To the pastoral Celtic people’s of Europe the changing pattern of the seasons was a matter of life and death, and marking these changes key moments in the life of the community. Beltane – “bright fire” – was one such marker celebrated in various forms across Ireland, Scotland and Man as the starting point of summer. A celebration of the time of light and growth to come, Beltane was associated with a variety of practices, from the display of fresh greenery to the baking of Beltane bannocks. Perhaps the most important element, however, was the lighting of Beltane fires on the first of May, which would recall the growing power of the sun and provide an opportunity to cleanse and renew the conditions of a community – both humans and their animals – that had spent the dark months indoors. In Scotland, the lighting of Beltane fires – round which cattle were driven, over which brave souls danced and leapt – would survive into modern times, although a process of slow decline saw towns and villages slowly abandon the practice in the nineteenth century. The last Beltane fire recorded in Helmsdale took place in 1820. In the middle years of the century the fires of Fife spluttered out, and by the 1870s they would go unlit in the Shetland Isles. By the start of the twentieth century, Edinburgh, which had for time immemorial seen beacons lit on Arthur’s Seat, ceased such public Beltane celebrations.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tartan Book Reviews

Check out my facebook book group I share with my partner in crime Ann Leeson if you are a lover of  historical romance books especially Scottish and Medieval then come join us. Our vision two lassies on opposites sides of the pond loving the same books as I am live  in the USA and Ann lives in England.
We post upcoming book sales, book release parties, book covers and all author promotion. We also post reviews, history and author book events pictures and more. Feel free to post any historical book promotion.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Celtic Barb's Blog

Celtic Barb's Blog


Book Review of To Tame The Wind By Regan Walker

This is a prequel to Regan Walkers Agents of the Crown Series. You can read as a stand alone or in books order readers choice of course. Either way this book is another keeper no matter how you look at it! It releases May 9, 2015.

Another adventurous, romantic and mysterious page turner from the gifted story teller Regan Walker. This action packed historical romance right from the beginning that will keep you glued to the story and you simply won't be able to put it down.

Paris, 1780

It's starts off as the covent raised teenager the beautiful, Claire Ariane Donet, whom often likes to break the rules and sneaks out and her frail friend Elise follows her to this secret adventure to a secret Mask she found out by eavesdropping on adult conversations.

 There she sees the handsome Simon Powell for the first time at a costume ball where the French aristocrats dress like commoners. It is where the innocent 16 years spies on him and dressed as a golden eagle as he is groping the courtesan dressed like a male hussar the limb on the tree she was spying from breaks off and she is caught! At first he thinks she is a lady of the night, a courtesan dressed as an innocent but then he realizes she is an innocent and sets her on the right path back to the convents and out of danger.

Unfortunately tragedy hits home which changes Claire forever and decides she wants to be a nun yet out of guilt. Yet, her well off, prominent father has other ideas for she is now eighteen years old and he has picked a successful lawyer for her husband in an arranged marriage. Claire has not told her father her feelings to be a nun nor do the sisters of the convent feel it's the right path for her. As they know it has to do with guilt from the past and another's wish to join the order.

Two years later Simon and Claire will cross paths again and she will find out things about her wealthy prominent father that turns her world upsIde down and inside out! As Simon is forced to abduct Claire to use as a trade for his men and ship that Claire's father has taken as prisoner and the ship for his own booty. Claire who has not lived outside the walls of the convent since she was seven years old and to be in such close quarters with one handsome Captain Simon Powell as well as his ship full of pirates she is definitely on some unchartered, dangerous, and unfamiliar waters in the high seas!

You need to read this marvelous book to find out what happens next and the conclusion of this exceptional read that I cannot praise enough!

Another Regan Walker adventure that will melt your heart and make you swoon. To Tame The Wind is adventurous, mysterious and romantic all rolled into one book and you will not be able to put it down. So grab a drink. snack and blanket and enjoy the ride as you will hate to see this captivating story come to an end! Yes it is that wonderful! You will be hooked and reeled in right from the beginning to the very last word in the book, it was an absolutely spectacular read as I find Ms. Walker's always are!  I loved it!

Book Review of The Mackinnon's Bride 20th Anniversary Special addition By Tanya Anne Crosby


THE MACKINNON'S BRIDE.... This novel is very special and near and dear to my heart. I have actually read it five times that is how much I adore it and not just the main character as that Broc the Blonde is very special to me too though he will get his own book later in The Highland Bride series which is another thing you might want to check out in the Companion book. 

