel) by Monica McCarty

Reviewed by Barb Batlan-Massabrook

Note: This book will be released 11/24/2015 this Tuesday and I can't recommend it enough worth every penny! šŸ˜€

Bazillion stars is my ratingšŸ˜€

Oh my this book gave me chills and simply just took my breath away. Honestly 5 stars the maximum reviewers are allowed to give does not seem enough in my opinion bazillion stars sounds about right. It was absolutely magnificent, brilliant spectacular! I really don't think there are words in the English dictionary to praise it enough. If this were a painting I would call it a masterpiece! Not surprising I was absolutely blown away since Monica McCarty wrote this awe-inspiring, superbly written novel who is definitely one of my favorite authors on the planet!  I being a huge fan of Scottish history, partially due to my Scottish ancestry, am a huge fan of the Scottish historical romance genre. I am a tremendous fan of true Scottish history weaved in a fictional romance, there is no combination I love better! This is the tenth book in "A Highland Guard Novel" series  and I have loved them all, but I now think The Striker is my favorite, of course I say that with every book she releases. Fans will be extremely delighted  with this truly brilliant novel, on that I have no doubt!

The Striker timeline is a wee bit tricky  as the book opens in 1313 on the time after William Wallace's execution and before Robert Bruce's makes his bid for the crown , but then quickly goes back to 1305 when hero of the story "Striker"'Eoin MacLean first meets Margaret "Maggie" MacDowell whose father was the leader and Chief of Clan MacDowell, the Southwest province of Galloway. In 1313, MacDowell, becomes a hunted man and as they were responsible for some of Bruce's biggest defeats and family members deaths, plus over seven hundred deaths of Bruce's men! Bruce now needs his elite Highland Guard force to finally capture this enemy and traitor ! Yet it is also personal  for both men. Striker with a wife who betrayed him in more ways then one! She is about to marry another, has a son he never knew about.of course Maggie is under the impression he has been dead for the past six years. So you might say Maggie is more then a little shocked to see her dead husband comes back from the grave! Vengeance and visiting past ghost is never an easy thing.

Stirling Castle 1305
Eoin MacLean ( Striker) meets Margret (Maggie) MacDowell and not in the best way as she ruined a chess as she has moved all day he pieces on the shape of a heart!  not realizing she just destroyed an ongoing marathon match that had been going on for two days! Bruce calm him as Eoin is one of those serious lads and is thrilled to be asked to be considered as one of his secret elite force. As he get to know Maggie she interest him as no woman ever did before even though his family is trying to set up w betrothal with a Nobel, biddable and  proper  lady he can't seem to control his attraction. Maggie is a force to be reckoned with as she is wild, free, with her uncovered hair, unadorned gown, uncovered beautiful but untamed hair and casual carefree attitude. He could help but fall in love and secretly marry her after a night of passion that took his breath of away!

1307 Galloway Castle
Of course thing do not go easy for Maggie and he is not allowed to tell his a Highland Guard under any circumstances as since her father is the enemy is not to be trusted, his cousin Robert the Bruce forces this vow from Striker. This is partly what crumbles their marriage as being away months at a time and not giving his wife any details. Plus the fact having no friends or family that like her! Striker's family treats her like the devil reincarnated as does the rest of his clan. Things just get so bad she runs away back to her family where she has friends and people who love and care about her. Then when Striker secretly goes to retrieve her after some passionate love making she tried to get him to share his secret life,but he still refuses! Trying to have her understand it is not just his secret. Maggie had enough and tells him never to return she can't live like this anymore! He makes her promise to never tell anyone he was here under any circumstances, Maggie agrees and is heartbroken!When her best friend Brigid upset due to her state of misery, open laces dress, having just made love in the barn with her husband. Her friend thinks she was raped and threatens to tell her father if Maggie doesn't explain. Unfortunately she tells Brigid thinking she will keep her secret, but She tells Maggie's brother who tells her father. This is why over seven hundred Bruce men are killed so she thinks filled with guilt and heartbreak and is told Eoin was also killed and body seen burned with the other dead corpses. 

