Tuesday, February 26, 2019

It’s Getting Scot in Here by Suzanne Enoch. (Wild Wicked Highlanders) Book #1. Five Kilts. Celtic Barb absolutely loves this new series!

Book: It’s Getting Scot in Here
by Suzanne Enoch

Series: (Wild Wicked Highlanders) Book #1

Release Date: February 26, 2019

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook of
1. Tartan Book Reviews
2. Purple Tulip Book Reviews
3. Celtic World of Historical Book Reviews
4.Celtic Barb’s Tartan Book Review Blog

Overall Rating: 5 Stars and 5 Kilts

Angus MacTaggert, Earl of Aldriss was here in London for one reason alone, that is to locate at rich Sassenach heiress to marry. His beloved Aldriss Estate that had been in his family since the English wife killer Henry VIII. This is when relative made a statement that Henry should be able to marry as many women as he desired until he got a the baby son. Of course he did not know the daughter he and headless Queen Anne Boleyn made would reign as Queen for 45 years!

Now his beloved Aldriss Park was now falling apart due to poor harvests, and his clan’s appetite for spirits, bad investments, and wagers. He acquired the title in 1783 he realized this castle was in bad shape and needed finances quickly. He felt the bloody Sassenachs have done enough damage over the years, so they could help him get his castle and finances in order. This was allowing him this one wee favor and privilege. He met the beautiful Francesca Orwell and married her only heir of the Viscount and Viscountess of Hornford. They were extremely wealthy and fell in love and were married. Except his new wife realized she hated Scotland and his wife’s solicitors made sure the money stayed in his wife’s hand which caused many huge fights between the Laird and his Sassenach bitch of a wife! Over the next 13 years she gave him three sons Coll, Aden and Niall. With each delivery of sons she became more unhappy and wanted to bring her sons back to England to educate them and live the English way of life. Angus naturally refused as his sons will live the same life he had lived.

After Francesca had her youngest a baby girl, she was determined no daughter of hers was going to be raised in this uncivilized country! She would never find he a proper husband if she allowed Angus to raise her in Scotland. Angus finally allowed her to take their daughter Eloise. That is, as long as she continued making payments on the estate. Of course he didn’t allow the boys to go, though Francesca had her own set of rules for the lads too. They all must marry and one of the wives must be chosen by their mother. Plus if their daughter married first all funds to the estate would stop!

Angus always thought he could change this since daughter Eloise was a bairn. His sons just felt their selfish mother abandoned them. Then the poison came, his daughter had just announced her engagement. Angus thought by now his sons would of found wives and this would mean no more financial care for his estate and people. This sent Angus to his deathbed and no time for him or his burial . He had to send his sons to London to find wives and quickly! Especially before their sister weds or they will be financially ruined!

Of course the sons were furious! A woman they don’t even remember could do this. They plan to out fox their mother and live their lives they way they always wanted. Unfortunately things don’t always work out the way you plan.

Soon their Sassenach mother picks a young woman whose parents want a title badly. She picks the woman for her eldest son the Viscount Coll or lose their home. The problem is brother Niall is immediately smitten with Amelia-Rose Baxter. Amelia’s family objects so strongly they plan on giving her someone with no money or title! Will the young couple retrieve their happily ever after or go their separate ways? Read and find out!  

This is the first book in the new series that readers will absolutely love. It is has all the elements historical romance readers love from start to finish. Plus a phenomenal dialogue, breathtaking setting and magnificent setting. A book I highly recommend and look forward to the next novel in Suzanne Enoch’s delicious new series.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy from the publishers through netgalley. I voluntarily agreed to read, review and blog an advance copy of this book. All thoughts, ideas and opinions are my own.

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Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Scotsman by Virginia Brown. 5 Kilts. Celtic Barb was enchanted!

Book: The Scotsman
by Virginia Brown

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook of
1. Tartan Book Reviews
2. Purple Tulip Book Reviews
3. Celtic World of Historical Book Reviews
4.Celtic Barb’s Tartan Book Review Blog

Overall Rating: 5 Stars and 5 Kilts

Scottish Borderlands, October 1313

The hero of the story of Scotman is Alexander Fraser. He is a man mentally and physically thrashed by the English. He is at his rock bottom of the barrel with nothing left. So when he hears a the cruel, English Earl of Warfield has his brother and he has nothing to offer as payment for his release! As he is poverty stricken by the Sassenach dogs too! He is desperate and does what any red blooded highlander would do, he kidnaps the Earls daughter! Expecting a docile English Rose except this is the furthest from the truth.

Earl of Warfield’s daughter  Catherine Worth is the heroine of this story. This English beauty is headstrong, ornery tenacious and relentless at first as captive. Until she starts to feel things for Alexander that she has never felt for any man. She knows her father feels nothing for her. Just something to use to gain wealth and gold in a marriage contact, no matter how old or cruel her future jailer would be! She has been in the dark how brutal and sadistic her father actually is. She soon opens her eyes to this fact and readers will find out her true reaction!

As these two star crossed lovers will they stay together or forced apart?  As it seems Alexander’s brothers life is to be forfeited if he does not return his daughter. Yet it is not out of love, only selfish evil purposes. What will Alexander and Catherine do?

I hadn’t read a Viginia Brown book in over a decade. Oh my goodness I forgot how beautifully she writes. I totally got lost and absolutely loved The Scotsman and hope she continues on her Scottish journey. This book includes non stop action, drama, mystery, abduction, betrayal, treachery, suspense, hatred, emotional, trust, love and a page turning riveting adventure. In addition, a breathtaking setting, brilliant dialogue, awe inspiring plots and unforgettable characters!

My favorite story ingredients are true factual history weaved into a fictional historical romance! I absolutely loved this book so much! What a phenomenal read! I absolutely loved The Scotsman by Virginia Brown!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy and an advance reader copy from the publisher. I voluntarily agreed to do a fair review and blog through netgalley. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.

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Coming out March 25th by the mega talented
🎈🎈🎈Jennifer Rupp 🎈🎈🎈
writing under
🎈🎈🎈Jennifer Trethewey 🎈🎈🎈

I for one am very excited and can’t wait to read it!

I also absolutely love this Highland Hunky cover!❤️

By Jennifer Trethewey

Series: The Highlanders of Balforss,  Book #4
Note: You can read any as a stand alone book too

Louisa resisted calling the captain a bad name and climbed inside the coach. Why did he have to insist on coming along for the wedding? He’d done his job, fulfilled his obligation. Now it was time for him to go back to Scotland and report to her father. She could imagine how that would go. Captain Sinclair standing at attention in front of the general, glowing with the satisfaction of a job well done, and fully expecting his hard-earned commission.

   Delivered the goods just as you asked, sir. A few minor inci dents at sea. Nothing out of the ordinary. Chased by a hurricane and shot by a pirate. Nothing I couldnae handle. What’s that you ask? Any problems with the Daughter from Hell? None at all, sir. Quiet as a mouse, she was. Stayed in her cabin like a good girl the entire time. It was her companion that was the real problem. A blasted actress. Wore trousers and carried pistols with her. Nearly got me killed.

    And then her da would know. The Tartan Terror would fly into a rage. If he didn’t kill Captain Sinclair on the spot, he’d put him in irons. At the very least, he’d dismiss him, disgrace him, leave him dishonored and disbarred from the army forever.

    Oh God, what have I done?