Monday, May 30, 2016

The Beast of Clan Kincaid by Lily Blackwood Release Day Author Interview & Scottish Giveaway

Welcome and thank you Lily Blackwood for stopping by today and visiting “Celtic Barb’s Kilted Tartan Book Review Blog”! First of all rolling out the red carpet (drum rolls, bells and whistles!) Happy Book Release Day for The Beast of Clan Kincaid” in book one of your wonderful brand new (Clan Kincaid Series)! Published by St. Martin's Press.Wishing you tons of success and sure it will be a big hit, as this book is so spectacular as I have read it two times already! Yes I absolutely loved it filled with a riveting plot lines, amazing dialogues, beautiful Scottish setting and characters that come to life. I loved it! 

The Beast of Clan Kincaid Book Excerpt by Lily Blackwood.

A Highland warrior battles to reclaim his birthright in the first of a new series filled with seduction, revenge, and soul-stirring passion…

They call him the Beast—a hardened mercenary whose heart seems as cold as his icy blue gaze. They do not know his true name: Niall Braewick, son of the Laird of Kincaid. It has been years since he escaped into the forest the night his father was murdered. Now he has returned, ablaze with a vengeful hunger. He will gain the MacClaren chief’s trust, gather his clan, and take back his lands. And take the MacClaren’s daughter as well…

Though he pulled her from the river, saving her life, Elspeth has been warned to keep her distance from her father’s hired warrior. He is a barbarian—a shame, as he is far more compelling than the lechers and fools competing for her dowry. Little does she know that, like the castle itself, she is a prize Niall intends to claim…but will he extract blood for blood and possess what is his, or will his enemy’s beautiful, innocent daughter tempt him to forsake his dream of conquest?

The Beast of Clan Kincaid Blurb

Just Released Today! 

Coming out December 6, 2016

CB: As many might not know Lily Blackwood is also regency author Lily Dalton. What made cross over from Regency romance to write about Scottish historical romance?

LB: It’s no exaggeration to say I’m fascinated by history. All time periods and locations! When I was in college, I was fortunate enough to be a student of Professor Zoltan J.  Kosztolnyik, who brought the treachery and dangerous passions of Medieval Europe to life. Just as I am intrigued by the social strictures and strict manners of the Regency period, the wildness of 14th century Scotland fills my mind with exciting story ideas.

CB: Niall in The Beast of Clan Kincaid is one sexy hot braw Scottish warrior! Some authors have an image or muse of someone famous like an actor or musician as the lead character. Did you have someone in your mind of who Niall might be?

LB:  My characters are always distinctly of my own mind, but yes! I do have inspirations. Remember that old 80s movie, Weird Science, where the teenage boys put in photographs of models into a scanner and out popped their fantasy girl, Kelly Le Brock? If I had that scanner, I would have put in 
photographs of Jason Momoa in Game of Thrones, and Ben Robson and Clive Standen from Vikings. Zap! Out would pop Niall!

*CB Comment: Love yours picks! I saw Niall as Kit Harington aka Hottie Jon Snow from Game of Thrones and Henry Cavill who played Charles Brandon on The Tudors. 

CB: Did you have a specific person mind to play the feisty heroine Elspeth in The Beast of Clan Kincaid?

LB: Elspeth is so very distinct in my mind. If I had to define her, I’d provide actress Kaya Scodelario as a close comparison.

CB: Do you have a playlist you listen to when you’re are inspired and writing? If so who were you listening to? Even if you weren't listening to music what would be the theme song for The Beast of Clan Kincaid be? How about a love song for Niall and Elspeth?

LB: I did have a playlist! I listen to the same playlist over and over while writing a book--and then I 
can’t listen to that music for the next book I write! It really becomes part of the fabric of the story. I can’t listen to music that has words, or it distracts me, so I search and search for the right instrumentals. For BEAST, I listened to Invincible, by Two Steps From Hell. Their song, Moving Mountains, would have to be Niall’s theme song. I also listened to the Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings soundtracks. Very sweeping and epic!  

CB: How much time do you spend in your "writing cave" per week?