Durham England, 1313

Maggie lives in darkness and guilt for a long time if she hadn't found out she was pregnant she would of taken her own life but her little boy who looks exactly as his sire is now her first priority.  Their son is the light in her guilt ridden life and thought she was finally happy finding a man who made her laugh again until she sees's her dead husband again, Maggie's feelings are confused as much as she thrilled he is alive she is furious he never let her know this little bit of information! Now all the love has turned to hate as far as Striker is concerned! Although surprising after things settled down Bruce defended Maggie stating it was not all his wife's and his fault. Bruce never let all the fault go on Maggie! Bruce explains, her father had been ready, prepared and waiting for quite some time for the invasion. In the beginning Bruce was furious at Striker and punished him for that enormous and tragic mistake not that Eoin didn't feel he didn't deserve that and more. Striker now wants a divorce and be done with that treacherous bitch he married, but after he sees Maggie and learns he has a son he slowly learns things are not that clear and black and white as Striker first thought. These six years have built a huge wall for Eoin, but Maggie who is honest enough to realize he must hate her and she lives with the guilt everyday for trusting her best friend. Right now her only concern is her son ,who her father has taken in his escape and rebellion. Maggie  has changed too although she knows she will love Eoin until her last dying breath, but knows with secrets they don't have a chance, plus the fact that he despises her or does he?

"The Striker" is am exceptional novel that will capture your attention right the start through the epilogue. Ms. McCarty  definitely knows how to  get your attention  capture both your heart and soul in this mind blowing read! I found myself both laughing, crying  and grinning throughout this read. Plus fans of the series will be happy to see a lot of heroes her previous books so for me it was like a family reunion ,but if you are a new reader to her work you can read this as a stand alone book too. I highly recommend to read the entire series as I have loved each and every book in (A Highland Guard Novel) series unequivocally absolutely magnificent and delightful reads each and every one! I look forward to "The Rock", which will be released in only a month in December and then in the spring of 2016 "The Ghost". Sadly, it will be the end of this outstanding series. Ms. McCarty's books are more then just another historical romance, you actually learn a lot of true factual history especially Scottish history which I am very obsessed with and find fascinating.  My only issue is I wish they would never end,,,,lol

I can't recommend "The Striker" A Highland Guard Novel enough!  This riveting charming , captivating, fast paced, emotional, action packed book filled with mayhem, adventure, history, mystery, suspense, politics, secrets, betrayal, murder, hate, jealousy and all consuming-all soul touching love and more. Lots of bumps, twists and turns in this one! So hold onto your seat as you will be loving this amazing exhilarating ride!

The Queen of Scottish historical romance does it again! Monica McCarty pens another awe-inspiring  tale with a beautiful historical Scottish setting and backdrop, handsome Scottish eye candy, and a story that will melt your heart and soften your soul ! Just be prepared to fall in love! It is a book you don't want to miss nor will you forget. One of those rare books that always stays with you! I love, love, loved it, just to be clear! ā¤ļø

**** I was honored to be given this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review throug for an honest review that I give with pleasure****

Friday, November 20, 2015

Highlanders Heart by Joanne Wadsworth 5 Kilts, book 2, Clan Matheson

Joanne Wadsworth does it again with another notch in her belt! In this time-travel tale that will leave readers feeling the magic, as if the universe stood still and you have been transported to another place and time! This is book two, in her fabulous Clan Matheson  series. I know reader will be totally as enchanted as I was and feel the magic in Ms. Wadsworth written words....

Scotland 1210
This books heroine is Layla whom has the power of telekinesis which is to move things with her mind and levetate but can also move people. which  be a wonderful fearsome gift in time s of war and battle. Due to her special gift she has been betrothed since childhood to a fierce highland Warror Donnan MacDonald from another allied Clan. Layla understands this is due to her special gift to help them n battle and understands its just a political marriage not uncommon and knows she must marry a man she feels nothing for a political alliance and knows her duty.