This story starts as the Laird Ian Mackinnon son is kidnapped by the English and yet his enemies daughter Page actually protects the son while under his enemies roof and kidnaps Page Fitz Simmons in retaliation. Yet  when he offers a trade and gets his son back and sees Fitz Simmons refuses his own daughter know she helped the Scots and for good reason. This baffles Laird Iain and also chips at his cold heart as well. So the laird keeps Paige before you know it he see how his son needs a mother one thing leads to another could it be love? There is also a villain in their mist which causes The Laird to think Paige to question Paige. As they both have deep scars of the past and major trust issues but Paige being told what to do her entire life being ignored, abused and living in her fathers shadow. Ian gives her the best gift eve...a choice. 

This book will melt your heart and steal your soul it is so beautifully written I can't recommend it enough as it is a definite keep on my forever book shelf. I actually have this in every format print, digital e-reader and audio. Yes it that spectacular, a total masterpiece and how I discovered this multi talented gifted author. Make sure you have some Kleenex nearby as some scenes are very emotional too. Even the scence with Paige and the lairds son are so beautiful but very emotional too. This is one of my favorite books of all time I cannot praise it enough!

Highland Song (The Highland Brides)First I want to personally thank Tanya for the dedication which was to us her readers which I thought was very sweet. For those of you familiar with this wonderful series Highland Brides this is Gavin Mac Brodie's story the youngest brother of Meeghan of Lyon's Gift the second book in this delightful series. The Highland Brides series is one of the best Scottish romance reads in my opinion for those of you addicted to Scottish medieval romance as I am. Each book is wonderful, beautiful, funny, magical and enchanting and I highly recommend this entire series 1.The Mackinnon's Bride 2. Lyon's Gift 3. On Bended Knee 4. Lion Heart and 5. Highland Song.

As in this novella Highland Song you get to visit all the main characters from previous books kind of like a wonderful family reunion which I loved. I don't want to give away too much but the books main couple is Gavin and Catriona which her friends call Cat. Gavin is very much brooding and pretty much miserable in the beginning as he is surrounded by all these happy couples very much in love so he decides to move out and get a place of his own and all I will tell you is the first time he see's Cat she is stark naked! I really also really enjoyed Catrionas (Cat) character as she was described as a beautiful, strong and independent type of women, not afraid of men's work etc. of course when they find love....it is sizzling right off the pages!

This couple was really so adorable! I really didn't want this book to end, as this is my problem with all of Ms. Crosby's books, as I find myself very addicted indeed and want them to go on forever. I truly hope Catriona's handsome brother Aidan will be the next book in this series! Just a quick note you can read this book with the other books in the series or alone. Ms. Crosby is truly gifted in her talents as a brilliant storyteller/author extroidinaire! I promise you the reader won't be disappointed as HIGHLAND SONG has all the elements you would want or desire in a Scottish historical romance

Highland Tribes: A Readers Companion ( The Highland Brides Book 6) 

First this is is not a novel it is which contains loads of information for the Highland Brides series as well as Guardians of the Stone series. It will give a better understanding of what goes on Tanya Anne Crosby's brilliant mind and how this all began and how it all connected. It will give the reader a better insight and  understanding of all these wonderful stories. Any fan of Tanya Anne Crosby will appreciate and love this Companion Book I know I did!

Also the art work is incredible a lot of people don't know Tanya is an amazing graphic designer too as I always says she is multi talented. Any fan of Tanya's books will appreciate this companion book

I have been a fan of Ms. Crosby for 22 years and have enjoyed the stories whether I laughed, giggled, cried, or raised an eyebrow. So on a personal note I have to say thank you for giving me so much enjoyment as sometimes I can remember exactly what I was doing as I was absorbed in these wonderful stories and transported to historic Scotland! For example I was going into labor with my second child as I read The Mackinnon's Bride for the very first time. It was a girl my daughter who is New York City reporter, a journalist sort of ironic! Thank you for all these wonderful books and here is to another twenty years of more wonderful adventures, yummie Scottish romance, and braw kilted Scottish lads, spunky independent warrior lassies who can swing a sword and always has her quiver of arrows on her back! This mean more books to be written mo charaid! 

Celtic Barb's Book Review of Highland Echoes by Ceci Giltenan ( Fated Hearts, Book 2)

Highland Echoes by Ceci Giltenan  (Fated Hearts book 2) as the first one was a novella in Highland Winds  The Scroll of the Cridhe Volume one called Highland Revenge  ( Fated Hearts book 1) Highland Echoes is a full length book. 