LB: I work full time, so I am an early morning writer. I get up between 4:30 and 5:00, and get a few hours in before taking off into the city. Then I will usually expand and polish those pages at night for an hour or two. Weekends are my paradise. There’s no sleeping in! I get up early and enjoy a quiet 
house before my family wakes up, and then also write around weekend activities. Secret: My favorite place to write is in my car. I’ve been known to go park in the Target parking lot, just me and my Alphasmart and a Starbucks, and knock out pages. That’s a seasonal thing though—I live in Texas, and certain times of the year are just too hot for sitting in the car.

CB: How long does it typically take to write and finish a novel before sending off to proofreaders, editors, and publishers etc.?

LB: Usually it takes me four months of intense immersion to write a book. I obsess over the first five or six chapters until they are “right” and then the rest usually comes easily. BEAST took a little longer for me. It was written while someone I loved was very ill. There’s a little grief in these pages, 
and some very real, deep love inspired by what was going on in my real life at the time. Those emotions inspire the most authentic stories, I think.  

CB: Last historical romance novel you read and loved? 

( Only answer if your previous answer was not a Scottish romance) Last Scottish romance book you read and loved.

LB:The Scandalous Secret of Abigail MacGregor by the fabulous Paula Quinn. Daniel…be still my beating heart. I love all of Paula’s books. 
*CB Comment: Oh I love Paula Quinn too! My last read by Paula was "The Taming of Malcolm Grant" which was fabulous too I too love all her books! 

CB:What made you choose your profession to become an author? Also why did you choose the historical romance genre with so many other genres in romance?

LB: I’ve been writing sweeping historical “stories” since I was about nine or ten, on notebook paper. (I would also illustrate the heroines’ beautiful dresses!) For me, I was emulating the work of my 
idols! Writers I loved. Even so, it didn’t occur to me until after college, that I could be a writer as well as a reader. I held writers in such high regard! It’s been a challenge, balancing life and writing, but I love it. Making readers happy is **the very best thing**. 

CB: Do you have a mentor or another author friend that gave you advice when you decided to become a writer and write your first novel? 

LB: I have several, but authors Colleen Thompson and Kerrelyn Sparks have always given me my very best advice, time and time again. I love those ladies!!

CB: What advice would you give to aspiring writers today?
LB: Read. Read. Read. And write a lot. Those two things go hand in hand. 

Lily Blackwood has honored us with such a beautiful giveaway contest. Generously gifting us with this gorgeous embroidered thistle jewelry keeper! Just comment on this this blog post from today May 31st  through June 7th and the winner will be picked randomly and announced on June 8th 2016. GOOD LUCK! ☘☘☘ Thanks you again Lily for this lovely Giveaway!


                          Just message Lily Blackwood through facebook messages. 

Lily Blackwood lives in Texas, with her husband, their two teenagers, a devoted red golden retriever and two rascally cats. She enjoys flea markets, cooking, eating and not cleaning her house! She recently taught herself to knit and has been making a mess with yarn ever since. She loves all things historical, and finds it thrilling to imagine a time period where each day held very real dangers, and true love stories and happily-ever-afters were precious and rare. Lily loves to hear from readers! She invites you to visit her website at

***Lily is also the RITA Nominated author of Regency romances, Lily Dalton

My 5 Kilt book review of The Beast of Clan Kincaid is posted on this blog if you would like to take a peek just scroll down this blog.

5 Kilts on Celtic Barb's Kilted Tartan Book Review Blog rating is the same as Amazon's 5 star reviews. It is the highest rating which means I loved The Beast of Clan Kincaid which I really really did. Honestly I hate that it had to end!

Thanks again author Lily Blackwood for stopping by and giving us a closer look to the life as an author and chatting about your brand new release The Beast of Clan Kincaid! Which is a magnificent and exhilarating read! Wishing you big congratulations and a very happy release day! Thank you so much for the gorgeous giveaway too! Wishing you best of luck always and lots of success in your wonderful writing career! - Celtic Barb's Kilted Tartan Book Review Blog






Please follow me at aka Celtic Barb's Kilted Tartan Book Review Blog for more historical romance author reviews, interviews and Giveaways.