The hero is this story is about warrior shifter Tor Matheson who come f0rom the 21st century to find hos one true love the thing is he does not know who she is and has bit can only do this during a full moon. He finds he is in a jeep of trouble when he senses the one who is betrothed to another and might be putting his life in jeopardy if he tried to claim her! Plus you can feel electricity as Layla must decide who she must pick the one she loves or the one she feels nothing for but  would be breaking a betrothal agreement and betraying her clan. She also knows her betrothed is son of one of the greatest highland Chiefs so this decisions and betrayal is not as simple as it may seem. Layla knows the marriage is only wanted for her gifts as she is wanting more since Tor comes I Ot her life. Not to mention the danger this puts her beloved Tor to go against one of the most fearless warriors her betrothed. Love on the battlefield and who is going to win and which will Layla pick duty or love?

You will have to read this fast paced, enchanting,  riveting page,  turner that will sweep you off your feet and leave you feeling spellbound and breathless in this captivating romantic story!  Another Joanne Wadsworth weaves another tale full of magic, action, adventure, suspense, passion  and romance which  with lots of twists and turns that will have readers at the edge of their seats not knowing  what to expect! I highly recommend Highlander's Heart by Joanne Wadsworth a totally delightful read!

Highlander's Kiss, #1
Highlander's Heart, #2
Highlander's Sword, #3

The Crusaders Hearts by Claire Delacroix 5 Kilts

Wulf did not seem overjoyed leaving his post as he is a Templar Knight and knows an upcoming battle is coming and he wants to fight. Also he did not seem all the likable as he does not honor the monk vows as his brothers do and goes to prostitiutes for sexual release. We also learned Christina did not choose to be a prostitute but after losing her husband In a foreign land and it was always obvious from the way she carried herself she came from no nobility. It was obvious to the me she was just trying to survive it was that or death in a foreign country that was starving, I really felt a lot of empathy for Christina and understood why she chose to follow as this woman had suffered so much and would do what she had to to survive. I also had a feeling she wore a strong armor and that there was a vulnerable woman inside who would break at the seems soon as she had been through hell and back as every human being has their breaking point. Honestly it was Christina's back ground that Piqued my interest as I wasn't completely thrilled with Wulf at that point. I have a feeling Ms.Delacroix wrote him in this way for that very reason, as I have been reading her books for years and she is very clever like that and knows how to draw readers in. I really want enjoyed The Crusader"s heart and was happy to see the gruff Wulf as how he seemed it Crusaders Bride really do have a heart and vulnerability as well. This is Wulf and Christina's story and their point of view, which really surprised me and completely changed the opinion I previously had.

Venice 1187

Wulf the hero of this story, is a man with a chip on his shoulder. He is a Templer Knight, whom was given orders to leave the city of Jerusalem just whe he feels his sword arm is needed most. As war is about to break out and he has to go on this ridiculous errand to deliver a message and a precious relic as if that is not bad enough he is not even in charge of this mission. Gaston whom he calls a former Templar was chosen as leader as he this Templar had chosen to leave the order with his chosen wife on his way home and this is his last mission. Another thing he resents, but a a Templar Knight you must accept with whatever orders are required by the Grand Master as that is part of thier oath as Templar Knight and Wulf wants to finish this quest as soon as possible as return and defend the Temple of Jerusalem. So to let of some steam he decide to find s brothel of sexual release an other oath he breaks as a Templar Monk they make an oath of celibacy but it's is an oath many break except the perfect Gaston that is.

Christina came here for a better life once she was a woman with a husband so full of hopes and dreams but was ripped out of her life with little choice even of she attempted to leave they cut the women where they are scarred for life. So she wouldn't be able to make a living In the worlds oldest profession as a courtesan, prostitute, whore no matter how you sugar coat it. Not the life she would of ever chosen or saw in her future coming from nobility but it was that or starve to death! She hates this life but she is survivor and finally during unusual circumstance she sees there might be a light at the end of this very dark tunnel she has been living It is the same making a living by selling your body to men. This is how she meets Wulf but then he saves her life and chooses to stay by his side until the debt is repaid and Wulf is not exactly thrilled by this outcome.Christina sees this as an opportunity and rescue out of this nightmare she has been living.