Another fast page turner and beautifully written book of love, loss, betrayal, grieving, and forgiveness with a heavy dose of romance, adventure and mystery. It is a book that will hold you on so many different levels you will wish it never to end. Another book by the talented Ceci Giltenan that will definitely melt your heart. 

1317 May, The Isle of Lewis.....Catriona and Tristan Murray a young couple defying all they knew in the name of love.

Mother to daughter
What matters most: kindness
What never helps: panicking

1340 April, The Isle of Lewis... Daughter and wife of fishermen Grace Brieve looses her Father, Mother and his husband in the space of a year. As with only her three year old daughter Kristen, she does what she must to survive in this sometimes cold cruel world. The aging cruel perverted Laird Morrison's son has turned an eye on Grace! With the help of many friend she must leave immediately before it is too late so she and Kristen are off a new adventure to a Grandmother she had never met and off to Grandma's house they go. It is where she first meets Bran and not very welcoming as they all believe her father had died years ago with good reason .

Bran Sutherland son and heir of Laird Sutherland once the lass proves her identity he is immediately smitten having recently being sent aside by his betrothed although they had never even met. Even her wee lass Kristen melts his heart and when he finds out she is a widow. Well let's just say he is definitely not heart broken over it. The problem is his father has other plans for Bran and first and foremost is a political marriage which Grace does not fit in as she is fishermen's daughter and his cooks granddaughter. Grace doesn't even know her own mothers surname! As a deathbed promise never to find and her mother's family out. Especially since her mothers Da was such a cruel and vindictive man that might even kill she and Kirsten!

Bram makes it known to all that will listen that Grace and wee Kristen are under his protection and he tries to break down the wall around Grace's protective heart. As she knows with their different life status this can only end in heartbreak  Of course he doesn't know the big attraction and strong feelings Grace feels for Bram.....yet! Grace is very fearful of powerful men especially titled men and on top of that Bram's parents want a political marriage to help the clan. This does not include a marriage to their cooks granddaughter and daughter of a fisherman! Laird Sutherland will do anything to keep them apart no matter how unfair and vindictive. 

Highland Echoes  has a very unique and surprise ending that just dazzled me to the core which I totally adored! I absolutely loved this book!!! :)

I highly recommend Highland Echoes is another Ceci Giltenan that will melt your heart and steal your soul! Another for my keeper reread shelf as I absolutely loved this spectacular book! 

Books by Ceci Giltenan:
Highland Solution
Highland Courage
Highland Intrigiue
Highland Revenge...a novella in volume1 The Scrolls of Cridhe,Highland Winds (Fated Hearts, Book 1)
Highland Echoes ( Fated Hearts, Book 2)  This will be released May 15, 2015

Lairds, Lords & Lovers: Highland Solution by Ceci Giltenan 10 Full-Length Novels From the Queens of Medieval Romance 

Book Review of Highland Echoes by Ceci Giltenan

Highland Echoes by Ceci Giltenan  (Fated Hearts book 2) as the first one was a novella in Highland Winds  The Scroll of the Cridhe Volume one called Highland Revenge  ( Fated Hearts book 1) Highland Echoes is a full length book.

Another fast page turner and beautifully written book of love, loss, betrayal, grieving, and forgiveness with a heavy dose of romance, adventure and mystery. It is a book that will hold you on so many different levels you will wish it never to end. Another book by the talented Ceci Giltenan that will definitely melt your heart.

1317 May, The Isle of Lewis.....Catriona and Tristan Murray a young couple defying all they knew in the name of love.

Mother to daughter
What matters most: kindness
What never helps: panicking

1340 April, The Isle of Lewis... Daughter and wife of fishermen Grace Brieve looses her Father, Mother and his husband in the space of a year. As with only her three year old daughter Kristen, she does what she must to survive in this sometimes cold cruel world. The aging cruel perverted Laird Morrison's son has turned an eye on Grace! With the help of many friend she must leave immediately before it is too late so she and Kristen are off a new adventure to a Grandmother she had never met and off to Grandma's house they go. It is where she first meets Bran and not very welcoming as they all believe her father had died years ago with good reason .

Bran Sutherland son and heir of Laird Sutherland once the lass proves her identity he is immediately smitten having recently being sent aside by his betrothed although they had never even met. Even her wee lass Kristen melts his heart and when he finds out she is a widow. Well let's just say he is definitely not heart broken over it. The problem is his father has other plans for Bran and first and foremost is a political marriage which Grace does not fit in as she is fishermen's daughter and his cooks granddaughter. Grace doesn't even know her own mothers surname! As a deathbed promise never to find and her mother's family out. Especially since her mothers Da was such a cruel and vindictive man that might even kill she and Kirsten!