I also run Tartan Book Reviews on Facebook with with my English bestie Ann. Two Lassies on opposite sides of the pond loving the same books. Feel free to join us. Happy Reading Mo Charaids!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Just Found by Ceci Giltenan ( The Pocket Watch Chronicles, Book #3) Just Released Today! 5 Kilts!

Once found is book # three, in Ceci Giltenan’s Pocket Watch Chronicles enchanting, unique, original and exceptional time-travel. As the magical elder Gertrude is upto her shenanigans again with her magic pocket watch! For those who are following the series in the last book The Midwife:  we found out what happened to disillusioned 21st century obstetrician Elizabeth Quinn accepting the pocket watch and went into Elsie Macrae’s body. Now we find out what happens to 13th century Elsie Macrae in 21st century in Dr. Elizabeth Quinn’s body.

1289 Scotland
2006 New York City and Hamilton Township, New Jersey

Elsie enters the 21st century in a severe snowstorm in New York City at the hospital  from a bad car wreck. After being rushed to the hospital one of the first people on  the scene, pediatrician Gabriel Soldani who is Elizabeth's ex-boyfriend from medical school!  Elise hysterical and scared to death in this new world, over seven hundred years in the future. The only one she trusts is Gabe. Not realizing she once broke this mans heart though she thinks she feels Elizabeth's love for this man. All she realizes is she loves him.

After advised by Gertrude is to pretend to have amnesia to fit into this world. As Elsie knows she can't do the things girl genius Elizabeth could do, even the very basic things like reading, flushing a toilet, using a phone, and using food utensils even!  Convinced she isgoing back to her time, after Elizabeth saves The Mackenzie Laird’s, wife and baby. Elsie believes she is to mend things between Gabe an Elizabeth and bring them together for when Elizabeth returns to her body and time.  The problem is she is starting to feel things for Gabe and is confused who loves Gabe she or Elizabeth? Plus there is a minstrel Geodie she was starting to fall in love wth in 13th century Scotland! What will Elsie choose this wondrous new strange future world or back to her medieval time? You will have to read this second/ third  chance at love story that will pull at your heartstrings as it is breathtaking, emotional, delightful and heartwarming!  If you believe in soul mates, fate, destiny, and true love you don't want to miss this beautiful story!

Gabe has loved and lost two times in his life his feelings for this Elizabeth - are so much deeper and more intense, that he doesn't understand it. He also sees so many changes in Elizabeth's personality it boggles his mind but it has been six years. Will he fail at love a third time - just to have his heart broken again? . This man who has been a bit gun shy at the love for the past 6 years, will he take a chance again or have his heart torn out of his chest? Will he feel betrayed if her learns the truth or think Elizabeth is just insane from a brain injury? You will have to read this exceptional tale that find out.

The main characters are so endearing ,  the Soldani family is a riot, the secondary characters like The Sinclairs and The Quinn's, some you love some and some make you furious. Another Giltenan winner! Such a fun and fabulous tale, magnificent dialogues, fast moving plots and perfect settings and so beautifully written. I highly recommend. Once Found is one of those rare spellbinding book that you will never let go, nor forget! It is definitely going on my keeper shelf, to read again and again! Absolutely delightful and brilliant!  Highly recommend!

Amazon Link

The Pocket Watch Chronicles by Ceci Giltenan

The Pocket Watch
The Midwife

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Emma Prince Blog Tour

The Lady’s Protector
(Highland Bodyguards, Book 1)
Emma Prince

Blog Tour
May 19 – 29

Welcome Emma Prince Celtic Barb's Kilted Tartan Book Reviews honored to be part of this blog tour. Thank you Emma and Secret Realm Book Reviews and Services for the invitation.  
I actually met Emma Prince last summer at Nationals, Romance Writers of America Convention in NYC. This was before I had read any of her books. We were introduced by mutual friend and Scottish historical author Eliza Knight, at a cocktail party for book promoters like myself and authors like Emma. Besides this story teller having God given talent, this multi talented author is beautiful,warm, kind, funny, smart and amazing woman! The type that makes a person feel like they have known her forever. We just clicked! I came home and immediately started reading her Sinclair books which I totally fell in love with, as I have with her most recent Viking series, which is fabulous too. I now feel so honored to have met this lovely multi talented woman and discovered her brilliant books. I highly recommend if you love history and romance you don't want to miss her amazing stories they are all spectacular!