I really enjoyed watching Wulf and Christina angle POV of the story who had both had a had a difficult life come together but of course there is more to this fast moving story with a riveting , action , adventure, espionage, mystery, suspense, passion and romance that will sweep readers off their feet. I found the different points of view from the choices will have to me made bit what will Wulf choose duty or love? You will have to read this exceptional story and find out. I absolutely was delighted and loved this story.

(The Champions of Saint Euphemia Book Series)

The Crusaders Bride
The Crusaders Heart
The Crusaders Kiss - TBR 2016
The Crusaders Vow - TBR 2016

Reading Progress

10/20marked as:currently-reading
11/19marked as:to-read
11/20marked as:read

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Highlander's Kiss by Joannne Wadsworth Five Kilts ( Stars)

This is book one in Joanne Wadsworth new Clan Matheson series "Highlander's Kiss"  is a historical paranormal time-travel and a spin off from her previous Matheson Brothers series. I recommend that you read that series as well,  if new to Ms. Wadsworth books not to worry as you can always read her books as stand alone too. I just find its more fun to connect the dots per say and know the history, but that is the readers choice. Either way reader will be totally enchanted by this wonderful story.

It's the story of how 21st century bonny bear shifter, fierce warrior  Clan Doctor Tavish Matheson  travels to the past to find and claim his mate. Of course plenty of bumps in the road to keep this plot interesting and not as easy as it sounds. The problem is the 0ne he wants to claim is resisting him and how is he to convince her especially with so much danger at every turn?

Fae blooded Julia is the one Tavish is determined to make his, she has  the ability to read minds as she reads people's auras and know what they are thinking in a heartbeat.  Julia is extremely loyal and protective of her family and Clan, will do anything to keep them safe. It is another one of her endearing qualities. When Tavish claim they are meant be as one she thinks he is wrong as she cannot see it! Will he be able to convince her or go their separate ways?

As of Julia's life is not complicated enough an enemy clan wants to start marriage negotiations for an alliance between clans Julia not seeing things clearly or the true intent name duplicity of this enemy Clan!  As her parents are captured and I prisoned! Julia will do anything to have them set free and rescue them! Will she be in time to rescue them or is it too late? Then things get really dicey as Julia gets abducted  wil'l Tavish be able to get to her in time?

Will  Tavish be able  to convince Julia of their connection and how they are meant to be together! You will have to read this quick paced,  fabulous romantic tale and take a trip to historic Scotland and find out. Plus fans of Ms, Wadsworth books might be delighted  and reunited with characters from her precious Matheson Brothers series characters,  which is always an extra perk in the story.

I was totally enchanted as Ms Wadsworth weaves another magical tale  in  a beautiful Scottish setting with  non stop  plots of action, mayhem, abductions, adventure, betrayal  passion and romance that will have readers totally mesmerized! I can't wait for Highlanders Heart the next Clan Matheson book in this exceptional riveting series!

Highlander's Kiss, #1
Highlander's Heart, #2
Highlander's Sword, #3

Monday, November 16, 2015


ā˜… ā˜… ā˜… $10 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway ā˜… ā˜… ā˜…
My new release Her Highland Defender is #FREE for the next two days. Please help me spread the word to win a $10 GC.
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*Open until 18th November. Winner chosen by random # generator. Open internationally. Not sponsored by or associated with Facebook.

Free for two days only here is a wee peek at book blurb:

ā€œYe bring the wildness out in me.ā€
ā€œGood. But keep yer wildness only for me, Ceana, a ghrĆ dh.ā€ He kissed beneath her ear and gave a tiny thrust again. ā€œWildness can get ye killed. Save it for me, wildling. Can ye do that?ā€
She nodded.
ā€œPromise me, Ceana.ā€ He took the moment to withdraw and thrust deeply, sending sparks through her body. ā€œPromise me.ā€
ā€œI promise.ā€
Blane gave her an unsteady kiss and rocked forward on a groan.


One of my favorite reads of the year as Jennifer Ashley pens another riveting beautiful heart-melting story that you wish would never end! It will give you chills and melt your heart at the same time! Loved this quick paced,extraordinary, unique and  extremely entertaining read I could not put down!