Bram makes it known to all that will listen that Grace and wee Kristen are under his protection and he tries to break down the wall around Grace's protective heart. As she knows with their different life status this can only end in heartbreak  Of course he doesn't know the big attraction and strong feelings Grace feels for Bram.....yet! Grace is very fearful of powerful men especially titled men and on top of that Bram's parents want a political marriage to help the clan. This does not include a marriage to their cooks granddaughter and daughter of a fisherman! Laird Sutherland will do anything to keep them apart no matter how unfair and vindictive.

Highland Echoes  has a very unique and surprise ending that just dazzled me to the core which I totally adored! I absolutely loved this book!!! :)

I highly recommend Highland Echoes is another Ceci Giltenan that will melt your heart and steal your soul! Another for my keeper reread shelf as I absolutely loved this spectacular book!

Books by Ceci Giltenan:
Highland Solution
Highland Courage
Highland Intrigiue
Highland Revenge...a novella in volume1 The Scrolls of Cridhe,Highland Winds (Fated Hearts, Book 1)
Highland Echoes ( Fated Hearts, Book 2)  This will be released May 15, 2015

Lairds, Lords & Lovers: Highland Solution by Ceci Giltenan 10 Full-Length Novels From the Queens of Medieval Romance

Book Review of Highlander Redeemed by Laurin Wittig

The Targe is an ancient relic stone and protector of Scottish lands, that has many magical and mystical powers that most can't even wrap their head around. As this Targe has been protected by the MacAlpin for centuries, as it shields the heart of the highlands from invaders such as the English! It can actually be used as as shield to protect Clan MacAlpin for its enemies and keeping it  hidden deep in Scotland. Yet the English King knows this and he says only one Scottish witch knows how to control it which he mean to abduct,  learn and murder her when he is done using her.

This is another page turner and the third novel in this captivating  novel that will warm your heart and steal your soul! Finally Scotia's story which I have been impatiently waiting for after reading her kin's story in Highlander Betrayed and Highlander Redeemed previously. My heart really went out as previously Scotia was a bit self involved and reckless and pays the price when some tragedies come hit home which also forces her clan into battle. Now her Clan has shun her and this title is really perfect as basically she wants to redeem herself in the eyes of her clan and in the perfect way too as a Scottish female warrior!

Duncan who has watched over Scotia since she was a wee lassie is ordered to track and keep a watch on Scotia and as he does he catches her trying to train herself as a warrior and decides to become her mentor and teacher in secret. Of course one thing leads to the next and feelings and emotions  happen and you can figure out the rest. It will definitely make you swoon a bit...sigh!

This is a beautiful conclusion to this trilogy which I have loved all three books and recommend you read all three but of course you can read as a stand alone too. Clan MacAlpin are guardians of  the Targe which is part of the problem of Scotia's jealousy as her cousin and sister have a role in it as protectors plus both recently married. I think Scotia feels so isolated and alone plus her mothers death just was the topping on the cake but in a bad way. My heart really went out for her even with her horrible past mistakes and the trust issues Duncan has with good reason with her so make sure you have your hankie ready as I found this a very beautiful but emotional read. Kinda of a hallelujah moment when Scottia does finally see the light per say of her past mistakes.


Also in this story or is discovered that this relic stone has the power of three as theses three blood kin all have Guardian powers connections as it seems out little Scotia has the power of knowing or does she? You will have to read this lovely book and find out it is one you truly don't want to miss! Pre-order today as it will be released next month May 12th.

This makes it all the more difficult for one English King's flunky one Captain Sherwood and his men. It is absolutely brilliant how this story conclusion comes together and of course we will see all the heroes and heroines of the entire series come in to play in this. Also how Scotia and Duncan come together romantically. I really hate seeing this series end and I have totally and unequivocally loved it! I can not praise it enough and I have been a fan of Ms. Wittig since her debut as an author in (The Devil of Kilmartin) and she is definitely one of my favorite authors and her books are always on my keeper shelf....

A big bravo for Laurin Wittig and I highly recommend all three books of this series:

Highlander Betrayed- Rowan MacGregor and Nicholas fitz Hugh

Highlander Avenged- Jeanette  MacAlpin and  Malcolm MacKenzie

Highlander Redeemed- Scotia MacAlpin and Duncan of Dunlarig

Other Books by Laurin Wittig:

The Devil of Kilmartin
MacAllister's Hope ( a Kilmartin Glen Novella)
Charming the Shrew ( The Legacy of MacLeod book 1)
Daring The Highlander ( The Legacy of MacLeod book 2)