Emma Prince and Celtic Barb
at RWA 2015 last summer in NYC

Blurb of The Lady's Protector

The Lady's Protector Excerpt by Emma Prince

The Battle of Bannockburn may be over, but the war is far from won.

Her Protector…
Ansel Sutherland is charged with a mission from King Robert the Bruce to protect the illegitimate son of a powerful English Earl. Though Ansel bristles at aiding an Englishman, the nature of the war for Scottish independence is changing, and he is honor-bound to serve as a bodyguard. He arrives in England to fulfill his assignment, only to meet the only to meet the beautiful but secretive Lady Isolda, who refuses to tell him where his ward is.  When a mysterious attacker threatens Isolda’s life, Ansel realizes he is the only thing standing between her and deadly peril.

His Lady…

Lady Isolda harbors dark secrets—secrets she refuses to reveal to the rugged Highland rogue who arrives at her castle demanding answers. But Ansel’s dark eyes cut through all her defenses, threatening to undo her resolve. To protect her past, she cannot submit to the white-hot desire that burns between them. As the threat to her life spirals out of control, she has no choice but to trust Ansel to whisk her to safety deep in the heart of the Highlands...

The Lady's Protector by Emma Prince ("Highland Bodyguards", Book 1)
Reviewed by Celtic Barb's Kilted Tartan Book Review Blog

Emma Prince, the magnificent best selling author of "The Sinclair Brothers Trilogy","Viking Lore Series", is at it again with another brilliant Scottish historical series! This brand new sparkling series is called ("Highland Bodyguards") and this is the very first book called "The Lady's Protector".

WARNING:Beware of turning the pages in this fast paced page turner, as this story is so fabulously sizzling hot you just may get burned!

Dunrobin Castle, Scottish Highlands, September 1314

Ansel Sutherland one of Robert most trusted and valuable warrior is charged with protecting and guarding the life of an Scottish Earl of Lancaster's son for fear of the boy being used as a weakness against himwho also has the Kings ear  bastard son by the orders of King Robert the Bruce himself. Though Ansel is less then thrilled by this mission but even he knew he had little choice plus these were dangerous waters these days in Scotland.  Even with The victory of Battle Bannockburn the war still continues in one way or another. The wind could shift in a second and could possibly turn in favor of the English  with Scottish Independence always at risk.

When he arrives in England he meets mysterious and mistrusting beautiful Lady Isolda of Embleton  the mother of the Earl son and when accident s start happening she sends the boy in to hiding onky she knows where her son is,and to his frustration won't reveal who his ward is or why. This only adds to his frustration and his mistrust of the English as if he already didn't have an attitude toward the hated English, Lady Isolda is hiding much and he is determined to find out after all there are more then one way to skin a cat. Yet with his seductive looks and the attraction between these she wants to tell him yet her mistrust and for good reason still won't be honest. Yet when it is between loosing her life or opening up to Ansel. Isolda finally confesses her secrets, Ansel does what any braw highland would do! He brings her with him back to wild and beautiful Scotland, to keep her safe from her would be killers.

Are these star crossed lovers headed for death, destructive and doom? Has  Ansel also put a target on his back for aiding  the Lady Isolda! Is she worth the risk? Will these dark forces finally find Lady Isolda and murder her?  

Another phenomenal, riveting  fictional romance lined with true factual Scottish history! This is my favorite book ingredients for reading my favorite genre, Scottish historical romance. Ms. Prince does this brilliantly as she weaves past history into her fictional  captivating original, ,  imaginative story! This is one of the reasons multi talented Emma Prince is one of my most favorite authors on the planet!  It is a must read exceptional storyline, breathtaking setting, characters that glide right off the pages and come to life! This book is also filled with mystery, suspense, betrayal, mistrust, heartbreak, healing, passion and love. Has all the element you might expect and more!  This wonderful tale had me reeled in from start to finish as I simply could not put it down! A story that will claim your heart and warm your soul! I highly recommend as I absolutely and unequivocally loved The Lady's Protector!  5 Kilts

I can't wait and look forward to book #2 coming out  later this summer.