Scotland, 1892

All the Mackenzie's and MacBride's were getting ready to travel to Kilmorgan Castle which is Hart Mackenzie, the Duke of Kiomorgan's residence to celebrate Hart's Birthday the following week. So far his youngest brother Ian, his wife Beth and children and a skeleton staff were the only ones in residence. Ian, the one some cruel or ignorant people refer as mad or crazy, of course if it was present day it would be called Asperger's syndrome or ASD. Unfortunately, it is still only the 19th century and it will still be quite some time when physicians and the medical community can give people like Ian, the correct diagnosis. This always impresses me  how Ms. Ashley brilliantly and also tenderly tackles the subject and of course Beth his wife is his biggest supporter, his salvation, his everything!  I think also, this is why Ian is definitely the favorite Mackenzie among readers. Through Ian's special qualities and his senses he hears things and and is in-tune to sounds most are not. Why he wakes up alert and hears the intruders, he knew it wasn't the usual sounds in the house he grew up in  and he naturally goes after them to protect his family and nearly gets himself killed in the process. Unfortunately Ian feels responsible as the intruders makes off with a good portion of Hart's priceless art collection! Ian decided to go after them, especially when someone tampers with Ian's distillery where they make the profitable Mackenzie malt whiskey.

As things were not already topsy turfy enough,  Beth invites her missionary brother-in-law of her deceased first husband whom has a secret agenda! He tells Ian secretly that he can cure him of his madness or at least try. Ian has dreams of being what he calls normal for Beth he has yet to understand that she loves the man he is and always will and does not want a different man. What will it take for Ian to finally accept or understand this and let go of this unfounded guilt he has. I personally blame his cruel father for a lot of these feelings besides the ignorant finger pointers calling him insane throughout his life. Except we all know Ian is not mad or insane! Lots of action, adventure, drama and heart pulling scenes that gives readers chills.  Beautiful of course, seeing how Beth and Ian still love each other as much as ever of not more with their three children who adore him, being together over a decade now. I had goose bumps and tears rolling  down my cheeks during certain scenes as Ian and his family definitely does that to me and I love how Beth is ready to fight for her man no matter who it is. I also love how Beth has taught him so much about love, life and what really is important. Ian now  understands a stolen art collection, even his Ming China collection,  are just objects and objects can be replaced, people cannot. He understands the safety of Beth and their children Jamie 11, Belle 10 and Megan 7 is all that matters. Afterall it is what completes Ian and make him whole.

Lots of action, surprises, mystery, suspense, adventure, love and emotion as always and of course fans of the Mackenzies and MacBrides will truly delighted with this spectacular story centering on  Ian and Beth. Being a long time fan of the series I was not disappointed or surprised and another superbly written story that touched my heart and captured my soul.  I read this in one sitting and be prepared to fall in love with Ian Mackenzie all over again!

I absolutely loved this riveting, charming, amazingly brilliant page turner and highly recommend "A Mackenzie Clan Gathering" by Jennifer Ashley. I can't compliment it enough as I was completely dazzled and enchanted as I totally loved it! ā¤ļø

** I was given an ARC from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.**

Chronology and Reading order:
The following is the order in which events in the series take place, which is more or less publication order.

The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie (1881)
Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage (1881)
The Many Sins of Lord Cameron (1882, September; Epilogue, June 1883)
The Duke's Perfect Wife (1884, Spring; Epilogue, June 1885)
The Seduction of Elliot McBride (1884, June)
A Mackenzie Family Christmas: The Perfect Gift (1884, December)
The Untamed Mackenzie (1885, April)
Scandal and the Duchess (1885, November)
The Scandalous Mackenzies (Print edition of Untamed Mackenzie and Scandal and the Duchess)
Rules for a Proper Governess (1885, December)
The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie (1890)
A Mackenzie Clan Gathering (1892)

Eighteenth-Century Mackenzies
(Can be read before or after the Victorian Era Mackenzies)
The Stolen Mackenzie Bride (1745-46)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Warrior of Fire, book 2 (Warriors of Ireland) series by Michelle Willingham release date 11/17/2015

Michelle Willingham's  pens another phenomenal  book in  "Warrior of Fire"  book two, in her spectacular Warriors of Ireland series which I absolutely loved!  It is filled with mystery, adventure, suspense,  passion, heartbreak, betrayal and love. If  you are fans of Ms. Willingham's MacEgan series you are in for a special treat as the King Patrick and his brothers also make appearances in this story which I was thrilled again to see. I read this in one sitting as it is one of those I can't put it down books. Lots of twists and turns so hold onto your seat and enjoy another wonderful trip into historical Ireland and fall in love!