Complete Listing Of Books by Emma Prince

Highland Bodyguards

The Lady's Protector (Book 1)

Book 2 (coming summer 2016!)

Sinclair Brothers Trilogy:

Highlander's Ransom (Book 1)

Highlander's Redemption (Book 2)

Highlander's Return (Bonus Novella)

Highlander's Reckoning (Book 3)

Viking Lore

Enthralled (Book 1)

Shieldmaiden's Revenge (Book 2)

The Bride Prize (Book 2.5)

Desire's Hostage (Book 3)

Other Books

Wish Upon A Winter Solstice(A Highland Holiday Novella)

Emma Prince

About the Author:
Emma Prince is the Amazon All-Star and Bestselling author of steamy historical romances jam-packed with adventure, conflict, and of course love!
Emma grew up in drizzly Seattle, but traded her rain boots for sunglasses when she and her husband moved to the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Emma spent several years in academia, both as a graduate student and an instructor of college-level English and Humanities courses. She always savored her "fun books"—normally historical romances—on breaks or vacations. But as she began looking for the next chapter in her life, she wondered if perhaps her passion could turn into a career. Ever since then, she's been reading and writing books that celebrate happily ever afters!
Visit Emma's website,, for updates on books, future projects, inspirations, newsletter sign-up, and more!

Connect with the Author


Friday, May 13, 2016

An Enchanted Spring by Nancy Scanlon, Book 2, Mists of Fate Series, 5 Kilts, TBR 5/24/2016

This is book #two in Nancy Scanlons fabulous new Irish time-travel series "Mists of Fate". As she again writes about another heartwarming, sexy, alpha Irishman that will make readers swoon!

Present Day

Aiden MacWilliam, brother of Irish Laird Neoclas, is unhappily  trapped left behind in the 21st century, United States. Although Aiden has adjusted to his unfortunate circumstances, as he has become somewhat of a wealthy entrepreneur. Aiden, heart sore and missing his time and  home in the past. His matchmaking cousin knows he needs to take his mind off his sadness and shake these feelings. He know all Aiden want is to go home to his time and family and unhappy in the future. Aiden agrees and makes the decision to head to New York City, with a push from his great - great - many times removed cousin. He needs to recruit a publicity manager for his cousins match making company called Celtic Connections! Secretly his cousin knows this woman recruit would be perfect love match for Aiden. Also this could help with his sorrow in missing his family and friends all in the past. After-all doesn't love heal all wounds and sorrow?

Emmaline Perkins, is the heroine and is perfect for the job as she has the PR background and is secretly somewhat obsessed with medieval history. Plus the type that always puts works first and foremost, before a personal and social life. Well until the  gorgeous Aiden MacWilliam walks into her life, yet with a business proposal! That is the last thing on her mind, when she sees this gorgeous,true-to-life Irishman, right out of the Middle Ages!

You can feel the chemistry and attraction between these two right from the getgo, plus the dialogue is fantastic. Then all hell breaks loose!  Emmaline's blackmailing, cheating, stealing, threatening  ex storms right  back into her life demanding money or her life could be forfeit!

This only draws Aiden and Emmaline closer - afterall he being from the past - a time where men were fearless and fierce!  Plus wore honor, shivery and protectiveness on their sleeves. It soon seems that there is only one conclusion - that is Emmaline needs to hide where she will never be found! Where and how can this take place? Will these two open up all their secrets and move forward? Will Aiden be able to help Emmaline in time? Are theses two just fated for more heartache, failure and sorrow? Will Aiden be able to be content living I n the 21st century forever, even with a woman like Emmaline at his side? Aiden and Emmaline have many decisions  to make, hoops to jump and obstacles to overcome. That is if they are ever obtain a happily ever after! Is that even remotely possible?

To find out the answers to the many questions and more I definitely recommend  and suggest you read An "Enchanted Spring"  by Nancy Scanlon  that will be released shortly on May 24th, 2016. It is the second book it this exceptional time-travel series that will take your breath away!  Readers can read this as a stand alone book too, so it's a win/win for all readers! I am looking forward to the next book in this  series as I have listed below and future books by this author as the are always such delightful reads, Sláinte!

Mists of Fate by Nancy Scanlon

1) The Winter Laird Brianagh O'Rourke  and Nioclas MacWilliam - available in al formats
2) An Enchanted Spring Aiden MacWilliam and Emmaline Perkins - TBR  5/24/2016
3) Once Upon A Summer Night - TBR March 7, 2017

Follow my book reviews and author interviews at

***This is an ARC was generously given to me by Diversion publishers in exchange for an honest review through***

The Beast of Clan Kincaid by Lily Blackwood TBR 5/31/2016 5 Kilts

Breathtaking riveting story by the talented Lily Blackwood in her brand new Clan Kincaid series in her riveting fast paced page turning romantic adventure. A truly a phenomenal read that will knock your socks off! Definitely want to hear from more from this author. Like potato chips one will never be enough! Bravo Ms. Blackwood, a new favorite author for me.

1387, Scotland
 Niall Braewick, eldest son of Laird Kincaid who was brutally murdered by enemies  seventeen years prior as was his Mother and clan. Niall and his brothers were taken through a hidden passage and through the woods where they were all three brothers were separated. This was done in case in case they were caught, making the odds better that at least one Kincaid son would survive. Niall knew from that horrible day and on he would one day have his revenge: on the enemies to that murdered his parents and take all that was stolen from them.

The MacClaren clan as one of the clan who betrayed his father and clan seventeen years ago. His plan to take all that was taken from him , his land, castle and clan, but there is one problem in this scenario. He is attracted to the MacClarens daughter Elspeth who he happened to save her and her sister in the river. Of course he had no idea who she was at the time. Niall is rewarded for saving his daughters a place in The MacClaren clan as a new warrior.  Now mercenary and known as The Beast as no one can know his true identity not even Elspeth. He is known as acold hearted and lethal bastard.  Even though warned away from her people to stay clear of her father's new warrior, but Elspeth has her own mind. Now that her father is old and want her married as  clansman and nobleman are vying for her hand just for her lands and dowry. The fools don't seem to know her true worth Yet he knows this could end very badly and ruin all his carefully laid plans. Will he choose love over revenge?

A setting so beautiful your do swear you can smell the heather characters that come to life with magnificent dialogue! Non stop action,  and so much depth in this hands down phenomenal read that you wont want to see it end. This is a first book for me by this author bit of defiantly won't be the last, plus with a Monica McCarty endorsement I just knew it was to be a magnificent read. It was that and more and I can't wait for the next book  The Rebel of Clan Kincaid in this spectacular series. It had me hooked from start to finish, totally wowed me, I just loved it and highly recommend!

Disclaimer: I was given this advanced readers copy from publishers of St. Martin's  Paperback's publishers through

  Clan Kincaid Series by Lily Blackwood

1)The Beast  of Clan Kincaid - TBR 5/31/2026
2) The Rebel of Clan Kincaid - TBR later this summer

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Claiming Her by Kris Kennedy - Renegades & Outlaws series, 5 Kilts is breathtaking!

Wow! Blew me away! Another brilliant, clever, amazing, hot and sizzling riveting read by best selling author, Kris Kennedy! She really has a rare gift indeed with her golden pen and outdid herself in this totally brilliant and powerful story. 'Claiming Her" in her new Renegades & Outlaws series, is when Ireland was under English rule. I love when true history is weaved into a fabulous fictional romance. Plus nothing better then a true historical facts weaved into a fictional Irish historical romance with famous iconic figures in it. In this case Elizabeth Tudor, Queen Elizabeth I , daughter of Queen Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII! Love!Love! Loved!

1589 Norhtern Ireland, Beyond the Pale ( when part of Ireland was under English rule)

Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen or Queen Bess to others expects everyone to yield to her. Even if she doesn't keep her word in her favors and rewards she previously promised. As a lad of fourteen, Aodh Mac Con bowed down to the English Queen, laid down his bloody sword, promised to be true to England. This was in agreement as long as he eventually would be given back his ancestral home Rardove castle and his lands in Ireland. Aodh Mac Con is one of the Queen's loyal Captains, courtier, councilor and favorite is furious and will no longer be her puppet and plaything! Especially when he finds out she has betrayed him and given  Rardove Castle, his Irish ancestral lands to another! Queen Bess has rewarded Rardove to nobleman interrogator, Bertrand of Bridge! After interrogation can prove her chatelaine Katarina  is not rebel as the rumors the Queen is hearing  claim. Bertrand will then be allowed to wed her chatelaine.