Ireland, 1172

This is about Lady Carice Faolin who decides to runaway since her father Brian Faolin  is forcing her to marry her betrothed,  Rory ƒConnor one of the high Kings of Ɖireann. He is also of same age as Lady Carice's father and has the reputation of being a very cruel and brutal man. Carice wants nothing to do with this marriage,  plus she is dying and just wants to die in peace, as she can't eat food without having horrible pain. Her father is not interested in her desires or even if she will be safe in this marriage. He only cares about his own ambitions and status and his daughter is the pawn. Carice desides to go west to live out her remaining days with her deceased mother's family.

This is how she meets the hero of the story Norman warrior Raine de Garene as on her quest she needs to find shelter or she is going to freeze to death. So she goes to ravaged Abbey but due to a recent fire all the monks and Priest had died.  Raine was only their to bury the bodies. He too had a sad story his parents both died of violent deaths caused by King Henry of England  then  he had been black mailed into service  by this evil English King too!  Not only has King Henry taken his families lands, but took both his young sisters in captivity as blackmail so Raine will do whatever he asks.He is nothing but an assassin  as his last mission to release his sisters from captivity  is to murder the high King Rory ƒConnor , Lady Carice's unwanted betrothed.

Yet this tender warriors cares for Carice as she sees as he keeps her warm, feeds her and tries to make her as comfortable as possible, but he also sees he can use her as a means to get close to Rory ƒConnor! So he can murder the high King Rory and finally release his sisters. He knows Carice sees him as an honorable good  caring pman but he is a man who lives with much guilt due to his past but wants to save his sisters. As time goes on you see the young couple getting close  no matter how much Raine tries  to keep this beautiful kind women with a big heart at arms length. The problem is if he doesn't listen to the Norman Commanders orders his sisters will be murdered. Plus the fact Carice's father is looking for her and the MacEgan's have promised to help Carice too.

Carice knows she is falling in love with Raine but will he break her tender heart as much as he tries to put up walls between them to can see they keep coming down and he is falling for her too no matter how much he tries to deny it.Will Raine break Lady Carice's tender heart or will he chose love over duty and put his young sisters lives in jeopardy? You will have to read this riveting, quick paced page turner to find out.  I highly recommend as this book has non stop action, mystery, suspense, adventure, steamy passion, betrayal and love and all the element you love. Overall a spectacular read and can't wait to see what Michelle Willingham puts out next!

Note: Also recommend  the first book in this series "Warrior of Ice"  which was about Carice's brother Killion also High King Rory OConnor's son. You can read as stand alone or in series order. I find more fun in order but that is up to the reader as characters from Warrior of Ice is also in this book. Happy Reading

Thursday, November 12, 2015


 Boston. Present Day 2015

This is a lovely inspirational time travel and this is a new author for me that I absolutely enjoyed! In present day the man in her life Matthew treats her like crap in my opinion and blames her for all his short comings. Brianagh O'Rourke is a successful matchmaker for the rich and famous. Her clients are fooled thinking she is in this perfect passionate relationship like a happy endings fairy tale, but it is far from the truth. The relationship very stale and bland, she even accepts his proposal just because in my opinion because it's safe . Definitely no fireworks and passion as you can tell from her very bland ok answer. No words of love or tears of joy and happiness. Her only escape from this hell is in her dreams where  Mr. Right is her dream man, the perfect knight in shining armor. Then  her lovely dream turns deadly into a nightmare as her Prince Charming of male perfection is killed. From there she decides a vacation is just what she need from reality and night terrors to clear her head per say. Her destination is Ireland to look up her ancestor history of Clan O'Rourke .

This is when things gets really interesting as she discovers her ancestral family are actually time passage keepers which she has heard the stories her entire life, but is stunned to find out it is all true! Then Brianagh is suddenly wisked into 15th century Ireland. As if that is not shocking enough she comes face to face with male perfection himself! The man from her dreams who is very much alive and right in front of her!

Ireland, 1457

Nioclas MacWilliam has been dreaming about the same dream woman for years, his brother's makes him believe that those dreams are a sign or message  from their mother's spirit. As she who was wrongfully murdered with the rest of her clan by her own Laird husband when Nioclas was only a boy. Because of his father's cruelty evilness and drunk with power, Nioclas then exiles his father from the clan and demands he leave immediately! He being the heir becomes laird in his place. Nioclas was only twelve years old at the time and  the same age when he is promised to marry O'Rourke's daughter. It has been 20 years and still O'Rourke's daughter is still missing and he must have a wife as it is necessary and required to lead the clan,. Then in the middle of a rescue mission the woman he had been dreaming about for years shockingly is right in front him. The same person he had been promised when he first became laird as a boy all those years ago.. It has been twenty years but Brianagh feels she needs to go back to her own time so a deal is struck she remain for three month married as his wife. Well a lot can happen in three months! Will Branagh leave her dream man and go back to her successful business and her bland no sparks relationship or stay in another time where she has met and possibly discovered a relationship that has all the sparks and passion missing from her present life with a man the treats her the way she thought only possible to attain in dreams and fantasy? What would you do? I know what I would do. You must read this riveting fun filled page turning  novel to find out.  I look forward to future books from this author Nancy Scanlon and plan to continue to read more books about hot sexy Irish warriors in her wonderful Mists of Fate series.

** I received this free ARC  from the publisher through for an honest review which I gave gladly with pleasure!**

Mists of Fate
1. The Winter Laird -TBR November 17, 2015
2. An Enchanted Spring - TBR April 5, 2016
3. Once Upon A Summer Night - TBR August 23, 2016

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Highland Angels (Fated Hearts, Book 3) by Ceci Giltenan just released today and Celtic Barb's 5 star review

This is the third book in Ceci Giltenan's Fated Heart series and again I absolutely loved the a book about love, forgiveness, guilt, shame,  and perhaps its bet not to believe the worst about a person or a clan. It's a book about human emotions we all go through and hopefully eventually moving forward. Highland Angels is centered  around two feuding Clans the MacKay's and MacLeod who had been brought up since birth to  hate the rival clan. This is a stand alone book though it is part of a series really  won't effect of you read the others or not. I have a joyed all the books in the Fated Hearts series immensely.

Northern Highlands, Scotland 1342

This books heroine is Anna MacKay  just had a fight with her brother, Laird Eoin MacKay,  who she is furious when he threatens to marry he off to a horrible man!  Even if he will be Laird one day on the Isle of Lewis  which is faraway from her family. Anna walks to burn off steam not realizing she was so close to the MacLeod territory. She sees a young lad go under on the ice and saves him in the frozen loch. Yet when his father and Uncles see they accuse her of abduction and imprison her in their dungeon for her act of heroism and threaten her with death. When they realize they were wrong and Anna did exactly as she claimed as Davy gives the same precise details all The MacLeod feel even worse plus the face she gets deathly sick being in the cold dungeon fm being in the cold loch and not sure she will survive due to their carelessness and cruelty and faithlessness, As Anna MacKay had just saved the life  a seamstress named Eve MacKay is the name she gives as she knew that if they knew her real name it would be even worse. All Anna want is to do home but once they find out who she is the Old Laird see as an opportunity to generations of hate and war between clan and there is only on way to do that and that is with marriage. The problem os neither the bride nor the groom he has picked want to marry.

As Andrew has vowed never to marry again as it has been four years and he is still mourning from loss of his wife and knows he could never love again. The thing is he has closed himself to everyone including his own son. Anna think she hates and fears this Clan  though she love his son and fourteen year old sister. Plus she want a marriage like her brother has one about love plus feels this Clan has betrayed her in thinking she was going home. So what will happen can two people from enemies clans work together as lifemates with so many forces working against them? One with such an open heart and one with a closed one but the one thing they both love is an adorable little,dragon chaser names Davy who want a new Mama very much.