Aodh is extremely clever in his next steps have the impregnable gates opened to him and his men.  Once Katarina sees his Irish mullet, a partly shaved head on the sides with long hair and half his body is painted ( tattoos) Katarina sees her mistake! This was not uncommon among Medieval Irish and Celtic tribes. After his perfidy is recognized Aodh Mac Con ( The Hound) then finds himself with a knife to his throat, by the Lady of the keep with his own blade!  This beautiful, calm, serene woman becomes a bezerker wildcat, not the hysterical or frightened Queens lady he was expecting. Yet he finds she light a fire in him that had been extinguished for years maybe never even lit ! He want her for more then his ancestral keep she seems to make him feel alive like never before! He definitely wants her!

Katarina de Macie of Rardove who feels duped and is furious at herself! This for being duped so easily by this handsome rebel Irishman, with the brightest blue eye and a painted body! The attraction is immediate, but she refuses to be a traitor like her parents who are dead for only loving each other. Her father had also been the Queens man, was to settle things in Ireland, instead he fell in love with an Irish Princess! Married Katarina's mother without the Queens permission and the looses his head for it! Her mother then dies of a broken heart and eight year old heiress, Katarina, is left abandoned, alone and an orphan. This child reminds Elizabeth of herself, being ignored and abandoned so she offers the keep of  castle Rardove in Ireland as chatelaine. Now the one thing Katerina fears  most - repeating her parents  mistakes and being called a traitor! Rumors reached the Queens ears are calling her exactly that.....a traitor!

Aodh decides wooing and gifts is the way to the ladies heart, but locked in a tower? Will she turn traitor like her father?  Is Katherina, her father's daughter after-all? Can she keep this handsome Irish rebel at arms length with all his wooing and gifts? Plus seeing all he has accomplished in Ireland after a short amount of time which she hasn't been able to do in years! It is beyond impressive, it is remarkable and unbelievable!  Katerina is confused and knows the Queen's Army will be arriving at her gates soon! She has decisions to make and quickly before it is too late!

Loved the motley crew or you might call secondary characters of the story. Englishman Ré, Scottish Cormac, plus  Bran plus Katrina's friend Susanna and wee Dickon. I really enjoyed all the characters for different reasons, but mostly their loyalty, honor, caring and protectiveness of their fierce leader and lady.

Will Katarina choose love or honor? Will Aodh be punished by the Queen with a traitors death? Will Katarina betray the Irish rebel and turn Aodh in to the Queen? The lady who took her in and gave her a castle in Ireland. Will Aodh ever truly get a chance to truly claim her - his warrior woman? Will she ignite a fire or extinguish it forever? You will have to read this sizzling passionate romantic tale lined with true historical history to find out!

I absolutely and unequivocally loved this story about Irish history and when Ireland was under England's rule ( beyond the pale). Brilliant and accurate research in this this spectacular. riveting captivating adventure. I simply could not put this book down! H/H were both heartwarming and endearing, yet had similar heartaches of the past that you can't help, but root for them! Filled with riveting adventure, mystery, suspense, betrayal, emotional, historical facts, passion that sizzles off the page and of course love. Ms. Kennedy did an outstanding job creating this brilliant tale - lined with true history in sixteenth century Ireland. This is one of those rare stories that stays with you long after you have read it. I loved this sexy, Irish rebel, Aodh Mac Con he is true alph male and definitely swoon and drool worthy! I highly recommend "Claiming Her" by Kris Kennedy, as I have been reading her books since her debut and her books just get better! That says a lot considering I have loved each book she has released! I must say Claiming Her is a total masterpiece in my opinion and my favorite to date! It's totally brilliant!

Renegades & Outlaws Series by Kris Kennedy

0.5)The Kings Outlaw - Captured by a Celtic Warrior anthology

   1) Claiming Her