Highland Angels was really beautifully written and better have some kleenex around and some parts were very emotional but I loved how a lass from an enemy clan opens the hearts of everyone around her.  It's a story about letting go, forgiveness, love and of course angels. Davy was definitely a scene stealer and the scenes with him and Anna are so  heart wrenching and beautiful.

I highly recommend and I suppose you would call this inspirational as there is no sexual love scenes in this book. I have been a fan of Ms, Giltenan's work since her debut with Highland Solution and as always she weaved  beautifully written fast paced page turner.  It is a fascinating story but with conflicts, miscommunication, lots of twists and turns and  usually more then one plot which is full of surprises. I absolutley love her unique style of writing with positive morals which always melts my heart and softens my soul. I look forward to her future books as I am always left feeling a bit in awe !

Fated Hearts Series

1. Highland Revenge
2. Highland Echoes
3. Highland Angels

Monday, November 9, 2015


This is a 1991 and 2006 a wonderful re-read for long time fans of Hannah Howell like myself or a great author to discover for new readers as it is a win/win. All her books for me are  action filled, heart melting fast reads in a beautiful Alba ( Scotland)  setting as I can never put them down and read them from to cover and absolutely  love them and this book "Conqueror's Kiss" is no different.

Berwick, Scotland 1318

This spectacular story is set during Scotland and England's Border Wars. Jennet Graeme a young orphan girl who lost both her parents at a young age as her mother was raped and killed. Jennet thinks her is father has been murdered  as well. Jennet has been physically and mentally abused in years of service so she decided to join a nunnery thinking that is the safest routine during these times of war, bloodlust, famine and sickness. Well even nunneries and convents are not out of reach in these dangerous times.

This is where Jennet meets Sir Hacon Gillard in the service of Robert the Bruce and who is immediately taken by Jennet though she has no trust of men. Even thought he takes her by force he
never forces himself on her. He is actually saving her, though Jennet doesn't see it as such. The reader will find that Hacon has no choice but to follow the orders. If Hacon is ever to get back what was rightfully his, but wrongfully taken from him as to many others. Hacon is hoping he will be rewarded with his lands and home returned and given back to him as a reward,  for being in service to Robert the Bruce for so many years. As he has seen other warriors being rewarded this way. Convinced this will be his ultimate reward.

When he meet Jennets  though immediately taken by both her beauty, intelligence bravery and courage, but has no choice but to claim her as his his plunder. Though he know he wants her in his bed but willingly never by force,  Unlike the other warriors he and his men are not cruel, do not rape or murder as other troops do. Soon Jennet starts to develop tender feelings for this tender Knight, but not without some bumps in the road. Lots of action,adventure, mystery, suspense, betrayal and of course ever lasting true love. All the elements you look for in an exceptional historical romance.In
this riveting story that  keeps you on the edge of you seat never quite certain what will happen next.

I really enjoyed watching this couple as Hacon understand Jennets resentment and no trust  toward all men for good reasons especially warriors and how he slowly inches his way into her heart, he claims her as his plunder,  but it is his way of protecting her so no others can harm her. Again Ms, Howell pen a fabulous story in her unique style that keeps you wondering what will happen next. Hacon does not agree has no taste for war of the way they are claiming victory but has no choice if he is ever to get his home and lands back. Jennet also comes to realize she has no real choice, but to remain at his side and soon realizes this man is different from the other men she has known. Can she open her heart and find happiness, love and forgiveness? Is it even possible to have a future with a man she that represents everything she despises? Will she never be able to trust and open her heart to this man and all he stands for? You must read this marvelous book to find the answers.

I highly recommend "Conquerer Kiss" by Hannah Howell as it will  definitely conquer your heart with this beautifully written story. I could not put this book down and it's another Hannah Howell story that will stay with you long after you have read it! Absolutely loved this book and Hannah Howell is just a brilliant author in my opinion.

**This was given to me an an exchange for an honest review from  which I give with pleasure.**